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One of these things… — 23 Comments

  1. To judge by what I have read, Camilla, nicknamed by some, “The Rottweiler” is not particularly well loved in some circles in England, and Kate certainly makes a contrast.

  2. I heard that the Queen considers it her duty to dress in a single, bright color so that people can see her in the crowd. I’m surprised that Camilla was allowed to wear something so similar.

  3. If the Brits have the sense to skip Abu William and the Burka-Would-Be-An-Improvement he dropped his children’s mother for, it would be enough. Giulielmo and Yekaterina would make a fine king and queen, it’d be a shame to wait so long to see them rule Britannia.

    (The “never, never shall be slaves” part is a foregone conclusion until something snaps and the Brits finally cromwell their Marxist Cromwells.)

  4. Thanks for that link, Curtis. As I read it, I couldn’t help contrasting Elizabeth and what she means to the Brits with our own head of state and his wife. We are stuck (for now) with a pair that wants to be admired for its coolness and that wants to get rid of much of what has held us together as a country.

    As to Kate’s dress, I’m pretty sure Elizabeth remembers what it was like to be young. She probably liked the cheerful red.

  5. You can make a case for all three:

    1) The Queen because she’s the only queen.

    2) Camille, because she’s horrid.

    3) The young and in red and perfectly lovely Kate because she is young, in red and perfectly lovely.

  6. Curtis, I understood it to be an unexpected “odd woman out.” The Queen and Camilla are dressed the same and both have aged faces, to contrast with Kate’s red dress and young face, but there’s far more common to the Queen and Kate than to the Queen and Camilla. Camilla is the odd one out.

    More than Camilla, Prince Charles represents everything that’s wrong about Britain today. Trendy environMENTAList, anti-capitalist, oikophobic Islam-symp, he’s perfectly in tune with the Islamocommunist fifth-columnists running Britain today, and a disgrace to the British monarchy as a whole. There was one British cartoon depicting that wedding kiss of William and Kate superimposed on a shining sun with parting black clouds; Charles and Camilla as king and queen would bring those clouds again with a vengeance. Ugh, just thinking of them as king and queen makes me cringe, despite being miles away and in a country whose connection to Britain is now nothing but hazy history.

    Again, I hope the line of succession is skipped in favor of Bill and Caff.

  7. I agree about Prince Charles and Camilla. Definitely not the best choice for King/Queen.

    I still feel a strong connection to the UK. I was very young but did live through WWII. I admire the Brits for what they did during those difficult times and I know they are grateful for what we did…especially the older ones.

    I crossed the English Channel on June 6th some years ago while on vacation. It was a bright, sunny day and we got a much better reception in France than those very brave men did on 6/6/1944.

    I love pomp and ceremony and the Brits do it better than anyone. I have to admit I get choked up when I hear “God Save the Queen” in circumstances like the other day when the Queen and family were standing on the balcony at Buckingham Palace.

    I thought that “Hip Hip Hooray”, three cheers for the Queen done by the soldiers just after that was pretty cool too.

    I’ve always been amazed that the royals ride along the Mall in open carriages for certain events. I was there on the Mall once on the day they celebrated the Queen’s birthday. I could almost have reached out and slapped the Queen’s horse’s backside as she rode by. And that was when the Irish were trying (and succeeding in one case) to kill royals.

  8. Yeah, I think Charles and Camilla as King and Queen, would be the coup de grace, and sink Old Blighty for sure, and that is why I suspect the Queen is holding on to life with as fierce a grip as possible, hoping that when she does eventually die, it will be one of the young Princes who will succeed.

  9. Please, I hardly believe Queen Elizabeth would want to see her son & heir Charles die before her.
    She is after all a mother, UK be damned I do not want to bury my son. That being said she does possess some great genes having a mother who
    was over 100 when she passed! So it is feasable that Mom could outlive son. In any even a short reign would be in order for Charles & Camilla which I think would be rather interesting !

  10. Molly–Well, let’s see what kind of interesting.

    In the face of apparently very weak British resistance, Muslims are pushing traditional British culture back into a smaller and smaller corner of the public square, with some British banks no longer giving out piggy banks to children to encourage saving for fear of offending Muslims, some hospitals removing the traditional crosses from patient’s rooms (and reportedly turning Muslim patient’s beds toward Mecca five times a day so that they can pray, with some female Muslim hospital staff also refusing to wash their hands as somehow against Shari’a law. Muslims suggesting that the Cross of St. George be removed from certain British symbols, halal meals being served in British schools ( a practice parents were not told about until accidentally discovered a few years ago), and Muslims who have taken over the ancient Tower Hamlets region in East End London have suggested that the several hundred year’s worth of British Christians, 350,000 to be exact, buried in the nearby (and now closed to burials) Tower Hamlets Nature Reserve be dug up and buried somewhere else, so that Muslims can have a convenient local “purified” burial place.

    All part of the increasing number of strident Muslim “requests,” indeed “demands” is not too strong a word, for “accommodations” to Muslim custom, culture, and Shari’a law. All against the background, of course, of the rising number of Muslim terrorist attacks, foiled plots, and honor killings. And, moreover, the retiring Archbishop of Canterbury recently saying that, it is inevitable that Islamic Sharia’ law will be part of British law.

    All this very relevant, since Prince Charles is very fond of all things Muslim and, in fact, rumor has it that as a potential future “Defender of the Faith” (Charles has said that he will go by the title, “Defender of the Faiths,” if he becomes King), he has secretly converted to Islam.

    Then, of course there are other things like his strong advocacy of the Climate change hoax and going Green. Translation= the guy’s a crank.

    Ah, yes, it would all be sunshine and lollypops during the reign of a King Charles and Camilla.

  11. like i said “interesting”
    you know I have my doubts about the veracity of your quote that islamic female hospital personnel refusing to wash their hands, where is that from ?
    Hand washing is the mainstay of hospital hygiene
    seems to me (as an RN) that it would be immediate cause for dismissal if anyone refused to do it. ( I know it is possible for someone to forget to do it) but refusing is not acceptable period. I do like some of the ways Brits have protested, throwing pork sausages & chops against a group of muslims in Birmingham who were ralling against UK involvement in Afganistan.
    Also if I am not mistaken Scotland is voting in 2013 to be released from the UK & become its own country again !!! The scots do not want to be supporting the minorities that have flooded the south they say. the chickens are coming home to roost for England. She has a pretty black history for the way she has treated the Scots, the Irish, the Indians & if Obama is to be believed his grampa or was it his papa ?
    So no love lost on England at all but I do enjoy the Royals, jolly good entertainment & Liz is the only queen I have ever known, so moving that along will be…well, interesting !

  12. Curtis: yes, part of the humor for me was that you could make a case for any of the three being the odd woman out, for different reasons of course.

    But when I first looked at the photo, it was the visuals that got me—that the queen and Camilla were dressed so alike, and so similar in size, and Kate so different as to look like almost a different species of being.

  13. Kate is blessed with photogenic awesomeness.

    As American, I couldn’t accept American royalty. English royalty, okay, for them, but I think they have largely forgotten the dubious history. Princes and duchesses and royal titles and “well, my dear boy, you’ll never be a gentlemen,” are less offensive to our ears than they used to be.

    Now, ironically, public servants, affirmative action recipients (Michelle and Barack Obama), and celebrity personalities are royalty with the advantages of title, position, power, connection, money and pomp (Academy Awards etc).

  14. Here in America, celebrity worship is a sad, dangerous affair. BHO is not the president, he is — by his own choice — the supreme celebrity. He’s a People mag cover and centerfold spread that has had its day in the sun and must depart.

  15. Yes, but it’s the Christians who are anti-science and the Jews who use science (and finance) to further their world rule. Muslims, protectors of their subjects, deserve and require special rules, respect, love and our obedience. We must not anger our new overlords. We must show them contrite humility and never look them in the eyes.

  16. Foreign royalty are amusing enough in their quaint old-fashioned way, but when elected officials in the United States of America start behaving like kings it’s time to remind them who pays their salaries.

  17. thanks for the link Wolla, i will check that out !
    I have been taking the opportunity to post as an addendum to my comments in lots of venues,
    “Please vote out the incumbents, we can have no revolt with guns & pitchforks therefore we must do it at the ballot box.” Congress is all bought by special interests, Dems & Repubs no longer work for the American people they work for their fellow 1%, Hollywood, Big oil, Big Pharma, wallstreet, etc

  18. Richard Aubrey: Kate would have to go around with a bag over her head and entire body to not upstage the queen.

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