Home » Obama the loner: Part II


Obama the loner: Part II — 17 Comments

  1. I sense much anger in those Green Day performers. Anger leads to hate, hate leads to racism, racism leads to affirmative action, affirmative action leads to *suffering*.

  2. Currently reading Sigmund Freud & William Bullitt’s analysis of the character of Woodrow Wilson. The parallels with Obama–including the longer-in-the-WHite-House behavior—are uncanny.

  3. I agree that his ego is too well-defended for there to be a breakdown. I suspect that it almost a physical impossibility that he think of myself as anything other than 100% right all the time, like a dog can’t conceive of calculus, the brain functions aren’t there.

    The fact that it becomes necessary to analyze a leader by his psychological condition rather than by his problem solving ability is another commentary on Obama’s performance. His biographies will probably be more in the nature of psychological studies than anything else.

  4. I walk alone with this gunk around my eyes.

    I walk alone with two other guys.

    I walk alone.

  5. Whatever did we do for an emblem on which to project all out mystification before there was the Enigmatic President?

  6. In a not so strange serendipity, Wretchard at the Belmont club today takes a pass at the same story. His title? “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” (without the video)

    “Maybe that’s all the President has left. The hope he can edge over the finish line in 2012. He’s done the bus tour; done the joint session of Congress speech. Now he’s down to sending his Occupy demonstrators into Wall Street. If that doesn’t work what does he do next week when the polls fall further, when the clamor to investigate Solyndra and “Fast and Furious” grow louder? What does he do when unemployment soars?

    The Wizard retires to his tower early each night and the lights stay on. But what can he conjure next? What power can he invoke? If he walks alone with only Jarrett and Axelrod to whisper in his ear, what could go wrong?”


  7. The question of “what will he do” in case of even more bad news, or the absence of good news implies that there’s nothing he can do.
    I hope that’s correct, but the problem may be his finding it out by trying something.

  8. Pingback:New York Post’s Michael Goodwin writes a crappy unsourced article » Political Byline

  9. We used to hear a lot about the “nuclear football.” Haven’t heard anything about it for a long while.

    Is Obama followed around by someone with a nuclear football?

  10. “”Is Obama followed around by someone with a nuclear football?””

    Hopefully the joint chiefs swapped it for a briefcase full of lincoln logs around mid 2009.

  11. I agree Vanderleun. With Fast & Furious, Solyndra banging on his tightly closed door and all the other shoes a dropping, he’ll become more and more Capt Queeg before our eyes. His two confidantes can’t hold up the defenses forever. Michele is NOT there. He’ll keep on defending himself of course, but he’ll look crazier and crazier, more desperate as Holder is gone, and flipping on him. He’s Lonsome Rhodes without the Charisma, screaming and cursing the masses who have “betrayed” him. Soon, the DEMKCRATS will be banging on his door too, for some “Face Time”. They know their serfdoms are in danger too, and someones got to feed the Crocs.
    My fear is knowing our enemies are also analyzing the boy who leads from behind. What’s THEIR diagnosis? Of Obama AND the Narcissistic Anarchistic Campfire Hippie Histrionjcs shitting, trashing, fornicating, and Doping in our parks?

  12. i guess this is just one more “similarity” the general public has no idea of… but in the bigger picture, the world leaders, the politically knowlegable (in study across many countries) and so on… they know..

    A loner, an object of ridicule and a ‘rear-area pig’: Adolf Hitler according to his WWI regiment


    In Nazi propaganda, he was a gallant First World War corporal who frequently risked his life.

    Now the myth of Adolf Hitler’s heroism in the trenches has been debunked by research revealing he was little more than a ‘teaboy’ messenger dubbed a ‘rear-area pig’ by frontline soldiers.

    No individual has been more scrutinized than Hitler, but detective work by Dr Thomas Weber, lecturer in modern history at Aberdeen University, unearthed new evidence.

    and what pray tell is that?

    He was viewed by his comrades in regimental HQ as a loner. He was neither popular nor unpopular.

    They referred to him as the ‘painter’ or the ‘artist’ and noticed that he did not indulge in their favorite pastimes — letter-writing or drinking — but was often seen with a political book in his hand or painting. He was also particularly submissive to his superiors.

    oh… kind of like the harvard man… no? he had few friends, so he had little regret from the past about what he would do… kind of like waiting for your parents to die before you do what you want…

    Dr Weber said that previous biographies have had to rely on evidence from Hitler and Nazi propagandists: ‘Since Hitler was an ordinary soldier in the First World War, there was not an easily available file on him. Biographers didn’t dig deep enough.’

    and so, the parallels i tried to draw, i was never much able to get very far… as hux and others would dog pile, using the wrong information..

    but note… OBAMA and HITLER both were created from myth… ie, neither back history reflects the truth, its mostly myth making.. and the parallels are HUGE if you know them!!!!!!!!!

    And people who lived there and experienced it and talked to their kids and grand kids, knew it, and shared it… but who else would care?

    SOROS lived there, grew up there, was with the inner circle, and so, knows… and so can copy what he knows and others wont recognize… and would discount and marginalize anyone who did know or said anything…

    read CAREFULLY the first paragraph as to why the myth, and find out its for the SAME REASON.

    ‘The myth of Hitler as a brave soldier and the camaraderie of the trenches was used by the Nazi party from the beginning in order to extend its appeal beyond the far right.

    ‘They went to great lengths to protect this idea and through my research I discovered that a memoir written by one of his comrades was significantly altered between its first publication in 1933 and the outbreak of the Second World War.’

    He added: ‘The story was that World War One created Hitler and radicalised him and led to the birth of the Nazi movement.

    ‘But his life in the war really was his Achilles heel and the story could collapse like a house of cards.

    ‘I’ve been trying to show that this is a totally made-up story. Hitler was untypical of the regiment and he was not really radicalised in the war.’

    in other words, hitler needed no justification, and was never something else changed by environment as marxist claim… and we believe..

    the justification was for the victims… the people.. the myth was constructed to excuse him and anything he did, even before what he did happened.

    SAME myth making for obama… trying to give him a kind of street cred… which he never had growing up in indonesia during the years when he would have formed the inner city mentality (i grew up under).

    i guess MAYBE looking back, for those who denied in ignorance as fact… the Riefenstahl imagery, and sovietisms… was a person playing the populist masses… (so i guess he did learn a lot from MALIA, and owes a lot to his histories… i am not referring to his daughter of the same name)

    He said: ‘I never thought I would write about Hitler as so many books have been written. But I discovered we know next to nothing about Hitler and the First World War and virtually everything that we do know is based on Mein Kampf or Nazi propaganda. More than 70 per cent of my book is based on previously unused sources.’

    ok… So he just made my case of 6 years of commentary against those who THINK they know things…


    that the concepts and things that even the neo nazis follow, are NOT the concepts of the nazis, and state capitalism (third way)!!!!!

    and just as in the other thread describes from eullier… all that most know is from the propaganda, but they will pull it up and use it as fact against fact!

    using the idea that more people know X so X must be right, and if i copy X then i am right (collective genius – copy the answers from an Einstein)

    but if an ideology controls school, then the fact that more people know X means NOTHING in validity, but everything in BELIEF…

    The documents also make clear that virulent anti-Semitism did not exist, as an unpublished diary by a Jewish List soldier shows.

    An unpublished 1934 postcard by a Hitler admirer laments his being cold-shouldered by veterans in 1922. Dr Weber discovered that few front-line List soldiers became Nazis, whereas several regimental HQ staff were prominent in the party.

    Dr Weber concludes that Hitler, who worked for a left-government after the war, became violently nationalist and anti-Semitic from the post-war and post-revolutionary economic and political crisis.

    Dr Weber discovered that records had survived largely intact and were housed in the Bavarian War Archive, but that those pertaining to Hitler’s battle group were filed not under the List Regiment, but under the higher division to which the regiment belonged. As a result, they had lain untouched for decades.

    ah… so his antisemitism appeared when he started working with communist organizations… they they gave him the ideas, and so on…

    so most of his ideas were communist… his creative idea that was different was not to enslave the elite, but to domesticate them so that economy can be run by them… China now follows state capitalism…. and if you read the article on it from the times yesterday, you will read and it is a description of the US and the denouement of cash from savings and so on!!!!

    Obama, is a narcisist loner…
    he never learned to develop lasting friendships
    when he was very young, the red diaper things would have alienated him.. his mix, would alienate him… and so on..

    he became a poseur…
    and now his image is falling apart because he decided to fly too close to the sun and the costume melted…

    and the big issue is, will he and can he continue to do what they have planned for next year? all the big time players are lining up… even Putin, who planned this YEARS BEFORE OBAMA is conveniently climbing into the drivers seat!!!!!! (and our news isnt really covering his words, and other things)

    we are discovering that china is still an enemy…

    they are maneuvering…
    because Obama is the culmination of about 40 years work after prior work..

    he is out of his depth
    he has no friends
    he is not loyal having never grown up here

    and on and on

    but the most important is that his actions and reactions are classical 1930s soviet. when they do X they KNOW he will do Y as they wrote the book.

    even worse..
    he has been coached and put up..
    a LONG TIME ago i said, and others did too
    that he was a post turtle….

    well, soros and others put the post turtle up there
    and the post turtle cant climb down (or wont. not their nature or ability to do so).

    so, what your watching is an orchestration..
    internal strife and soon, external strive
    and its very easy with the caches we know exist to sow a whole lot of craziness..

    all you need are a bunch of others to take the blame… now where will you find a huge number of pliant idiots who will work to destroy their home?

    see any in the parks?

  13. Whatever did we do for an emblem on which to project all out mystification before there was the Enigmatic President?


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