Jack Cashill, Obama, and racism
Jack Cashill has recently published a book called Deconstructing Obama, in which he advances his theory that Bill Ayers ghost-wrote Obama’s well-known memoir Dreams From My Father. Cashill has been called a racist for his pains.
This accusation was as predictable as the sun rising in the east and setting in the west.
When I first blogged, I was stunned when I discovered that I was being accused of being a racist for one of my very first posts, which questioned the credentials of an Iranian-American journalist, not because she was Iranian-American but because she was young and inexperienced. This was six years ago, long before Obama’s candidacy, but I learned early on in my own writing life that any criticism of a person who belongs to a designated minority group, even if such criticism is connected with issues having nothing to do with race or ethnicity, elicits the “racist” charge from those who wish to discredit the argument.
Note that Cashill is very clear on what he bases his charges of ghostwriting, and it has nothing to do with race. It is those on the left who think only in terms of race—or, at least, of using race as a strategic ploy. Either they believe race is Cashill’s motive for real, in which case they are the ones thinking about whether a black man is capable of writing such a book (certainly nothing that Cashill has ever suggested, or probably even thought about), or they are cynically charging him with racism knowing it is a toxic tool that they use all the time, to great effect.
In that endeavor, Obama is a great gift to them. He mostly stands apart from such charges, but sets a tone that encourages and releases them. This was apparent even during his 2008 campaign (see this and this). About a year ago, Obama apparently did it again. No surprise, really.
[NOTE: This is probably as good a time as any to remind you that I encourage you to use the widgets here to click through to Amazon whenever you order. If you want to buy Cashill’s book or any other book I link to, just click on the link or the widgets on the right sidebar, you’ll get there.
Oh, and in the interests of full disclosure, I haven’t read Cashill’s book yet, although I hope to. People tell me that he mentioned my analysis of Obama’s poem “Pop” in it. That’s not the only reason I’d like to read it, of course, but I’m curious.)
Neo, although your post focuses on the political blowback to Cashill, your link notes that he first made his authorship claims during the 2008 campaign. (Rumors about a Michelle Obama Whitey Tape also appeared in that time frame.) Therefore I note that the developer of a stylometric software package did not accept Cashill’s claims.
gs: As I said, I have not read Cashill’s book. I assume he addresses his critics in it, although I have no opinion as yet as to how well he answers their claims.
since we have no other theme i have to put this here..
Belarus shipped up to 40 tons of arms to Libya on eve of first protests
on another note…
the rebels want BUSH to help them!!!
Libyan rebels push west as Gaddafi receives crimes warning
remember, when this is all over, Muslim brotherhood will have nuclear weapons and 100 tons of biological and chemical ordinance. [and all peace treaties with isreal will be negated]
we return to the thread in progress..
I learned early on in my own writing life that any criticism of a person who belongs to a designated minority group, even if such criticism is connected with issues having nothing to do with race or ethnicity, elicits the “racist” charge from those who wish to discredit the argument.
let me correct that.
I learned early on in my own writing life that any criticism of a person who belongs to a designated oppressed group, even if such criticism is connected with issues having nothing to do with race or ethnicity, elicits the “racist” charge from those who wish to discredit the argument.
not minority..
there are millions of spanish people
there are less than 2 million latvians in the world
Chinese are considered a minority in the US, but worldwide, they are the biggest single group
women, who are on the left, get the protection, but not on the right. women on the right, are either too stupid or not oppressed enough… (which social justice Nazi style, with Nazi disparate impact arguments, and Marx dialectical reasoning, will fix).
hitler didnt exterminate the blacks of north africa
he dealt with the japanese
he partnered with arabs
which races did he try to exterminate?
a part of the white race…
now the white races men are the oppressors in this version of the game [i guess they like our women]. the source of all evil. the source of all financial problems, the same as the nazis (they were white, dont ya know).
so if you use the proper term, you can look up the way it works. they are the oppressed. your writing makes you an oppressor.
and as robin morgan the feminist said:
I feel that “man-hating” is an honorable and viable political act, that the oppressed have a right to class-hatred against the class that is oppressing them.
they have a right to hurt you!!!
you have no right to defense!!!
the oppressors have no rights other than to die out.
say minorities and your going to get confused..
as the rules dont work
say designated oppressed class (or as the jewish said wwii – scape goat), and oppressor.
then you will understand social justice and the idea of not prosecuting ‘minorities’ until there are equal numbers of whites in prison.
or holder not prosecuting the designated oppressed at the voting booth.. after all, in us constitutional law, they broke the law and denied others their rights. but social justice is a higher law than the constitution, and so after winning the case, it was dismissed by the higher force of social justice.
it wont be six months before idiots already acting out on this, really start acting out more.
its almost like when a game loses its patent protection. then other parties come in and they make copies, but the terms are different, maybe its a bit reformed, but the essentals ar ethe same..
over time, we forget kerplunk, and like whatever the new one is… as if it was the first.
It’s more than a strategic ploy; even more than projection (which is rampant amonfg lefties). Verily, verily I say unto thee, it’s original sin. Racism is the original sin in the (very dogmatic) religion of leftism/socialism/pee-cee.
We’re all born with this original sin, and we’re all struggling to purge ourselves of it be welcomed into heaven. Lefties are welcomed into heaven via supporting so-called progressive, pee cee collectivist policies.
Righties do not support these policies, so they are still submerged, yea ^marinated^, in the original sin of racism. Therefore, it is obvious to the choir — and it requires no explication or further comment — that any criticism of a heavily-skin-pigmented pee cee leftie stems from racism.
[ Unless, of course, the target of the criticism is caucasian, in which case there’s still gender, sexual orientation, or disability on which to fall back; if/when all else fails, it’s simply HATE. But for so many of these morons, it’s not a ploy; it’s what they actually think. But neo, I know you already know that — School of Hard Knocks and all that. ]
Artfldgr: actually, that’s what I was meaning by my use of the term designated minority group. The “oppressed” part was meant to be implied by the designation’ perhaps that wasn’t clear enough, though.
I absolutely agree about all sorts of other groups that are minorities but not officially “oppressed.” And of course this has nothing to do with a history of oppression, which Asian people in this country certainly have. Since Asian people have done well in recent years, they are no longer officially oppressed, and as a minority group they are pretty much not given any special status any more. Same thing happened to Jews (who, in numbers, are more of a minority since there are fewer of them).
The only person safe from charges of racism, sexism, and so forth is a afro-hispanic moslem quadriplegic transgender lesbian.
Self-hatred among afro-hispanic moslem quadriplegic transgender lesbians is common; except government programs to fight it soon.
IMO, the “racist” schtick wore out. It only has clout if we think other people will believe it. Few do, although some pretend when convenient.
I think the effectiveness of the racism charge against the non-Left is wearing off. A charge of racism still (and always will) generate a reflex of repulsion in the Left. Keeps the Leftish sheeple in a tightly knotted herd: Sharpton is my shepherd; I shall not want..
Heck, a Lefty can call me racist until he exhausts his oxygen, but to no effect ON ME. Futile.
Heh. Aubrey beat me to it!
neo-neocon Says: gs: As I said, I have not read Cashill’s book. I assume he addresses his critics in it, although I have no opinion as yet as to how well he answers their claims.
1. The “yet” implies that you might intend to read it, in which case I’ll be interested in your opinion.
2. You presumably already know this, but: IMO you have standing to request a review copy. Ideally the publisher not only would agree, but would add your name to their list of target reviewers.
Page 283: “‘Neo Neocon’ offers the most insightful reading of the poem that I was able to identify. She too is convinced that ‘Pop’ is Davis and she finds the following sequence disturbing in the extreme: . . .”
Just a question – When President Obama says “we” are sorry for what this country has done in the past, does he include himself or are there only certain groups who should be sorry?
We could definitely get into a lot of common history with only switching years and which group was the new kid on the block. when i was a young kid, italians had the pizza places, and did construction. today, mexicans dominate the back kitchens (even in pizza), and do lots of construction work.
one of the more interesting things to note, is in sports. people look to basketball and thing the sport is black, but in its early history, for the reason you point out as far as where people were in the past, the game was dominated by Jewish players.
the ONLY point i can minorly quibble on is the point as to the chinese. they definitely were a minority group, especially during the railroad era, and the joining of both ends of the continent. and yes, they have changed in our minds now over the years like most of the other groups.
however the Chinese are now on the other side of the fence. Given their competency, like the Ashkenazim, they would dominate colleges. so what we have is a unequal application so that some groups need markedly higher scores while others lower.
here is an article covering anti asian bias in college admissions.
and vdare covers it for whites (which the jews happen to mostly be).
Anti-White Bias and Bigotry in Academia
Being Hispanic conferred an admissions boost over being white … equivalent to 130 SAT points (out of 1,600), while being black rather than white conferred a 310-point SAT advantage. Asians, however, suffered an admissions penalty compared to whites equivalent to 140 SAT points.”
“To have the same chance of gaining admission as a black student with a SAT score of 1100, a Hispanic student otherwise equally matched in background characteristics would have to have 1230, a white student a 1410, and an Asian student a 1550.”
as i say, social engineers, and policy people executing them as plans and new ideas for education, should get the Joseph Mengele award for child improvement…
so other than this point how they were darlings till the socialists found out they were very smart, like certain other groups, then they kind of reversed themselves and tweaked the race (not gender) part of their social plans.
they dont tend to announce it though… have to pay close attention… within one generation they went to 67% female with the majority of the remainder being minority/foreign in colleges…
So what happened to the missing people?
The New Math on Campus
from wilx tv
for every 100 men, 142 women graduated with a bachelor’s, 159 women completed a master’s and 107 women got a doctoral degree.
“What’s happening is historic and unprecedented and we’re seeing this huge structural change in higher education,” says Perry. “When it happens year by year, we just don’t pay as close attention.” But Perry says attention now must be paid. According to the U.S. Department of Education, in 1971, the percentage of men outnumbered women in degrees conferred 61 to 39, but by 2017, expect a complete reversal.
71-17 flipped… not even 50 years
so where and what is the make up of the missing men if they are skewing the entry so heavily away from two groups?
not only are they gone, but they are silent too. something is stopping them from whining?
this gender degree gap has translated into what’s been coined as “The Great Mancession,” which refers to the huge gap in unemployment rates between men and women.
oh well, i guess this time around as history repeats we have ourselves a slightly different mix for the oppressor punching bags.
i just went back to read that thread again… what a pip of a thread too considering…
I read O, himself, just alluded to the tea party being motivated largely by race recently / again…
But I’ll throw out a third possibility somewhere between simple fixation with race or on the other side a tool. It is one of their self justifying narratives or myths. Akin to what we have seen recently with ecological / green issues (this is a new one being constructed before our eyes).
Just like the green movement; it is a fiction that leftists were historically less racist than anyone else (even now, they’re not less racist on average)… but it was a useful bandwagon to jump since it justified a huge expansion of federal government reach into society while also being a good cudgel to condemn society prior to their taking more power.
Artfldgr Says:
“on another note…
the rebels want BUSH to help them!!!”
It does make me wish there was something we could do to help…
M J R Says:
” Racism is the original sin in the (very dogmatic) religion of leftism/socialism/pee-cee.”
Yeah, that’s along the lines I see it.
reminds me of the report I saw on that anti-abortion sign in New York that was so controversial. It said something like “The most dangerous place for an African -American in the womb.” They were interviewing a white woman and she said the sign was racist. The sign was put up by a black anti-abortion group-lol.
should have said “…is in the womb.”
I respect and admire Thomas Sowell, Clarence Thomas, Allen West, Jackie Robinson, Hank Aaron, Duke Ellington, Condi Rice, Ozzie Smith, Herman Cain and Marian Anderson.
I totally oppose Barry NoBama.
Ergo, I am a racist.
Pardon me while I tend to my migraine.
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit. After all, Profiles in Courage, which Jack Kennedy got the Pulitzer Prize for, was actually written by Ted Sorenson. Who stood by obsequiously as his lord and master collected the prize and the kudos.
That said, Profiles in Courage was at least patriotic.
Beverly, You are right. The Kennedy family was goofy (the old man especially), but wanted very much for this country to succeed.
I can only imagine Obama in the place of JFK during the Cuban missile crisis.
I think Obama would first apologize, and then maybe even help Cuba to build their defenses. They do have free healthcare and no racism.
Being black apparently describes statist/marxist ideas that liberals now insist on including with skin color and hair texture as things inherent in a black persons nature. Talk about an easy path for a central planned communist state, just make it a cultural taboo of a most offensive nature to oppose it.
Isn’t there a limit on a card that have been maxed out? Surely most people with a brain knows that the Race card has no value. It just barely buys some on the Left who are willing dupes.
Will trouble in the streets of Madison and Cairo inspire trouble in Detroit and Philadelphia this summer? If it does, expect that we we need to hear a lot more about a need for dialog on racism in America. You should also expect that the “dialog” will be curiously one-sided as dialogs go.
“or they are cynically charging him with racism knowing it is a toxic tool that they use all the time, to great effect. ”
That gets my vote.
My mother in law who is ordinarily a delightful person but also a died in the wool “New York Times” liberal made the mistake of asking me a direct question about my opinion of Obama;s handling of the the Libya crisis. I saw the danger of my possible response and merely said that I wish he had gotten out in front of it earlier in the crisis. Well in the matter of 2 sentences she essentially shrieked that those fat ass republicans just cant get over that a black man is president and will do anything to tear him down. Knowing that my personal opinion of Obama is one of mild contempt at his principals and policies I asked aloud: “so you’re accusing me of judging him strictly on his race? You’re calling ME a racist… in my own home?”… mumbling and retreat. It shocks me because she is in fact capable of exploring no end of philosophy of concept except for this one cult figure… I have no point. Just wanted to vent.
Steve D.
Be interesting to know how and why your mother got to be like that.
It doesn’t seem likely that somebody would come from a concern with racism to that conclusion. It would be from something else with racism hauled in as a tool or excuse.
Although I should say I know some folks from when I did civil rights work in the Sixties who have never gotten past the era. Everything is racist. Otherwise, their failure to grow would be a problem.
But most folks do not look at that period as the primary focus of their lives before or since.
OTOH,, a NYT liberal would know nothing else about zero and anything else happening, so perhaps the only thing she can think of is racism.
Racism is the first refuge of a liberal. The accusation is automatic.
Liberals are knee jerk racist and think everyone else is too. But they have a remedy they’ve come up with to solve their reflexive affliction. Which is to promote a zero tolerance criticism or judgement of any persons in an historically oppressed class. Like an alchoholic that can’t have even one drink, they can’t pass judgement on even one black man for fear of relapse and exposure of a very ugly part of themselves.
They resent the conservative, because he is like the guy that can have just a couple drinks. He can pass judgement on Barak Obama and carries no shame or complex in doing so. THEY DESPISE THIS ABOUT US because it exposes their attempts to atone themselves by merely redefining what a racist is. They want it to be only how you outwardly aquiesse that makes you a non racist, and never again have anything to do with how you inwardly feel.
Steve H – good point.
I’ll add a more general point: the neatest trick of conservative philosophy (of the libertarian-tinged American sort, anyway) is that it opens up a generally freedom promoting policy-space that can be occupied by racists and non-racists alike. In other words, if one is a conservative, one genuinely buys into the “less government is better” concept, regardless of what one’s views on race are. That is a very intriguing way of neutering racism whenever it is present – if I may put it this way, by always (in principle) depriving it of an optional enforcement mechanism. This isn’t perfect in practice, of course, but of all the options for political philosophy, this is the one that passes the Churchillian test – it’s the worst except for all the others.
Conversely, the problem with liberalism (at least of the modern socialist-tinged American sort) is that it lacks this safeguard. Since the default of the liberal is always “More government,” even IF there were vastly more racists among conservatives, the comparatively few racists among liberals would have much more incentive and inclination to put their ideas or impulses into policy. The conservative racist has to overcome a more or less steep presumption against government involvement; the liberal racist has no such presumption to overcome. And here’s the kicker: once we grant the liberal notion that racism can be latent and subconscious, this is positively damning for liberalism, NOT for conservatism.
Interesting how they fail consider that this party line of theirs – “latent racism” – actually tends to hoist them with their own petard. There’s all sorts of ways to weasel out of that conclusion, but once they start to weasel, then conservatives can say “sauce for the gander,” and the game is up. (The usual liberal weasel-line is “Liberals only make good, wise, non-racist interventions,” which is so stupid it needs no refuting). So liberals are, by their own logic, either racist or supremely, embarrassingly arrogant.
Or, perhaps, both.
I agree with your comment, above.
I thoroughly understand why Goldwater voted against the 1965 civil rights act. A privately owned business should be able to decide who may or may not enter and do business. The act did not change minds, it merely enforced conformity with a PC code.
For example: If a business in my community had a sign in the window that read — “NO N*GGERS, NO KIKES, NO SPICS, NO GOOKS ALLOWED” I would instantly know I did not want to exchange with that business their offered goods or services for my hard earned cash. I would take my cash elsewhere.
“Will trouble in the streets of Madison and Cairo inspire trouble in Detroit and Philadelphia this summer?”
oh, Oblio, I hope not, but this is a real possibility. Jobs are will be scarce this summer, especially for oppressed teens who roam the city streets in organized groups. I fear Obama would have a Mayor Tom Bradley like reaction and blame businesses for denying the rights of citizens to have jobs. Obama would say this is completely intolerable; he would stand with the people against the injustice of it all!
Steve D Says:
“and merely said that I wish he had gotten out in front of it earlier in the crisis.”
I wish that as soon as we identified any groups as not anti-American; we sent arms… Anti tank, anti aircraft, et cetera… we could program them to expire within a year and only work from certian gps zones…
Richard Aubrey Says:
“It doesn’t seem likely that somebody would come from a concern with racism to that conclusion. It would be from something else with racism hauled in as a tool or excuse.”
Hey, a lot of people thought their was a capitalist conspiracy against the working class.. and they were needed to fight it.. Now they’ve just added a white middle class conspiracy against other races…