Interesting article. I recently read the memoirs of the the Marquise de la Tour du Pin, who was a lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette. She lived through much of the Revolution, in Paris, with a ringside seat.The marquise then went on to flee to America and run a dairy farm. Your article seems in line with the Memoirs. Mostly it sounds as though being at court was incredibly Boring.
The Memoirs are great reading. I liked just going around saying I was reading the “Memoirs of the Marquise de la Tour du Pin”, it sounds so fancy.
Darn. There goes my series of Barack Antoinette jokes. Oh well. I was the only one who liked those jokes anyway. I LIKED em!
historians know that much of what is common knowlege about her is false. (just as modern movies now portray the white men of the english and french court as little more than pimps for their daughters, who get ‘training’ in the french court… same theme as shooter, and pathfinder (perverting leatherstocking).
ALL one has to do is listen to the false rhetoric of the left to realzie that the same baseless propaganda that caused her to lose her head, is at play today in todays revoltuoin
which CPUSA is talking that its over, and now the thing is to prevent the counter-revolution (when the useful idiots realize what they do, and work harder like converst to undo it).
while we are discussing what to do to prevent it, its over… its done… they are working to stop the reversal… as 44 of their list of things is done previously, 22 have just been done by obama, and only one is in violation of the planks. obama WAS/IS the CPUSA candidate who won the election.
Obama declared. `I didn’t come here to do the same thing we’ve been doing or to take small steps forward, I came to provide the sweeping change that this country demanded when it went to the polls in November.’
he has the mandate of the people to make a communitarian state
communitarian COMMUNist totaliTARIAN
[same as transnatioal socialism, same as international communism]
you know what a liger is… duh.
the part everyone here is not getting from their fantasies of how things like this go, is that the ruler doesnt take the seat and then suddenly all the stuff happens in 24 hours. that would cause riots and riots would cause overthrow… as the state never actually has enoough power to actually stop the people if they get angry enough.
but effeminiate freedom hating ignorant self esteemed chicken passifist americans will go from making demands like at nyu when they have no leg to stand on and dont realize that they are listened to because of the good nature of the ones listening, to suddenly stop whining and comply like completely terrorized sheep the first second their leader takes one in the head. they only have stomachs for fights in which the other side is not fighting.
when the regimes start moving people, i hear people say all kinds of things. then i describe what has happened in the past and ask them what they would do. but in the past, they roll in, and give an excuse as to why you have to leave your stuff and move for your protection. my experience is that when you say this, the person says they would refuse. i said the first person to ask a question gets a bullet to the head on the spot before the question is finished. now what will you do? they start spouting, and i said you were just shot in the head. next. and by the tiem you work around the table, the last people realize that if they say nothing, and get on the trucks they live for a few more hours or days, or such. but if they protest, they die on the spot (which if they knew the truth, might actually be the better alternative given eli weisels descriptiosn).
the dialogue of marx and such was created at a time when tehre actually WAS a right… when you read him, you raelize that he is talking about royalty… and capitalism under it, and he makes it synonomous… but they arent as anyone today would easily know. but this is why all the rhetoric sounds like the people who are elected are royalty and appointed and so forth… as in the royal system.
shows you that the system that is desined to overthro monarchy was reformed by monarchy to overthrow the capitlaism that got out of their control and took away their power. and narcisist power people dont like that.
The winners write the history and when the winners are a bunch of murderous thugs bent on revolution, eradicating every last vestige of the past and erecting a new world order they’ll seek to legitimize their actions and excuse their excesses by demonizing their victims – SOP.
I’m waiting for The One to tell us to “eat cake”.
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Interesting article. I recently read the memoirs of the the Marquise de la Tour du Pin, who was a lady-in-waiting to Marie Antoinette. She lived through much of the Revolution, in Paris, with a ringside seat.The marquise then went on to flee to America and run a dairy farm. Your article seems in line with the Memoirs. Mostly it sounds as though being at court was incredibly Boring.
The Memoirs are great reading. I liked just going around saying I was reading the “Memoirs of the Marquise de la Tour du Pin”, it sounds so fancy.
Darn. There goes my series of Barack Antoinette jokes. Oh well. I was the only one who liked those jokes anyway. I LIKED em!
historians know that much of what is common knowlege about her is false. (just as modern movies now portray the white men of the english and french court as little more than pimps for their daughters, who get ‘training’ in the french court… same theme as shooter, and pathfinder (perverting leatherstocking).
ALL one has to do is listen to the false rhetoric of the left to realzie that the same baseless propaganda that caused her to lose her head, is at play today in todays revoltuoin
which CPUSA is talking that its over, and now the thing is to prevent the counter-revolution (when the useful idiots realize what they do, and work harder like converst to undo it).
while we are discussing what to do to prevent it, its over… its done… they are working to stop the reversal… as 44 of their list of things is done previously, 22 have just been done by obama, and only one is in violation of the planks. obama WAS/IS the CPUSA candidate who won the election.
Obama declared. `I didn’t come here to do the same thing we’ve been doing or to take small steps forward, I came to provide the sweeping change that this country demanded when it went to the polls in November.’
he has the mandate of the people to make a communitarian state
communitarian COMMUNist totaliTARIAN
[same as transnatioal socialism, same as international communism]
you know what a liger is… duh.
the part everyone here is not getting from their fantasies of how things like this go, is that the ruler doesnt take the seat and then suddenly all the stuff happens in 24 hours. that would cause riots and riots would cause overthrow… as the state never actually has enoough power to actually stop the people if they get angry enough.
but effeminiate freedom hating ignorant self esteemed chicken passifist americans will go from making demands like at nyu when they have no leg to stand on and dont realize that they are listened to because of the good nature of the ones listening, to suddenly stop whining and comply like completely terrorized sheep the first second their leader takes one in the head. they only have stomachs for fights in which the other side is not fighting.
when the regimes start moving people, i hear people say all kinds of things. then i describe what has happened in the past and ask them what they would do. but in the past, they roll in, and give an excuse as to why you have to leave your stuff and move for your protection. my experience is that when you say this, the person says they would refuse. i said the first person to ask a question gets a bullet to the head on the spot before the question is finished. now what will you do? they start spouting, and i said you were just shot in the head. next. and by the tiem you work around the table, the last people realize that if they say nothing, and get on the trucks they live for a few more hours or days, or such. but if they protest, they die on the spot (which if they knew the truth, might actually be the better alternative given eli weisels descriptiosn).
the dialogue of marx and such was created at a time when tehre actually WAS a right… when you read him, you raelize that he is talking about royalty… and capitalism under it, and he makes it synonomous… but they arent as anyone today would easily know. but this is why all the rhetoric sounds like the people who are elected are royalty and appointed and so forth… as in the royal system.
shows you that the system that is desined to overthro monarchy was reformed by monarchy to overthrow the capitlaism that got out of their control and took away their power. and narcisist power people dont like that.
The winners write the history and when the winners are a bunch of murderous thugs bent on revolution, eradicating every last vestige of the past and erecting a new world order they’ll seek to legitimize their actions and excuse their excesses by demonizing their victims – SOP.
I’m waiting for The One to tell us to “eat cake”.