Listen up: podcast
The first podcast by the Sanity Squad is up at PoliticsCentral. I’m the host, and regulars Dr. Sanity, Shrinkwrapped, and Siggy complete the crew.
Here we are (I’ll leave it to you to figure out who’s who–and, by the way, to those of you too young to identify the photo, here’s a hint. And yes, I know, the genders aren’t quite right. Poetic license.)
I welcome any suggestions for future podcasts, including topics you’d like to see covered. I think my fellow podders were wonderful. My own critique of myself: spoke much too slowly. I’ll speed it up next time.
As a former “on-air radio personality”, I can tell you that speaking too slowly is rarely a problem, while too fast often is. So, relax and speak normally.
Enjoy the site, which I recently discovered as part of the Insta-launch.
It’s a shame educated people have so little insight into the media, international organizations, anti-semetism(particularly Ziggy – unquestionably a right-wing Jew with very little education on the issues that he discusses with such passion).
I understand that these are only opinions, but I find it quite sad that people with a theraputic background would appear to have so little(none)empathy for Muslim grievances, and at least an acceptance of their own bias clearly presented in their analysis of the media, U.S foreign policy etc – and a complete minsunderstanding(my opinion)of the history and dynamics of the middle east.
Loved the podcast, right on the money. Just a little problem with “breathing on the mike” which can be worked out.
Loved the podcast, too, very interesting. I almost never listen to political podcasts or radio, because I find most of it too predictable and redundant. “Sanity squad” podcast is refreshing and thought-provoking.
I’ve always been interested in both politics and psychiatry, so I’ve been thinking about some things you talked about, and I thought the discussion was very rich with insight. Thanks a lot, really well done.
Yhamir: Educate us. Please.
I can’t believe I recognize that photo without the hint… must be getting old!
Great podcast!
One technical comment: try to get a thicker foam cover for the mike, or adjust your distance from the mike – it will avoid pops and clicks from certain fricative and plosive syllables.
Yhamir… educational and proferssional credentials are more than satisfactory.
As it happens, I belong to the mainstream Anglican Church.
Now, I do find it intersting that you need take note of my religious proclivities. Clearly, you find them unacceptable.
That said, allow me to presume you are a Muslim. Why on earth would you- and so many other Muslims- imagine that gave you any kind of moral or intellectual superiority? If anything, predicated on generalities and history, that would give you far less credibility.
Why would any civilized person believe that ITBACH AL YAHUD!- SLAUGHETR THE JEW! heard around much of the Arab and Islamic world, is an acceptable political or religious ideology?
As for my ‘understanding’ of the middle east, allow me to give you a bit of background.
I have spent time in Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf. I have also visited other countries in the region.
Now, you mention Muslim grievances. Please allow me to gentlu make a point: Grievances are only relevant when they are directed at the party that can correct those grievances.
Israel is not the reasons Arabs are among the least educated people in the world.
Israel is not the reason the wholesale repression and oppression of Arabs is a reality.
Israel is not the reason the Arab League has coke to represent the smorgasbord of the most dysfunctional regimes, led by some of the most dysfunctional leaders, in the world.
Israel is not the reason the PA, and now Hamas, are among the most corrupt ‘governments’ in the world.
Israel is not the reason that almost obscene wealth from natural resources are never spent tp improve the lives of impoverished Arabs.
Israel is not the reason why there is no trace of the 500 BILLION dollars of western aid to Arab countries can be seen benefiting Arabs.
Don’t get me wrong- I do not blame Arabs fo rthis debacle. Clearly, they have been abused by tyrants and religious leaders that serve those leaders.
That said, I do take umbrage when the deceit and dysfunction is passed off as ‘normal.’ Only really sick people do that.
I could go, but I don’t want to keep you from your appointed time in front of the mirror, screaming, “ITBACH AL YAHUD! ITABCH AL YAHUD!
Let me leave you with a bit of food for thought: If the Jews are ‘sons of monkeys and pigs,’ how is it they always come out on top? Are the Arabs that weak?
Grow up. As a Syrian friend of mine once noted, the real Naqbah has been audio and video tape. As he bitterly noted, ‘we can no longer hide what we have become from the world- and from ourselves.
I’m not sure who Yhamir is. But, strangely enough, he has a shifting IP number, just like our old friend Stevie. And, strangely enough, he hails from the same place–Toronto–and connects to the internet via the same service.
“Yhamir… educational and proferssional credentials are more than satisfactory.”
They are impressive. But it my opinion that they are not satifactory in providing you with the skills need to offer insightful, and rational political analysis.
“Now, I do find it intersting that you need take note of my religious proclivities. Clearly, you find them unacceptable.”
No – your religon is not unacceptable. And that shouldn’t be clear at all. What should be clear is that your religous practise has not benefited your ability to determine elementary morality(of which the teachings of Jesus Christ should be more than adequete as a guideline, I would hope).
“That said, allow me to presume you are a Muslim.”
No I am not Muslim.
“Why on earth would you- and so many other Muslims- imagine that gave you any kind of moral or intellectual superiority? If anything, predicated on generalities and history, that would give you far less credibility.”
It’s quite lamentable, however, that your are under the impression that Muslims, as oppossed to Jews or Christians, believe that Islam gives them ‘moral superiority’. There are those in every religon that feel this way – and those who seek to justify crimes based on this principle certainly can find ammunition for this thought in the Koran, the Christian bible, and in the Torah.
Your comment about history and credibility is particularly offensive on the face of it – but lets see where your going with this…
Oh – just as I thought, cannon fodder for your bigotry – with generalization and ignorance providing the ‘evidence’
“Why would any civilized person believe that ITBACH AL YAHUD!- SLAUGHETR THE JEW! heard around much of the Arab and Islamic world, is an acceptable political or religious ideology?”
It isn’t acceptable ideology to the majority of Muslims – your comments, however, are tribal rhetoric unbecoming of an educated individual. What school did you obtain your degree?
“I have spent time in Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf. I have also visited other countries in the region.”
Israel is not the reasons Arabs are among the least educated people in the world.
And this means what exactly?
“Grievances are only relevant when they are directed at the party that can correct those grievances.”
No. Grievances are grievances. They are not qualifed by others.
“Israel is not the reason…(for the all problems in the middle east)”
Agreed. That Arab nations have the most dysfunctional leaders in the world is your opinion. Relatively speaking, I think a comparative analysis would reveal them to be less dysfunctional than those you admire I’m sure – but that’s a bit(or alot) beyond the scope and credibilty of your analysis(the entire Bush administration, for example, is a vitural smorgasboard for personality disorders if we’re going to be honest).
“Don’t get me wrong- I do not blame Arabs fo this debacle.”
O.K . But it begs th
“Yhamir… educational and proferssional credentials are more than satisfactory.”
They are impressive. But it my opinion that they are not satifactory in providing you with the skills need to offer insightful, and rational political analysis.
“Now, I do find it intersting that you need take note of my religious proclivities. Clearly, you find them unacceptable.”
No – your religon is not unacceptable. And that shouldn’t be clear at all. What should be clear is that your religous practise has not benefited your ability to determine elementary morality(of which the teachings of Jesus Christ should be more than adequete as a guideline, I would hope).
“That said, allow me to presume you are a Muslim.”
No I am not Muslim.
“Why on earth would you- and so many other Muslims- imagine that gave you any kind of moral or intellectual superiority? If anything, predicated on generalities and history, that would give you far less credibility.”
It’s quite lamentable, however, that your are under the impression that Muslims, as oppossed to Jews or Christians, believe that Islam gives them ‘moral superiority’. There are those in every religon that feel this way – and those who seek to justify crimes based on this principle certainly can find ammunition for this thought in the Koran, the Christian bible, and in the Torah.
Your comment about history and credibility is particularly offensive on the face of it – but lets see where your going with this…
Oh – just as I thought, cannon fodder for your bigotry – with generalization and ignorance providing the ‘evidence’
“Why would any civilized person believe that ITBACH AL YAHUD!- SLAUGHETR THE JEW! heard around much of the Arab and Islamic world, is an acceptable political or religious ideology?”
It isn’t acceptable ideology to the majority of Muslims – your comments, however, are tribal rhetoric unbecoming of an educated individual. What school did you obtain your degree?
“I have spent time in Syria, Jordan, Egypt and the Gulf. I have also visited other countries in the region.”
Israel is not the reasons Arabs are among the least educated people in the world.
And this means what exactly?
“Grievances are only relevant when they are directed at the party that can correct those grievances.”
No. Grievances are grievances. They are not qualifed by others.
“Israel is not the reason…(for the all problems in the middle east)”
Agreed. That Arab nations have the most dysfunctional leaders in the world is your opinion. Relatively speaking, I think a comparative analysis would reveal them to be less dysfunctional than those you admire I’m sure – but that’s a bit(or alot) beyond the scope and credibilty of your analysis(the entire Bush administration, for example, is a vitural smorgasboard for personality disorders if we’re going to be honest).
“Don’t get me wrong- I do not blame Arabs fo this debacle.”
(continued. Sorry for the double post)
O.K . But it begs the questions, than – What exactly is your reasoning behind offering your own analysis of Arab ‘failures’ and ineptitudes?
And if your not “blaming the Arabs” – then who are you blaming?
You seem rather confused.
“That said, I do take umbrage when the deceit and dysfunction is passed off as ‘normal.’ Only really sick people do that.”
I’m not qutie sure what you mean here. I don’t that anybody argues that it’s ‘normal’. You are probably interpreting the quite valid recognition that the various problems that you site cannot easily be seperated from the influence of Western colonial powers in the region(though many attempt to – which really, forms the bulk of American Judeo-Christian propaganda aimed at avoiding the issue of Western crimes against Muslims countries). I’m sure your familiar with Bernard Lewis – an excellent example…
“Let me leave you with a bit of food for thought: If the Jews are ‘sons of monkeys and pigs,’ how is it they always come out on top? Are the Arabs that weak?”
Is that food for thought? Oh, I’m sorry – I could swear that sounds more like school yard taunts than educated reflection or inquiry.
“Grow up”
What ever you say Doctor.
By the way – I’d be honoured to offer myself as an “Arab sympathizer” on your show – I think it would be great to have a dissident voice to provide different ideas and views for critical debate.
How do you feel about that?
Yahmir….you say” But it my opinion that they are not satifactory in providing you with the skills need to offer insightful, and rational political analysis.”
Your opinion is irrelevant, inasmuch as you are clearly ill equipped to make such assessments. By profession, I am a political analyst- and I even have Arab world clients. So much for your analytical skills.
Further your remarks on Islam are absurd. The clear voice of Islamic ‘leaders’ makes their intent clear.
Now, if you want to discuss FGM, honor killings, slavery, acid attacks, attacks on churches with worshippers inside, the treatment of women (remember the 15 Makkah Schoolgirls, lost when their school burnt down on Monday, 11th March, 2002? The Religious Police would not allow them to leave the building, nor allow the Firemen to enter), etc are indicative of problems, I will concur.
Now, you ask who I blame for Arab problems. Again, it is clear you have a rather limited grasp of the situation- and reality. It is clear to even the most limited observer that blame lies with the smorgasbord of the most dysfunctional and corrupt leaders in the world today- the assemblage of tyrants that make up the Arab world.
To argue that point is absurd. They have caused the Arab world to be regarded as among the greatest failures in the world today. All the Taqqiyah in the world cannot change the reality that the only real accomplishemnt of the Arab world has been the hatred of Jews. That’s it.
As for the rest of your drivel,let me be crystal clear- your attempt to assign blame for the failure of the Arab world on anyone else other than Arabs is absurd- and indeed, a kind of denial and sickness.
As for your kind offer, thank you. Your generosity is appreciated.
That said, be assured we will find a more, ah, learned spokesperson.
Have a nice day and good luck with that allergy to reality.
“Your opinion is irrelevant, inasmuch as you are clearly ill equipped to make such assessments. By profession, I am a political analyst- and I even have Arab world clients. So much for your analytical skills.”
Clearly you’ve know real insight to offer – hence the lame response. By profession? No kidding – I thought you were a councellor?
Do they actually pay you?
The rest is just rubbish – your sweeping generalizations on Islam are ridiculous – unworthy of comment.
The fact is you are not a political analyst. And you have no clients.
I thought you’d be a slight challenge…..
Do you know who Bernard Lewis is?
So you say the problem is with the Arab leaders.
Which Arab leaders would you single out as particularly indictative of your point?
Be brave, the truth hurts but it is for your own good unless you enjoy your illness. If you do please be so kind as not show the open, running sores here.
“Israel is not the reason that almost obscene wealth from natural resources are never spent tp improve the lives of impoverished Arabs.”
I’m sure you noticed that the Arab dictators who keep the oil wealth from being used to improve people’s lives are propped up by the USA in South Arabia and the Gulf emirates.Why does the USA prop them up?
Because of oil, and also because of Israel. These dictators (like the Saudi monarchs and the Gulf emirates) keep the oil flowing to the USA, and the dictators like the king of Jordan and Mubarak of Egypt are friendly to Israel (the USA’s protegy in the region). So. the USA props up these dictators with its support.
The USA should stop supporting these dictators. It can’t speak about democracy in the middle east and at the same time keep propping up dictators, without inviting the scorn of the world for the hypocrisy involved in doing so.