Open thread 11/27/2024
Last night I was about to go to the supermarket, but when I went to my car I saw that the windshield was covered by the thinnest ice layer I’ve ever seen, in a beautiful swirling design. I took this photo, which doesn’t begin to do it justice:
Drove 20 miles to Walmart in Chiefland—barely any traffic. Normal grocery day is Thursday, but combined it with trash dump day today. Also went to bank in Fanning Springs and exchanged $600 in twenties for six $100 bills – in America, even those who live below the Poverty Guidelines can save money. Busy day for this humble hermit! Wednesday is also laundry day, but moved it back to yesterday afternoon. Don’t do holidays but do prepare for them. Guess that gives me a 6-day weekend 🙂
Let’s Talk Turkey: The Truth About Thanksgiving Traditions
Had to do a little shopping yesterday, and the supermarket was packed. In Denver, a little snow. Not going out, can be slick. Already have Thanksgiving dinner ready to heat up. Prepped before coming down for Wife’s cancer treatment. In a Residence Hotel for 3 weeks, comfortable. Miss our Cats.
If anyone knows about CAR-T, that is what she is getting.
RE: What did the ancient Egyptians know?
Looking over the vocabulary of images used in Egyptian hieroglyphs, each one of these these images is relatively simple in appearance.
Then, we have things like these hieroglyphs/images* which have been noticed, carved into the walls of the Hathor Temple at Dendera, which was constructed around 50 B.C., with indications that earlier buildings on this site were built as far back as 2,200 B.C.
Is it a mere coincidence that these several complex, sophisticated images look like a helicopter, or other advanced aircraft?
* See
It was interesting to see it come out that both the Biden and Harris campaigns had internal polling showing they would not defeat Trump.
What this tells us is that a) it is possible to poll accurately, and b) the polls published and commented on by the legacy media do not bother to poll accurately.
And why were the legacy media talking heads, who surely had contacts within the campaigns who knew this, taking the worthless public polls seriously?
Either a) this is all a performance on their part–they are not trying at all to report facts, just trying to shape public opinion by playing the roles of journalists, or b) they are so high on their own supply that they don’t really know what the facts even are.
It seems that for future elections, there is no point whatever in paying any attention to any legacy media “news” about polls or public opinion. They have the power to collect the real facts, and they are simply not interested in doing that.
@Snow on Pine: Is it a mere coincidence that these several complex, sophisticated images look like a helicopter, and other advanced aircraft?
Yes. The way we know that is, that no advanced technology was developed by looking at ancient hieroglyphics; they are easy to interpret after the fact to kind-of sort-of look like technology you’ve heard of, but they carry no actual useable information about that technology.
For some mysterious reason, these ancient depictions of advanced technology show nothing more advanced than technology we know of today. But if your hypothesis about aliens is valid they should have been exposed to much more advanced technology than helicopters, so where are those hieroglyphics?
Your great-great-grandson will be posting here about how Egyptian hieroglyphics obviously look like flux capacitors and space elevators and fusion-powered hovertrucks, but because you don’t know what those things look like, you can’t show us any hieroglyphics that look like them.
The simplest way to address this problem is for the state legislature to strip UNT of the franchise to erect and maintain a teacher training program and debar from UNT employment any quondam faculty there.
Republican legislators complain, pass ineffectual legislation that faculty and administrators circumvent, and nothing changes.
Knew that they would lose. Trashed Trump supporters. Wasted huge amount of money. Just think how irresponsibly evil they were/are.
Congrats to Biden?
Biden announces Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire plan in Rose Garden address
I thought France & Macron helped – why didn’t Biden share some of the credit with him ‘n France?
What else is going on – does Hamas now fear Biden also?!
Hamas begs for deal on its terms.
Guess not. Hamas needs to learn how to properly beg before dying…
ah the French the ones who gave Saddam the rudiments of their nuclear program,
who started up the program under the shah, who partitioned lebanon and syria, for good measure, they also gave the ayatollah sanctuary so he could spread his tapes into the country,
its a terrible deal,
as tony badran, my go to person on these matters spells out,
the saving grace is that the sheriff will be back in town in two months,
Shirehome, best wishes to you and your wife as she goes through this treatment.
OT and all that …
I’m learning guitar and discover that the distance between all the strings in standard tuning is four notes — except between the G and B which is three notes.
This exception bothers me as a math and piano guy.
But it comes down to human ergonomics. If the standard strings were all fourths apart it would be quite difficult to play some standard chord progressions with the human hand.
There is deep thought and experience underlying standard Western instruments. Not saying there isn’t in other traditions. But our musical instruments are, among other things, amazing technology.
The Azov boys didn’t think that burning books would send the wrong message. Maybe next time run it by PR?
@huxley:There is deep thought and experience underlying standard Western instruments.
As a math guy, but not a music guy, equal temperament blew my mind. I’d had no idea it was that hard.
As a math guy, but not a music guy, equal temperament blew my mind. I’d had no idea it was that hard.
Niketas Choniates:
Quite so.
Bach’s “The Well-Tempered Clavier” is not only beautiful and essential listening, it was Bach’s way of saying, “Let’s take this baby out for a spin,” and blowing out the doors.
Re: Equal temperament / Well-Tempered
The revolutionary idea here is that a single keyboard could function beautifully in all 24 major and minor keys without retuning.
There’s some fancy stuff under the hood to make this work.
Boned Looser well what do you expect them to do? President Trump is portrayed by the media a Putin ally and Putin has been dropping glide bombs and missiles on Ukrainian civilians, and of course Ukrainian POWs have been getting execution after surrender. That might take the shine off President Trump’s reputation. It serves Vlad to create animosity towards President Trump. Not that you have any good will towards Ukraine or Ukrainians.
This is the Democratic Party.
the Azovs do have terrible pr, do they share Kamalas staff, like any Black Sun iconography, leave that out, yes we had some rough customers in Central America, like the Atacl battallions or the Kaibiles, but the same sort weren’t pressing to disarm Americans, and lockup 69 year old grandmas for praying too loudly capisce
assume most everything they were telling in broadstrokes was a lie, I mean they do it everywhere else, ‘the gaza hospital’ the mr reed ride to the Capitol building they said this with a straight face, the only thing that’s true are the lives lost and the monies that dissapeared down a rat hole, like ftx speaking of ratholes
of course none of these brushfires could happen without oil revenue, in Northern Europe and the Persian Gulf, that had been held at bay by our dynamic oil exploration
Related (Israel-Hezbullah cease-fire)…
“The Obama Empire Claims a New Province…”—
H/T Powerline blog.
Neo, I see angels and a creation scene.
@ Barry > “The Obama Empire Claims a New Province”
Thanks for the link.
Park MacDougald’s analysis of the Lebanese-Israeli situation is the most complete I’ve seen so far.
Happy Day-after Thanksgiving!
Mentioned the other day that I don’t “do holidays,” but I remember the celebration & meaning of each one. Love and celebrate every day pretty much equally now. Doctor visit days are the exception. Am guessing that certain Holidays are handled differently here than normal days ‘n Sundays (?). Went to post yesterday morning—thought I saw the new Open Thread—and posted to it. Hours later I noticed it wasn’t the Open Thread…oops!
Always ‘Two Sides’ to a Story? Are closed-minded voters – on both sides – the problem in America?
Brief from Highly Secret links:
Bill Clinton makes stunning confession about his bizarre behavior after Hillary’s defeat in America’s ‘darkest election’
Wasn’t into Politics when Bill Clinton was in Office, but was stunned when he defeated incumbent Republican president George H. W. Bush. I thought GHW was a great President. Great Wartime Leader. Loved his Gulf War quick in and quick out. Do remember that his own party turned against him, and am guessing that helped to open the door for Bill Clinton. Maybe that also opened the door for Obama in the near future – as Clinton defeated Bob Dole next.
Never cared for Bill Clinton. He began a list of weak American Presidents – Obama, Trump and Biden. Liked GW Bush, but his party also turned against him. A weak Republican party then ran McCain against Obama. McCain with help from Republicans helped to destroy Sarah Palin, IMHO. She could’ve been great.
With no bench still—Republicans ran Mitt Romney against Obama next. Republican voters still blame Obama instead of themselves for those disastrous 8-years.
Anyway, found it interesting that Bill Clinton, in his new memoir, sounds a lot like many Republicans on message boards ‘n Such…
Tren de Aragua gangsters who took over Colorado apartment complex are arrested in early-morning NYC raid
These rascals should be fairly easy to incarcerate or toss out—since they are still fairly new. Other established local gangs will be quick to rat them out – as well as poor residents in these buildings that Tren de Aragua terrorize and take over. They apparently spread fast tho…
FCC Approves Starlink Direct-to-Cell Service With T-Mobile
Looks like it might be moving along a little quicker than I had thought. Switched to T-mobile in Jan of this year when I heard about getting service in dead areas. Have fiber internet so can use WiFi calling since phone signal is bad here. Once it is finished then not more worry about dead spots, from the way I understand it.
Requires the right frequency (?) phone which I got for free (Galaxy A14 5G) for opening an account with them—well, phone is free if I stay with them for 2 years.
@Karmi:Requires the right frequency (?) phone which I got for free (Galaxy A14 5G) for opening an account with them—well, phone is free if I stay with them for 2 years.
“Free” means that you have already paid for it. The 2-year commitment you made is so much more valuable to them than the phone.
Leftist protests and movements are all top-down theater funded by deep pockets. There may have been a time when they weren’t, but it was at least forty years ago.
Walk the streets of Berkeley for a few minutes and see the recruiters hiring protesters for so much an hour.
In real life teens don’t have the connections to organize a movement on their own initiative; in real life they are slotted into a role as the face of a movement by the people who actually run that movement.