More on Eich’s “resignation”
If you want to read two wonderful pieces on the subject of Eich’s resignation and the movement that led to it, start with this one, from whence comes this excerpt:
This is NOT about Prop 8, gay marriage and religion. That is just the context in which this latest abuse has come to be. It is about the freedom — in your personal life — to believe as you do, support the candidates and issues you want, and to be left in peace to do so without fear of recrimination at the place where you make your livelihood.
If competent individuals can be fired at work for their personal stances on issues that they do not bring into the workplace, then we are no longer in a free and open society, but a very tightly closed one where fear reigns and keeps us all under control–where our beliefs must yield to pre-set political and religious dogma we are force fed.
Not only is it hard to swallow that something like this could happen in our country, it is hard to fathom how anyone can be so self-righteous, so emboldened, to think it a perfectly good idea to socially engineer society with the same iron fists as history’s liberty-crushing despots. All of that talk about equality, justice, liberty, tolerance and diversity, is just talk. It’s a one way street leading to oppression. And so frenzied are they with their viewpoints — so intent on crushing any opposing ideas– that they are blinded to their own bigotry.
And then read The Anchoress on the subject. She’s really really angry, as you can tell from the uncharacteristic headline (for her, that is: “A Gay CEO with Balls Needs to Hire Eich and Halt this Crap”). Here’s an excerpt:
If the headline strikes some as offensive, it will nevertheless remain, because that’s the case I’m making, and I’m sticking with it: a gay CEO with a pair of brass ones needs to step up and speak truth to a growing, and most illiberal new power. He or she needs to hire Brendan Eich in some sort of corporate leadership capacity for the sake of the most fundamental of freedoms ”” the freedom to think what you want to think, even if your thinking is unpopular or deemed “mistaken” ”” and in so doing boldly declare that our society has no truck with inquisitions…
Let me be clear: I hold out absolutely no hope that this chill wind will be checked or reversed ”” too many people with money and influence and no individual courage at all find totalitarianism an alluring idea. Nevertheless, though everything is part illusion, I’ll still resist and say, as Tom McDonald so succinctly puts it, “this shit has to stop.”
Indeed; it is an execrable, detestable trend that, if unchecked, will affect every facet of our lives as “correct” thoughts and “correct” ways become ever-narrower and trap more and more people in its stinking and miserable gullies…
I would ask my gay friends to openly reject this movement to oppress so-called “wrong” thinking ”” suffocate it right now, as it is being born ”” because eventually it will grow into a monster that will consume anyone, indiscriminately.]
I have one disagreement with the Anchoress, though: this movement is hardly “being born.” Our social engineers of the left have been crusading against various thought-crimes for a long, long time, and establishing the idea of the need to stamp out thought-crime against the righteous PC wisdom du jour. The only thing that’s different now is that it’s reached critical mass, on this issues and many others.
A whole lot of people getting their heads stomped in by the Left and then coming to “believe” what many of the 3% predicted.
It is happening as it was predicted would happen.
I have one disagreement with the Anchoress, though: this movement is hardly “being born.”
Taskani. Certainly.
Such naiveness from them. They aren’t ready for this CIVIL War II. These children aren’t ready. Their innocence will be shattered in a hail of blood and guts, come the Day.
Combine this with what’s happening over in the “climate change” department where there are people calling for the arrest, imprisonment, and even execution of any one who holds a skeptical opinion on AGW, and we are definitely heading down a dark road.
1. I more or less agree with the Anchoress. Unless something unforeseen comes out of the blue, this country seems beyond a point of no return. I’m not interested in discussing whether the end will be violent or senescent.
2. Looking at the GOP’s squabbling coalition of kooks and kleptocrats, I must add that the looming collapse is societal. It cannot be blamed exclusively on the Left.
3. It’s tempting to say that the kind of people who got Eich fired would benefit from a period under the Mongol yoke…but they’d do quite well there. They’d be the first to get themselves appointed as overseers.
The key to this thing is where the info came from.
The donation was “leaked” by someone inside the IRS (or so I have read).
The Fascists are running the show. “Our” government is not even “our” government anymore. The present government is thoroughly and completely un-American. It is an internal coup d’etat. It’s no better than a Crime Syndicate with good intel. It’s got its crews in the street, and in the office.
Liberals, as such, are Brownshirts. The very few who write in protest about this are also doing their jobs. They are the window dressing. They are supposed to make liberalism still look legit. They are total fakes.
Proof: If they were sincere, they would yell about this one until it changed. They will not. They were given the job to do for today, and its over now. Last you’ll hear from them about it.
The man will still stay fired.
You are incorrect about the source.
I described how the information was made public in an “ADDENDUM” in this post.
It was originally reported as the IRS, but that turned out to be wrong. It was a California election disclosure law. Go to the link and read it.
gs wrote: “2. Looking at the GOP’s squabbling coalition of kooks and kleptocrats,…”
And today I got an envelope in the mail from the RNC with a title: “We are sorry you left and would like to know why.” I was a bit taken aback but encouraged that the RNC would actually want to know why I dropped my R registration last fall. Lo and behold, I open the envelope and its a letter saying they are sorry I left, but would I still consider donating…$10, $20,..etc.
After screaming a loud curse, I got out my felt tipped pen and scrawled on the return, that for them to send this is exactly why I left the Republican party and to go F*ck themselves. It’s not just the Left.
I almost wish that Mozilla was “for pay”, so that when I dropped Firefox it would inflict some pain.
Tolerance has become an archaic concept. There is no tolerance, only blind acceptance of the approved narrative. There is no tolerance for deviation.
The question, I fear, is whether Americans will be herded like sheep, or whether there will be an uprising. If the latter, how will it evolve?
Right on cue, here’s the MSM doing its bit to help the cause: ABC uses Westboro Baptist protests to illustrate story about Brendan Eich
There has never been a Leftist tactic that had been so magnificently — without a gun shot – and successfully applied to a people as this. The idea that toleration, i.e., ‘live and let live’ could be literally turned on its literal head and come out meaning ‘comply or die’ is magnificent to behold. Of course it doesn’t say much for the people, but who can pay attention nowadays what with smartphones stuck to everyone’s face.
An Iron Hammer & Sickle to those who have taken up Marcuse’s Methods and made of ‘toleration’ the sine qua non of the character of the modern American. Heads off to you!
I said in a comment on this site a few years ago that the epitaph for this country would be that we died from political correctness. We are well on our way.
It is no longer sufficient to sit quietly in our homes while the jack booted thugs pass in the street. We must now cheer them as they pass. Any deviation from the leftist party agenda results in loss of employment; social alienation; and threats of more to come.
We learn of the stories of Elch and Phil Robertson because they are in the public eye. But how many of you have found yourself self censoring to avoid a similar fate. I know I have.
Disclosure of political contributions has been used many times to punish or threaten an individual for his or her incorrect politics, not just in the case of Mr. Eich. Therefore, campaign contribution disclosure laws must be eliminated. Secret campaign contributions should be just as much an individual right as the secret ballot. It would be one thing if disclosure were used only by voters as part of their evaluation of candidates; but since disclosure is now a tool to target individuals, it must stop.
One of the strategies the Left uses is norm-setting. Remember the horror at water-boarding?
Disclosure of political contributions has been used many times to punish or threaten an individual for his or her incorrect politics, not just in the case of Mr. Eich.
Yep, it’s called blacklisting, and it’s been used for a while with regard to Prop. 8; from Wikipedia:
That information is from 2008 sources. My question: Where’s George Clooney? Didn’t he get nominated for an academy award for directing a movie about the horrors of blacklisting?
The solution is not state or government based. Stop looking to Big Brother to fight the people’s fight. Neither is the solution a fantasy aggregation of isolated Galt-ish acts.
There is only one solution to this problem:
The people of the Right must form a competitive Marxist-method activist social movement that competes for the necessary social power and then purposely (re)constructs America’s cultural zeitgeist.
Not only elected office. Not only the law, judicial and legislative. Not only government or private corporate policy. The collective consciousness, the general will of We the People – American culture, with norms and values – must be purposely programmed.
Is the idea of the Right vigorously adapting Marxist-method activist cultural programming distasteful to you? That’s too bad. We only have 2 choices: either the Right will actively program America or the Left will actively program America.
There is no longer a palatable 3rd choice of American culture as an apolitical neutral commons, if such a choice ever actually existed in our society.
For an example of activism applied successfully against the Left, I’ve cited the recent case of the student-veterans at Columbia University who used activism to reverse a 4-decade cultural trend and normalized civil-military relations at Columbia. Their groundbreaking activist campaign that amended the University’s non-discrimination policy is analogous to the legal activism on gay marriage.
But legal activism is only one part of activist strategy. Just as important as Columbia’s policy change was the University’s symbolic action that immediately followed the non-discrimination policy amendment to publicly affirm the new course of civil-military normalization on campus.
To wit, on March 6, 2006, Columbia amended its non-discrimination policy. On March 9, 2006, Columbia held a Chaplain’s Prayer for Troops and Veterans.
Those 2 events weren’t the final steps, but they were the critical foundational steps for changing Columbia’s civil-military culture.
The Left created a moral hazard, but lack the principles necessary to reconcile it. In fact, their philosophy of selective adherence serves as an impediment to their realizing positive progress.
I know that Europeans have resisted normalization of dysfunctional behaviors, including homosexual. Are their American counterparts only now aware of the consequences associated with selective (i.e. unprincipled) normalization?
That said, why is Eich being treated as a martyr? Is his affiliation with left-wing interests, and therefore his persecution presents a clear and immediate threat to the stability of their coalition?
Neo: “I have one disagreement with the Anchoress, though: this movement is hardly “being born.”Our social engineers of the left have been crusading against various thought-crimes for a long, long time, and establishing the idea of the need to stamp out thought-crime against the righteous PC wisdom du jour. The only thing that’s different now is that it’s reached critical mass, on this issues and many others.”
Yep. The solution isn’t to lament the incontrovertible fact of the social engineering of our culture. The solution is to become better social engineers than the Left.
The Left has already done the heavy-lifting of coding American society with the activist algorithm. The Right only needs to use the activist algorithm to input a different cultural program.
You can complain about activist social engineering. You can even go look for an alternative. Good luck, because there isn’t an alternative. There’s only way to do this.
* There’s only ONE way to do this.
The pro-murder/abortion/choice people did not disagree with waterboarding in principle, but that a toilet was not used in practice. The horror of clinical assets remaining unused is simply incomprehensible and unforgivable. That’s why they are similarly excited by capital punishment when it does not exploit Planned Parenthood’s industry. It’s a cause for selective moral outrage.
Make life, not abortion.
Oldflyer: ” Not With a Bang But a Whimper.”
They have a taste for power and bullying.Why would they give it up? It’s heady. They will only understand a hard punch to the mouth, or some such soft, vulnerable part of their world.
Okay. Point of fact taken.
But this is a case of difference in degree but not in kind. Fascist Liberal IRS, Fascist Liberal Public Advocacy Group = zero difference in spirit or intent. Two teammates on the same team; one works one part of the game; one another part of the game.
They are both un-American, in fact the antithesis of anything “America”. They are both our overlords at this point. Mess with either one your life is ruined either way. Only difference is the method they use to destroy you. You still end up destroyed.
Furthermore, they live on the deception, the technicality of the one not being (technically only) the other. If people knew they were the same they would know who to fight and how to fight better. The devil is a great disguise and deflection artist.
IIRC, wasn’t Barry 0bama’s official position — in 2009 — that gay marriage was not kosher?
He, the Barry, didn’t come around on this issue until 2012; isn’t that right?
So, what we have is the activist-fanatics going after main stream political thinking.
I thought Fascism only worked on minorities.
Well, you learn something new every day.
The persecution against Eich is actually worse than that against Galileo.
Don’t believe me? Check it out. I recently read about Galileo’s persecution somewhere on the internet, maybe on neo-neocon’s website. Or maybe on Belmont Club’s comment section.
Besides that, the fact is that same-sex “marriage” is just plain stupid, as anyone with a brain can see. If someone I know is supporting same-sex “marriage,” I just laugh in their face, use a finger “quote” and an eyeroll to make fun of their stupid concept.
I do my little bit to add ridicule to stupid ideas. Few people like to be laughed at.
Lucky for me, I can do this, because I don’t tolerate stupid people around me any more. Except for my stupid family, but what can I do about them????
Not much.
Mike: “Two teammates on the same team; one works one part of the game; one another part of the game.”
Yep. This is why a whole, full-spectrum social cultural/political activist movement is needed, not just elected officials or even just elected officials and a legal (judicial) campaign.
Gays have obtained greater rights because of the tolerance of straights. It was expected that when gays became an accepted part of the community, they would also be tolerant. Obviously, that was wrong.
Galileo’s so called persecution was a joke.
Galileo was the equivalent of Biden back then, he could never prove his claims. Which was the problem he got censored for. Copernicus had a hypothesis, but lacked the evidence, which is why he didn’t publish it.
I prefer this response from Vox Popoli.
The fagsexuals have made it clear that they are totalitarians.
With regard to Eric’s point about activism: In the faculty meeting last week one of our Marxist profs made a point about “branding” or selling an idea….the idea was totally unrelated to anything political. However, in a rare insight to how coordinated the left is, he emphasized how everyone must use the same talking points and never deviate. He then said, Tthis is how we (the Left) do it when any of us go in public, whether talk radio, editorials, etc. At the national level we receive what talking points to use and then we stick to them.” I’d like to know who is doing the coordination. It’s obviously working as we see and hear it all the time where everyone from the low level Dem state rep to the Prez all say the same thing….scary.
There seems to be a trend in our society of making groups and their grievances evolve into radical thugs by the mere act of giving in and showing them acceptance.
So where the gay activist starts out wanting to be accepted, he goes through some weird transformation because of signs of acceptance and turns into an asshole full of tyrannical rage.
“”Gays have obtained greater rights because of the tolerance of straights. It was expected that when gays became an accepted part of the community, they would also be tolerant. Obviously, that was wrong.””
I’m beginning to think it’s the ease with which America accepts differing subsets into the American culture that may be the culprit. There’s something very provocative in taking away the struggle of people who’ve built their very identity around being viewed as oppressed by the oppressors. So they up the ante of what they want to absurd levels to keep the oppressed/oppressor meme alive.
Steve, homosexuals were originally in thrall to the Leftist slavers. Nothing has changed. It only appeared like they wanted equality, because that’s what the Leftist propaganda showed.
I am curious how the Mozilla Board of Directors acquired this “proof of heresy”… one would think this would be private information; but if available it would certainly require some effort to dig up… and then, who benefits and in what way?
I believe I found the answer through Instapundit:
“Eich’s support for Proposition 8 became public knowledge because of a California law requiring disclosure of personal information—name, address, occupation and employer’s name—of anybody who gives $100 or more to a campaign for or against a ballot initiative. The secretary of state’s office is required to post this information online, and, as’s “AllahPundit” notes, the Los Angeles Times made it available on its site as an easily searchable databas”
The ‘who’ sounds like it is those who run the gay “Cupid…”something website.
More enlightening stuff at Instapundit on this front.
Some lifestyles are inherently totalitarian. No one asks Neo-Nazis to stop being raciss.
Leftism and freedom are absolutely incompatible.
The next time some idiot spews that chestnut: “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for a good man to do nothing,” remember Eich. The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for the good man to be hounded from his job. Fascism is characteristic of this era. Eich should have known better than to come to the attention of the fascist mob.
Totalitarianism is inherent in the postmodern worldview of feminism, homosexuality, and socialism (in the USA this is Obamunism).
Under the old Capitalist Rape Culture, Americans (all now deceased or elderly) would have approved of this quote from Thomas Paine, one of the disgraced Founding (sexist) Fathers (all slavers) who hasn’t been taught in schools in generations:
It is necessary to the happiness of man that he be mentally faithful to himself. Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving, but in professing to believe what one does not believe. It is impossible to calculate the moral mischief, if I may so express it, that mental lying has produced in society. When a man has so far corrupted and prostituted the chastity of his mind, as to subscribe his professional belief to things he does not believe, he has prepared himself for the commission of every other crime.
No longer, of course. Obama himself admires Mao (of whose likeness he made a Christmas ornament). His toadies and followers admire Chavez, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, et. al. Their cries of diversity and tolerance are and always have been lies, masks designed to deceive fools and fellow travellers.
The American cultural revolution will be fulfilled. Thought reform will take place. And the mass graves will open.
physicsguy: “It’s obviously working as we see and hear it all the time where everyone from the low level Dem state rep to the Prez all say the same thing….scary.”
You can go further down the tree. If you listen to the student Democrats on your campus, you’ll hear the same thing – commissar talking points prepackaged and delivered smoothly.
When I was an undergrad, listening to the president of the campus Dems was like listening to a DNC broadcast on a human radio. The Dems campus organization was professional. That was not the case with the campus Republicans, which was a typically amateurish student club.
The Soviet stereotype was that rank-and-file Russians would dutifully repeat the official talking points but were skeptical, and then cynical. In contrast, rank-and-file Democrats seem to actually believe the official talking points or, scarier, they’re of a mindset devoid of criticism for the official talking points.
Yes, your Marxist colleague accurately represented the very capable and highly organized competition in the activist game, the only social-political game there is. However, as I’ve said, they can be competed against and defeated. The social cultural/political algorithms with which they’ve coded our society can be used by others. Activism is a mercenary method, not a fixed ideology.
Yes, everything will be fine when the Right forms their own front groups and coterie of useful idiots.
a California law requiring disclosure of personal information—name, address, occupation and employer’s name—of anybody who gives $100 or more to a campaign for or against a ballot initiative
If memory serves, this law was passed in response to Prop 8 . It was a way to institute the new witch trials.
I could be mistaken about the timeline. Can anyone enlighten me?
Physics Geek:
You are mistaken about the timeline.
The law was passed in 1974. The article about it is well worth reading. The internet has changed the way the law has been used.
It’s competition. “Everything will be fine” only if you best your opponent and win the prize.
Thanks, Neo.
Eric Says:
April 4th, 2014 at 5:31 pm
No, there’s a third choice: Civil war. Winner take all.
If I was a betting man, that’s what I would be putting my money on.