Home » More on those exploding pagers and Hezbollah


More on those exploding pagers and Hezbollah — 14 Comments

  1. Oh, and well, this just in — https://x.com/sentdefender/status/1871294479619297480

    “In these days when the Houthi Terror Organization is firing Missiles at Israel, I want to convey a Clear Message to them: We have defeated Hamas, we have defeated Hezbollah, we have blinded the Defense Systems in Iran, and damaged their Missile Production Systems, we have overthrown the Assad Regime in Syria, we have dealt Heavy Blows to the Axis of Evil, and we will also severely strike the Houthi Terror Organization in Yemen, which remains the last one standing. We will strike at the Houthi’s Strategic Infrastructure and decapitate its Leaders. Just as we did to Haniyeh, Sinwar, and Nasrallah, in Tehran, Gaza, and Lebanon, we will do in Hodeidah and Sanaa.”

  2. I saw this last night. A lot of the information in the 60 Minutes report had already been reported. But the information about Nasrallah seeing pagers exploding was news to me, and to a lot of other people.

    He asserted that the veteran Hezbollah leader saw pagers exploding and injuring people who were right next to him in his bunker. Asked how he knows that, Gabriel said, “It’s a strong rumor.”

    Given the evidence of Israeli moles burrowing underneath the Hezbollah superstructure, I find this “strong rumor” quite plausible. After all, the IDF knew enough about Nasrallah’s movements to kill him when he was deep underground.

    IIIC, Hezbollah has been firing about 100 rockets a day since October 8. I wonder how Hezbollah’s rocket campaign is faring recently. There was a big barrage (250) reported on November 23, but much less since the November 27 “ceasefire.”

  3. A competent government operation run by serious and capable people who didn’t blab about it for ten years. I’m not so much impressed by what Israel accomplished, as depressed by the contrast with the competence and capability of my own government.

  4. There are those who say they saw it but chose not to tell Bibi about it, much less do anything to stop it.

    As to the genius, there’s nothing like a genuine threat to survival to get the creative juices flowing. Maybe it’s in their blood.

  5. Israeli patience was fantastic. It also shows the as far more likely to keep fighting until their is a Peace Agreement with agreed to borders.

    I hope it happens soon-ish in 2025. It being peace.

    I’m wondering how Israel will occupy and rule Gaza in the not yet achieved post war period.

  6. It is always useful, from time to time, for the world’s inhabitants to be reminded that having respect for others is not a principle that is limited to polite society, or something that is always optional when it comes to survival.

  7. Is the following true?
    (Read all the way down….)
    I guess time will tell…

    “Don’t Look Now, but Iran’s Islamist Theocrats Are in Deep Doo-Doo”—

    There’s certainly time enough for some bizarre and unexpected—even horrifying—twists and turns as the M.E. enters its next phase (i.e., goes “back to the future”).

    Similarly, on the home front, a lot could happen between now and January 20, as the Democrats have invested far too much in destroying the country to let things slip out of their control so easily.

  8. And from the “Saving Democracy” File:

    “There’s a terrifying reason behind Biden’s Christmas gift to child rapists and killers. MAUREEN CALLAHAN exposes the cowardly depths of the president’s latest act”—
    Key graf:
    “…What is Biden’s cabinet, what is the entire Democratic Party, waiting for? Or Congress?

    Why have they failed to invoke the 25th amendment and remove this president, one revealed as barely there, sleeping the days away, unreachable by his top staffers, non compos mentis his entire term?….”

  9. Jimmy,
    I can almost believe it was seen but not reported. It’s almost a justification operation.

  10. From Barry Meislin at 11:49 pm yesterday, quoting Callahan’s article:
    “Why have they failed to invoke the 25th amendment and remove this president, one revealed as barely there, sleeping the days away, unreachable by his top staffers, non compos mentis his entire term?….” ”
    Maybe it is revenge rage of Biden’s.
    But another possibility: The staff and whoever else comprises Biden’s “controllers” certainly have “strong opinions”! (Recall their demands of supporting “Palestine”!)
    So, as long as they leave Biden in place, they have a pliable, senile, oft-AWOL president, giving them an amazing amount of power to execute whatever hell they want, on evil America.
    The magic autopen strikes again. It does not need Joe.

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