Maybe Obama isn’t womanly enough
I’ve already written about Kathleen Parker’s odd notion that Obama is the first woman president, . But today, when I came across the following quote from Britain’s first female prime minister Margaret Thatcher, it occurred to me that perhaps Obama isn’t womanish enough:
In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.
Then again, considering what it is that I believe Obama actually wants done, best he remain a sayer and not a doer.
He’s trans-gender, not physically violent enough to be a man, not sensitive enough to be women and lacking in the protective senses common to both.
Perhaps he is a whole new life-form?
In politics, If you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.
And if you want anything read off a teleprompter, ask an Indonesian?
As long as we’re playing this game, is not Sarah Palin simultaneously more of a man and more of a woman?
Obama needs to be a little less Sidney Poitier and a lot more Samuel L. Jackson; but then I guess he’d be a conservative.