Nigerian jihadist terrorist group kidnapped hundreds of young girls and plans to sell them
One would think that this would be enormous news, and should have been from the moment the girls were kidnapped:
Fears for the fate of more than 200 Nigerian girls [kidnapped from school on April 14, almost 3 weeks ago] turned even more nightmarish Monday when the leader of the Islamist militant [sic: terrorist] group that kidnapped them announced plans to sell them.
“I abducted your girls. I will sell them in the market, by Allah,” a man claiming to be Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau said in a video first obtained by Agence France-Presse.
“There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I sell women,” he continued, according to a CNN translation from the local Hausa language.
Boko Haram is a terrorist group receiving training from al Qaeda affiliates, according to U.S. officials. Its name means “Western education is sin.” In his nearly hourlong, rambling video, Shekau repeatedly called for Western education to end.
“Girls, you should go and get married,” he said.
War on women, anyone? And this sort of thing has been going on for quite some time; for example, I wrote about Boko Haram at some length in this post from nearly a year ago. The group is composed of fundamentalist Islamic terrorists who are especially against the education of women, although education of the secular variety for any child or young person in Nigeria is their target as well, and they will murder or sell into sexual slavery (let’s not mince words here) anyone they can get their hands on, all in the name of their religion. Special targets are often Christians, but Muslims are hardly except from their violence.
More here:
Gunmen abducted the girls from their dormitories at the Government Girls Secondary school in Chibok. One girl told the New Yorker that militants dressed in Nigerian military uniforms came into their dorms and told the girls they were being taken to a safe space.
From the start there’s been little doubt who did it and what their intention is. After all, Boko Haram’s goal is to wipe secular education out in Nigeria, both for Christians and for Muslims, and to establish “a ‘pure’ Islamic state ruled by sharia law.” To this end the group has committed thousands of murders, as well as many kidnappings and assassinations.
With the help of al Qaeda (which tends to think big), Boko Haram has stepped up the scale of its terrorism in recent years. The large number of victims involved in this recent kidnapping is probably the only reason it’s getting international press in the first place. That’s how common Boko Haram’s predations have become.
I don’t know why this hasn’t been in the news. I heard about it from a horrified friend on Facebook a week or so ago and have been following what little news I could find since then. If my friend was able to find out about it, I’m not sure why it was such a mystery to the MSM.
Here’s what Hillary Clinton had to say — or, at least, tweet — on the subject:
“Access to education is a basic right & an unconscionable reason to target innocent girls. We must stand up to terrorism. #BringBackOurGirls” Um, what?
From a group whose name essentially means (to us) “civilization forbidden” I think we are just kidding ourselves if we act surprised.
Maybe it wasn’t in the news because it happened just around the time Ayaan Hirsi Ali was being ostracized by Brandeis. Can’t have conflicting narratives, after all.
Battle of the preferred victims: Africans (good); Jihadis (product of evil conservative policies so they are good); girls (very good); black girls (very very good)….until they are no longer useful for the narrative, as in this case.
Multiculturalism. Who are we to say? They’ll say.
That’s the point. No one gets to say but them. When there is a conflict, which is a disturbance of the force field of the narrative, they stay quiet until it passes.
As predictable as everything a liberal does. Monsters act monstrously. It is neither a mystery nor a surprise.
In case there is any misunderstanding, by Monsters I mean the liberals. If you want to say it is the Jihadis I’ll agree with you, since I see no material difference between the two – different justifications, same outcomes.
Islam good, Christianity bad, Judaism …
Churchill was right. He was nearly always right. Islam is the most retrograde force in the world.
One can hope that the silence from the ever voluble White House –or if you are old-fashioned and insist on precision in language, the President and his Merry Band of Trolls–is because there are very secret plans afoot for a rescue.
Well, one can hope.
There is evil in the world, and it is so much easier to ignore it than to confront it. Ask Bush 41 and Bush 43 how much support and thanks you get when you challenge naked evil.
Oldflyer: “There is evil in the world, and it is so much easier to ignore it than to confront it. Ask Bush 41 and Bush 43 how much support and thanks you get when you challenge naked evil.”
Yep. The Democrats did worse than ignore it. They exploited, successfully, for partisan gain Bush’s leadership efforts to confront it.
The only cure for Islam is extermination.
Islam has bloody borders.
Islam did this all the time historically. The conquest of Spain was stopped by Martin, otherwise the raiding would have continued and the harems of the sultans would have kept showing blue or green eyed girls with pale hair.
Since the Leftist alliance is allied with Islamic Jihad, acorn likes helping to smuggle in little underage girls for prostitution, it’s not too far to say that the Leftist alliance is engaged in a war against humanity, using the funding from sex slave trafficking.
I don’t know why this hasn’t been in the news.
Do you really believe that. Are you one of those that continue to believe the media’s duty is to report on things that the American people should know.
The idea that freedom of information belongs to a small cadre of reporters to judge what is or is not of interest, is one of those problems. Similar to Islamic Jihad’s problem with educated women like Hirsi.
Do people really wonder why this hasn’t reported… or do they already know but cannot accept the real reason for it.
Why . . . why . . . why . . . they could’a’ been my *daughters*.
(Where’s the Moralizer-In-Chief now, when we need him?)
Cornhead – You left out one other force that is more retrograde even than Islam and that is Leftism.
I will argue that point to the hilt. Islam is not so vicious that it cuts off its own face to spite its nose. It cuts off your nose. Only Liberals cut off their own arms, legs, and heads. They then take their head and shove up their….
Mike, Liberals is the wrong term. The correct term is leftists. They stole the term liberal many decades ago.
In the Middle East, Muslims have come close to a complete ethnic cleansing of Christians. Africa is next on their anti-Christian jihad agenda.
Raymod Ibrahim has been diligent in documenting this, but the mainstream media fronts for not just the Left, but also for the religion of peace. The destruction of Judeo-Christian culture has been the goal since Marxism became an ism.
Here’s a link to some of Raymond Ibrahim’s articles.
The Nigerian government can’t/won’t protect its own citizens, and when people lined up to protest the government’s inaction, the president’s wife had them arrested.
Then, the Nigerian president called on the US to do something…militarily, one would assume.
The problems of Nigeria go FAR beyond Boko Haram, and I would argue that this is a perfect time to start practicing some non-interventionism.
Sorry about the girls, but maybe if the people get mad enough they’ll elect a real president instead of the sorry excuse they have.
Hmmm…that applies to us as well.
It’s not news because Boko Haram is a group of black Muslims.
If the media would report the story of how they have just enslaved hundreds of girls, that would detract from the true evils that exist in the world.
White privilege and microaggression.
Must be a squirrel around here someplace. Probably has somethng shiny in his mouth. Just got to keep looking.
neo-neocon: Nigerian jihadist terrorist group kidnapped hundreds of young girls and plans to sell them. One would think that this would be enormous news, and should have been from the moment the girls were kidnapped
Don’t get it. You point to an article on, and complain the media aren’t covering the story. Here’s their cover right now:
Here’s Google News for “Nigeria”
In any case, we do applaud your attempt to bring attention to the story.
I’ve been hearing about Boko Haram for quite some time now – that, and ongoing Muslim violence in Indonesia and Thailand – because I read Rantburg every day. They cover quite a lot of out-of-the-way corners of the world. There’s quite a lot of violence directed against Christians in Africa and the Middle East, which does not disturb the sleep of secular westerners much. Which is surprising, as they always seem to care very much about the well-being of people of color.
This mass-kidnapping is particularly appalling, though, in light of the Dem party bleating about a conservative war on women.
Richard A, Z just showed up with the squirrel nut. Do you see it.
But, Z admitting being in collusion with CNN, Media Matters, and Obamaca for Obamacans (or OFA) isn’t really going to help their side in this war.
Oh, yeah.
The a&&&&&&s couldn’t sell these girls if there weren’t a&&&&&&s willing to buy them.
Straight up Islamic war doctrine sanctioned by Quran, hadith and muhhamad himself.
This group and other Islamic groups have claimed war. Islamic war all captives are SLAVES and shall be used in whatever way needed to advance Islams war.
These girls can be sold, ransomed, used for sex, married off to the jihadist … whatever. They are the property of the captors … per Quran, hadith PERIOD.
Interesting straw man you’re fighting there.
I only respond to you because I think what you’ve done there is an excellent example of leftist methods of sophistic “argument.”
You write, “You point to an article on, and complain the media aren’t covering the story.”
Never did I say they weren’t covering the story, especially at this point. I said that the story wasn’t covered enough, especially at the outset, which occurred about three weeks ago. This is exactly what I wrote:
8 more …
“let’s not mince words here” … perfectly acceptable Islamic war doctrine.
The West, the part that grew up around the ruins of Rome, had around 3 crusades against Islam. Anyone ever wonder why?
North Africa used to grow trees and olives. Ever wonder what happened to the soil? Arabic sheep and mules.
Nigeria’s got this. South Africa’s got state funded crime waves, crony corruptocrats. Rhodesia is now some African Zimbabwe human meat plantation and slaughter station. Kenya had that mall issue with hostages.
All of them seem to be Obama type students of the same thing. If Hussein O can’t even stop 2 Ft. Hood killings with the resources of the US, African nations probably use the same excuse. It can’t be done. Human disasters can’t be stopped.
WRT conflicting narratives: Search for– “frank lombard” duke–.
Nuts. Anyway, wrt the lombard case, there were so many levels of Accredited Victims involved that nobody could figure out which evils to ignore and which to lament. So it disappeared.
The Leftist alliance is allied with Islamic Jihad. They are training each other’s agents and loyalists.
Same with Stalin and Hitler’s forces.
Homosexuals that owe favors to the Left, will obey when told to ignore or help such people.
It’s in the contract clause when they sold their soul.
i get confused…
do the feminsits consider the sex trade good, and why would they not think taking girls, struipping them of their religion and getting them ready for the sex trade the way public schools do in the US is a bad thing…
the jihadis dont ask parents, niether do liberals
the feminists think the sex trade ok, so do jihadis
feminists like the burka, so do jihadis
feminists think forcing people into things they dont want to do is ok, so do jihadis
feminists think that who is in power gets to choose winners and losers, guess whatl, so do jihadis
feminists got their start as terrorists, so did jihadis
feminists want to destry christian jewish morals, and so do jihadis.
bout the only difference is that the targets are black, and not on welfare… i guess if they were white, it would be ok..
“Beginning in the 7th century BCE, … Jewish religious leaders wanted to develop a distinct closed community. Homosexual activities were a part of the religious practices of many peoples in that era, and rejecting such practices was one way of keeping the Jewish religion unique.”
The book has a chapter on “Guidelines for Coming Out to Friends,” photos of myriad sexual positions, and a table to educate you on the difference between fetishism, transvestic fetishism, sexual sadism, sexual masochism, autoerotic asphyxia, Klismophilia, Coprophilia and Urophilia, exhibitionism, voyeurism, frotteurism, zoophilia, and necophilia. Not a moral objection is raised to any of the above “sexual expressions.”
right? you see.. they just did this to be different, then they got into power, and controlled everything,m which is why the left wants to eradicate them… along with the white males…
oh, and then there is their multicultural siding with jihadis and their methods
An Indonesian widow who was gang-raped by eight ‘vigilantes’ as punishment for having an affair with a married man, is now to suffer the further indignity of being caned in public.
cause thats the peaceful thing to do, unlike christians who are admonished not to throw stones.. eh?
Just Say No: For White Working-Class Women, It Makes Sense to Stay Single Mothers
genocide, democide, shoa, etc.
doesnt seem like anyone cares.
not evne the victims!
Feminists are part of the Leftist alliance. If they are ordered to help Islam, they will. If they are ordered to fight Islam, they will try (and die).
Obedient cogs of the Left’s evil, asks not why, they only do or die.