Home » Obama: all the Republican candidates are the same because…


Obama: all the Republican candidates are the same because… — 2 Comments

  1. But why am I giving Obama advice, anyway?

    Don’t worry about it, neo. If he could recognize and take good advice, we wouldn’t be in this fix.

  2. They don’t all look alike … if you are a Republican.

    Sadly, at this point it appears that only two of the GOP candidates can withstand the Left’s smear-and-slander machine, and they are Newt and Mitt. With a strong GOP Congress, Newt will remove ObamaCare and get started on entitlement reforms; Mitt won’t move until he has a complete plan, which the Donks will sabotage in the legislature at every turn. With a weaker Congress, Newt will still peel back ObamaCare, though there might be some more noxious remnants left.

    What’s not clear is whether any group of present or likely candidates, given four, eight, or twelve years, can salvage the foreign policy mess that this President has given up. LBJ would be proud.

    But nothing will save us abroad if we don’t get our economy back on track. NOTHING.

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