Obama the anti-colonialist
If this piece by Dinesh D’Souza is correct, it would explain why one of Obama’s first acts as president was to return the bust of Churchill.
If this piece by Dinesh D’Souza is correct, it would explain why one of Obama’s first acts as president was to return the bust of Churchill.
I think this piece really zeroes in on an important distinction and explains to me why it has never seemed quite right to call Obama a socialist. That’s too old-fashioned a description. He may be a socialist, but his socialism is not in the service of any kind of proletariat (what an antique word!) Obama is part of the new left, the identity-movement, people-of-color anti-colonialist left, the kind that has racialism baked into it, far more dangerous to this country than the old left.
wow. long but worth it. wow
Whoa! D’Souza seems to have nailed it.
I think we’ve all been struggling to understand why Obama seems so anti-business and so contrary to traditional America. Great read.
Fascinating read. Explains a lot. It’s going to be fun plugging other Obama actions into this theory to see if it works.
Heres the 1965 article from Obama, Sr. that D’Souza speaks of, titled “Problems Facing Our Socialism” by Barack H. Obama in East Africa Journal, 1965:
Obama article
I have not read the Obama, Sr. article, but I plan to. The D’Souza piece sound like it explains Obama better than any other explanation… better than Marxism, Islam, or anything else… he’s the last so-called “anti-colonialist.” Its so close to the target, its chilling.
If all the lib-left can see representative of the Churchill bust is British colonialism, they’re exposing the amazingly shallow double-standard which serves their ideological foundation; indirectly, but very substantially, promoting the horror that Marxist-Leninist ideology unleashed on the most vulnerable of this world, not to mention the event which set the tenor for twentieth century genocide, the Turkish Armenian massacre. What is more chilling is the complicity of the entire Democratic Party, from top to grass roots, in this betrayal of the essential message of that bust, and which was respect for the notion of the “good fight” against totalitarian horror. Obama’s cheap new rug in the oval office, with its peculiarly inappropriate association to MLK, exposes something about the superficial “character” of Obama and his supporters.
The article does provide a sound explanation for Obama’s inexplicable behavior. It certainly circumvents the knave vs. fool argument; now we can argue whether Odummy is a 1950’s or 1960’s confused African anti-imperialist socialist, aka third world nut job.
Frighteningly, if this article is correct, and the arguments do appear solid, it follows that the US should be poor because our wealth was stolen, Israel has no right to exist because the whole country was stolen, Iran has a right to nuclear weapons because it is an anti-imperialist regime, the Arab and Iranian democratic movements should not be supported because they are imports from colonialist states which would undermine the native governments.
The birthers are right in one respect; Obama is not an American.
I hope this article gets wide circulation.
Off topic but not completely irrelevant. Our friend Simon, bringing the perspective of other side of the pond to this blog and to our country, who was so upset about the “deranged,irrational, hateful” right side of the aisle that it “turned his stomach,” showed his true colors last night.
The Brit comedic icon[s] Monty Python expressed it best: “Say no more.”
How long before D’Souza is interviewed on Fox News about this? Hopefully not long.
That was an eye opening article and seems to make a lot of sense. I’ve been having trouble nailing Obama down. If D’Souza is correct, I can end my intellectual search on the “What is Obama’s True Goal” topic. And then will have to ponder what terrible consequences await us in the future.
I seem to recall an article by a female (maybe black) early on in this administration pegging Obama as an anticolonialist. Anyone remember?
No wonder we feel trampled on. You can’t very well be anticolonialist without being anti-colonist. Which is us.
Wasn’t there something about Obama’s mother arguing with his stepfather for hanging out with American businessmen at their clubs? Mommy may have set the tone for a noble savage (PC translation: authentic) worldview. And when she dumped Obama on her parents, he had to seek his mythical father as a role model. He comes from a totally screwed up family.
Did you all see this Fox reports on the UN’s plans/goals? I wonder what the anti-colonialist thinks about this.
I can almost see him welcoming UN peacekeepers to the Arizona border.
Wasn’t there something about Obama’s mother arguing with his stepfather for hanging out with American businessmen at their clubs?
Yes, in”Dreams From My Father:”
http://isteve.blogspot.com/2008/04/obamas-afrocentrism-as-his-mothers.html Steve Sailer’s blog.
“If this piece by Dinesh D’Souza is correct, it would explain why one of Obama’s first acts as president was to return the bust of Churchill.”
It might explain his desireto him. It was presumably given to our country as a representation of the close relations we had with Great Britain and Winston Churchill in winning one of the epic struggles of all time. One of the great moral victories of all history, in fact. It wasn’t Obama’s personal plaything to act out his inner psychological demons on. The fact that he would act that way, and presume that it was acceptable behavior, is more evidence of his me-centered world view. He wasn’t representing the country in that action, he was representing himself, and that’s not what we expect of someone we put into the high office of president.
Now I’ll grant that Winston Churchill was an ardent colonialist. I gathered that from reading his six volume account of World War II. And I think it was a definite character flaw. But it still doesn’t justify Obama presuming to act out his personal drama when he should have been looking at the big picture and representing his country instead of himself. The presidency doesn’t give one carte blanche to go on a personal power trip.
How and why the media gave this guy a pass I’ll never quite understand. He can believe whatever he wants, but someone with those beliefs should never be elected president. If the media had done their job, and told us the whole story of Barack Obama, maybe he wouldn’t have been.
Thanks Gringo,
I couldn’t make myself buy the book,so all I read were short quotes here and there. Sailer did a good job of putting those pieces together. Stanley sounds like a first-class nut case. It’s disgusting to think that the MSM ignored all the pathology exposed in Obama’s book and never questioned how it might have damaged him.
It would be interesting to compare psychological profiles of Stanley and Michelle.
Oops, something messed up my first sentence. It should have started:
It might explain his desire to do so but it doesn’t necessarily explain why he presumed to actually follow through on that desire. The bust wasn’t given to him as a personal present. It was presumably given to our country as a representation…
SteveH Said:
“I seem to recall an article by a female (maybe black) early on in this administration pegging Obama as an anticolonialist. Anyone remember?”
Steve – Baldilocks (a Blogger) was one of the first that I heard mention why Obama returned the Churchill bust for anti-colonial reasons.
(Sorry, I’m on dial-up modem and the search is taking too long to find her original post)
IMO with this guy in charge – someone who believes that
– “profits are a measure of how effectively you have ripped off the rest of society”
– “The anticolonialist believes that since the rich have prospered at the expense of others, their wealth doesn’t really belong to them; therefore whatever can be extracted from them is automatically just.”
there will be no real economic recovery. If the Republicans can get either the House or the Senate they can stop further harm. And that fact alone may calm the business community enough to get some real recovery underway. However, another thought – a daydream or perhaps wishful thinking – comes to mind reading D’Souza. If the Republicans can get both the House and Senate, this kind of mistake is what the impeachment process is really for. His impeachment should be followed by Biden’s (for being himself) which would place the new House Speaker as president until the 2012 elections by which time the American people will be in a position to make a better choice.
expat, you can download his two books for free here. I could not stand to read any more than five pages in one sitting from a computer monitor, so being able to read those books for free- and keep them- is good motivation for me to buy Kindle 3 or its equivalent some time.
While Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Sotero was a nut case, given some of her external circumstances, one can hardly blame her. Her parents gave her a male name basically because Stanley Armour Dunham’s mother [President Obama’s great-grandmother] had committed suicide when he was 8 or so. He discovered his mother’s body, which must have been difficult.
IIRC, Stanley Armour Dunham feared that the genetic tendency for suicide would be passed from grandmother to granddaughter(Stanley Ann Dunham), and that there was a gender issue in the genetic tendency towards suicide, making a granddaughter more likely to inherit the tendency towards suicide than a grandson. Giving his daughter a male name would somehow offset that genetic tendency- almost like warding off the evil eye.
http://obamalover.googlepages.com download Obama’s books for free
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stanley_Armour_Dunham father of Stanley Ann Dunham Obama Sotero
If the Republicans can get both the House and Senate, this kind of mistake is what the impeachment process is really for.
Ain’t gonna happen. You need two thirds to impeach.
Charles: do you realize that Baldilock’s father was Kenyan, educated in the US, who was on the same “airlift” from Kenya to the US that took President Obama’s father to the US? Moreover, her father and President Obama’s father ended up drinking buddies back in Kenya.
Gringo, I will make a prediction that may seem strange: next month some Democrats will start suggesting that Obama be impeached, in order to save the political careers.
As for being impeached, more and more people are waking up to Obama. If the House brings enough against Obama, and heaven knows there is more than enough, Democrats may agree and vote to remove him.
I doubt Biden would face the same fate though.
Gringo: I agree that the 2/3 hurdle makes if unlikely. The hope would be that the needs of the country would take precedence over party politics for enough Senators to clear the hurdle.
The more likely scenario of the the Republicans will take one or both and provide a check for the worst of Obama – thereby saving him from himself – and open a pathway to his reelection in 2012.
Hi neo-neocon and friends!
Last year, I reminded readers of the Mau-Mau Rebellion in British East Africa–now Kenya. The PM who ordered it put down? Churchill.
D’souza’s excellent op-ed ties things up nicely, does it not?
This is off-topic because I do not know when/if Neo will again post anything about the Muslim problem, but…
Has anyone else noticed how the MSM has suddenly replaced Koran with Quran? It seems universally adopted just very recently, and that suggests orchestration at work behind the MSM curtains.
“”and that suggests orchestration at work behind the MSM curtains.””
Tom, the whole ginned up koran burning story seems very odd. When was the last time so many heads of state and celebrities gave a damn about what some preacher of a podunk church in Florida did? Somethings not right. If i had to guess i’d say it’s a story to soften up Americans on the dangers of free speech.
Baldilocks is working on a post about D’Souza’s article.
The explanation been in plain view for . Welcome to the party, Dinesh.
Made a hash of that!
SteveH: Interesting analysis.
I’d say that this is looking like a Black Swan moment, especially if the preacher goes ahead with the Koran burning.
I’ve thought that it was a pointless stunt, but maybe it’s causing some people to see the ugly, violent nature of Islam.
You are so right. Very perceptive and now confermed by D’souza.
From now on we won’t have to scratch our heads and wonder – knave or fool? The answer – neither! Just an anti-colonialist. Good!
I haven’t yet read the D’Souza article at the link, but I did follow Oblio’s link to the earlier comment citing Fanon, and multiculturalism, and I’m inclined to agree that although D’Souza might express it well in the article, there’s not necessarily any real news there. I seem to recall seeing a comment somewhere after Obama returned the bust describing him as an anti-colonialist, but frankly, given that he did his undergraduate work at Columbia, which was the home base of literary critic Edward Said and a center for a lot of multicultural and post-colonial-type theorizing, there’s little reason to be surprised that Obama would have bought into it.
One of the classic blog posts I have read in the past few years is this one by Fjordman at Gates of Viennathat calls political correctness and multiculturalism the revenge of Marxism. I have no doubt that is a good way of thinking about Obama’s worldview, and I think it’s also a characteristic of the modern left in general, where the assumption is always that one must identify with the natives and the people of color–no matter how repressive or dangerous they might be–and against the “imperialists,” which are always defined not only to mean the colonial powers of old, but also the United States, which is always referred to by leftists as imperial.
A few weeks ago, I happened to hear Glenn Beck on the radio (I never listen to Glenn Beck, but it was on the radio one day when I was driving around, and I kept listening), and he was talking about who Obama’s father was, and he was talking about his paternal grandfather, and what he did, and then he was asking, “so what, then, are these dreams from his father?”
Churchill was also an ardent supporter of the Balfour Declaration to provide a Jewish homeland after WWI.
The article is completely wrong on one key fact.
Obama Sr. is not Obama’s father and he knows it:
Frank Marshall Davis is his father, and he knows it.
The dreams he got from his father came from endless discussions in Hawaii WRT Communism and the oppression against Blacks by the ‘Man.’
The Resident is more like Arafat — he’s a marxist-muslim with all of his chips on the muslims.
Where he comes from the only good Jew is an atheist.
It was Frank Marshall Davis that ‘sent’ Obama to the Chicago machine. That was his in. That’s why with literally hundreds of top notch offers as a Harvard Law School Grad he made a bee line to Chicago — Davis’s old stomping grounds.
The rest of the article is pure fantasy, built upon the false assumption that Barry give a whit about Kenya.
BTW, I lived in the Islands years ago. Right in the same condo as Barry’s tutu — the next floor down in fact.
And so I had numerous opportunities to met those two in the elevator, during his early eighties Holidaze.
Without exception grandma was SCREAMING AT HIM. Time for ear plugs!
It seems that she has all of the grace of Lee Emory banging a garbage can.
Looking deeper, what set her off was Barry’s passive-aggressive twisting against her injunctions.
Forget Obama — look at his White family. THEY’RE the radicals.
Mom and grandmom’s church:
was so far east that Dunham shifted their home to Mercer Island so as to cut down on the religious commute.
Their ‘reverend’ was the prequel to Wright. He preached an extreme liberation theology — in the 1950’s.
He had his own congregation: he sub-let the facilities from the Unitarians.
So, while D’Souza spreads disinformation far and wide take it from a first person witness: THAT’S ONE CRAZY FAMILY.
BTW, it’s his biological father who got him back with black.
It’s his White parentage that raised him Hyper-Radical.
Forget all the other penned speculations, please.
Thank you.
Kurt: the photos definitely show some resemblance between FMD and our current POTUS- those eyes.
I wonder if I see the resemblance because both are left profiles- or whatever you call such a photo. Had the Obama photos been left profile without eyeglasses, would I have seen more resemblance between the POTUS and the Obamas?
The son of FMD, or at least one who said he was the son of FMD, entered into several discussion threads here.
Re FMD and the Chicago connection: what makes it even stranger is that FMD worked with the future father-in-law of Valerie Jarrett [or future ex-, as she divorced] on some Commie front organizations in Chicago back in the 1940. Really strange coincidences.
I had read those accounts of Obama’s grandmother reaming him out. Puts into perspective why he threw her under the bus during the 2008 campaign.
Re Eastshore Unitarian. I am not sure. I would have to have more information about that particular minister. I had some exposure to Unitarians during my childhood, and was even an officer in Liberal Religious Youth. While there was definitely an intellectual/liberal/leftist/more politics than religion orientation to the Unitarians, I do not recall a liberation theology twist to it, at least in the Unitarians I was exposed to.
To the Unitarians I knew back in the day, liberation theology would have been a no-no because it talked too much about God and Christ. The farthest that most Unitarians I knew got to religion was to recite the platform of the Democratic Party.
Very interesting. I and many others also think that it’s probable that FMD is his bio father.
Combining the dynamic which you say existed between BHO and his grandmother, his mother’s abandonment of him, and the possible realization that they lied to him about his paternity, the origin of his hatred for white people in general and white women in particular becomes plain.
However, I do think this: assuming that FMD really is Obama’s father and he knows it, if he had to publicly admit this, he would have a psychotic breakdown. He has invested so much into that identity that it would be too much for his narcissistic ego. He may still lie to himself about it as he does about all too many other things. (I know that I would have to do a lot of praying were I to find out that my bio father really isn’t. Fortunately, I look just like the guy.)
This whole thing is almost biblical.
Please re-read. Their minister SUB-LET space FROM the Unitarians.
He did not consider himself a Unitarian.
More like Wright, he was.
The Resident effectively DOES admit a strong tie to ‘Frank.’
His problem with him is Frank is an out-of-the-closet Communist — all of the way.
Since the Zero wants to head down that trail as fast as possible it must be plain that he has to distance himself.
Just like, in the campaign, his stooges attacked Palin’s kids while he insisted that HIS family is NOT to be dragged into the campaign.
The family he was worried about is the family he was born into — and no one else.
The Resident is our Arafat: marxist-muslim. I know that’s an odd critter, but Arafat proved that it can be done.
I completely disagree with the Frank Marshall Davis father theory. I see no resemblance whatsoever—I see far more resemblance to Obama Sr., although Obama resembles his mother’s side of the family more. See this photo of Obama’s father and mother. I see a resemblance in Obama to both of them. Now take a look at Frank Marshall Davis. To me, there’s no resemblance at all. I don’t get it when people say they see it.
Neo, take a look at the link that blert furnished in his posting September 10th, 2010 at 9:22 pm, which I am reproducing here. Take a look at the eyes and the lips. IMHO, there is some resemblance shown there between FMD and the POTUS. Granted that doesn’t prove anything, but still..
Some photos of Obama’s grandfather Dunham at a younger age also resemble the POTUS.
I don’t have it ready to hand, but Obama has a very strong resemblance to his step-brother by FMD.
That step-brother posted here and was very active in Barry’s campaign.
Likewise, he was and is highly literate. The contrast in social skills with the Kenyans is striking.
FMD, BHO and his step-brother are all authors, and not shabby ones. No vanity press for this family.
Since it is a fact that BHO has AB blood — which is not so common — can anyone tell us what the blood type of Stanley and Obama Sr. had?
What was FMD’s blood type?
That BHO immediately makes a beeline to Davis’s Chicago roots is highly revealing. He completely adopts Davis’s political mantle.
So, the weight of the evidence is that BHO is the son of FMD.
The other thing is that Davis was hanging with the Dunhams in such a time and place that he could have easily done the deed. Further, in his own words, he’d been in a sexual tryst with TEENAGE WHITE GIRL(S). It’s not as if Davis is quiet about it. Most of Davis’s ‘fiction’ reads more as porno. He’s got serious stuff out there under his own name. The porn was aliased, of course.
“Likewise, he was and is highly literate. The contrast in social skills with the Kenyans is striking.”
Well, blert, I’m half-Kenyan for certain and I’d like to think that I’m fairly literate. Additionally, my father is Philip Ochieng. I’ll let you look him up to get my point. In short, the Kenyan heritage is irrelevant to the speculation as to whether BHO Sr. is the president’s father or not.
As a matter of fact, there are many who also speculate that BHO’s two autobiographies were ghosted by Bill Ayers. Considering that BHO has no known body of work during his stints through the Ivies, it’s possible, even probable. I say that his entire identity is a fabrication. He’s the Left’s made man.
Perhaps I should have stated: the Kenyans in his family.
It is striking how little his Kenyan relatives rate for him.
Then, again, he is no fan of his tutu, either.
I surmise that when narcissism reaches his full flower he really is the be all.
blert, I have previously come across what you posted here about a neighbor in the condo complex coming across Obama’s grandmother screaming at Barack.
Were you quoting from another blog or were you recounting your experience?
In any event, I would appreciate the the link, as I have read that story elsewhere.
Here is a picture of the son of FMD who posted here.
Gringo… It’s me.
From Wretchard’s blog:
Rage Towards My Tutu: Homey Won’t Say It
The Tale of the Punahou Homey: From Stereotypical Antisocial to President
Per Doug’s polite request, the tale of America’s most dysfunctional parentage.
Back in the day, when Barry was ‘enjoying’ the Christmas holidaze in the Islands, I had occasion to cross his path.
You see, his tutu ( maternal grandmother ) lived one floor up ( the penthouse level ) in my condo. She purchased her unit years earlier because it was within walking distance of Punahou — and her commute to First Hawaiian Bank would be quick indeed.
When Barry would visit on the holidays he was a sight. So tall, handsome and COLORED, in an area of town that was yellow and white. He towered over her. What a study of contrasts: beauty, height, youth – and submission vs not pretty at all, short, old – and ultra-dominant.
I’d step in the elevator, and they’d already be at it: she’d be balling him out over something. Barry would stand in silence. Not a peep.
When I say chewing him out I mean SCREAMING AT HIM! Rant, rant, rant; and yes, she addressed him as Barry.
You are free to Google around on her, she’s been written up by others. She was quite the leftist ground breaker in her day. Every article I’ve read details her Drill Instructor demeanor.
Naturally, seeing his grandmother acting in a PARENTAL manner had my head swimming: where the hell was mommy or daddy.
Who knew that daddy was already dead: Frank Marshall Davis.
Who knew that mom was on the road forever.
BHO is the kind of person you never forget.
The whole vibe of grandmom and grandson is so ODD – I’ve never seen it before nor since.
But that’s when he got pussy whipped: operant conditioning at its ultimate.
Now here’s where it gets REALLY weird: I had a flash that he’d either go to Hollywood or enter politics. SUCH a pretty boy. Who could know that he’d enter politics AS an actor!
Creepy, no?
Per: ‘Maineman’
WRT the Reverend Wright’s exposure: “In response, he gave the unhinged Philly speech in which he called his grandmother “a typical white person” and then used her to underscore how racist WE all are.”
Stanley, if the evidence is sustained, would only sleep with non-white men. Her hyper-radical upbringing — by Barry’s grandmother, of course, is pure insight as to the kind of orientation that he was given in Hawaii.
Further, it is plain upon the photo record, that Barry is the biological son of Frank Marshall Davis.
The teen-age Stanley lived on Mercer Island. By this time Mrs. Durham (future tutu) was the primary wage earner and was dragging her submissive-omega husband from job to job all over the nation. An executive bank position in Seattle for her reduced Mr. Durham to furniture salesman.
While living on Mercer Island, the family attended a hyper-radical church. In fact Mrs. Durham moved the family onto the island just so attendance would be easy and regular. Their services were led by a certified Communist with the ‘cloth’ as cover. (Shades of Liberation Theology!)
Not so surprisingly, Wikipedia does not mention a word about it. That bio would leave the reader to think that the Durhams moved to Mercer Island so as to get her into the new High School. Rubbish. They wanted to be close enough to drive east and attend radical services led by a rabid anti-American. (Shades of the Reverend Wright!)
ANY notion that Barry has ANY comity with traditional American values is as logical as conflating Eichmann with Jewish scholarship!
Understood and thanks.
Whether the anecdotes about the Dunhams are true or not, it was clear that Obama the younger *hated* them and the speculation as to why wasn’t too complicated; both generations were an abomination (no pun intended) to parenting.
As a result of this molding–by accident or not–the organized Left found its perfect Trojan Horse in the person known as Barack Obama II, further shaped him, and put him in the positions where it needed him to be in order to achieve its long-term goals, IMO.
Such narratives make one believe in the existence, or reinforce the belief in the existence of Satan and his resultant evil. Blessedly, belief in Satan’s Adversary is also strengthened.