It’s all how you look at it
I noticed that Fox News is offering some live coverage of the Benghazi hearings.
CNN? So far, crickets chirping (at least when I’ve looked).
I know it goes without saying—but if George Bush had presided over a similar incident, even the networks would be covering the hearings live.
More on the hearings here.
This thing could grow. Obama and Hillary are meeting today in the Oval Office. Wouldn’t surprise me at all if she tells him to jump into the lake if he wants her to take the fall for this.
It’s gonna be interesting to find out who told Susan Rice to blame the incident on the video.
I’ve been watching it on C span today…..quite a bit of ‘coloring’ going on here. And the various committee members seem quite contencious (sp?) toward each other.
I’d like to put Susan Rice in the witness chair under oath. In fact, I’d pay cash money fer a ticket to see such a show.
The entire top echelon of this administration; Obama, Clinton, Rice, Axelrod, Jarrett, etc. colluded to lie to the American public about Benghazi because its political suicide for the full truth to emerge.
At the very least, Clinton is culpable in the Benghazi deaths.
Had she any honor, she would resign. Since she’s instead avoiding any public venues and condoning the administration’s cover-up, she’s criminally culpable in impeding a federal investigation. As is Obama. Of course, if at all possible, Holder will not allow justice to prevail.
Hello!! Rep. Mike Kelley just displayed the outrage and disbelief I have been feeling since this hearing began! Thank you Sir.
Alas, even in the unlikely event that there was some MSM coverage of this the effect on the election would be negligible. Now if Big Bird was a victim of the terrorist attack!!!
Lying and incompetence are permissible if one is awesome.
The Amazing Mr. Ripley at the Presidential level.
Neo: [i]”I know it goes without saying–but if George Bush had presided over a similar incident, even the networks would be covering the hearings live.[/i]
Yup. The Valery Plame non-affair comes readily to mind, and there was [i]nothing[/i] there. Just a narrative. Yet they kept at it until they got Scooter Libby. These people are shameful.
Its turning out to be as i said that first day it happened, that the norms were not followed and that some serious crap of badness was going on, as there are protocols and such that exist, and so someone had to deviate from that, which requires a decision, etc..
going back to that thread is an interesting read as to how much effort people went through to make the information presented to them fit their imaginations and things and not look up stuff, and work from a basis of facts, and not concede they didn’t have them either (but would present some facts as seeming to imply so).
and the actions below are incredibly similar to the actions you can read about with the dems during the hayes tilden election and how they tried to fix the unfixable when a mutilated black woman survived and gave congressional testimony.
and now:
Republicans hammer State witnesses on Libya attack
basically both were an exercise in throwing dirty underwear at the wall plugging away with inventiveness in social excuses hoping one of them sticks with the non sociopaths they stand before.
no shame in the lies and excuses, just an attempt to appeal to the majority who aren’t sociopathic with some excuse that they know will enable the nice to let them go.
whatever they think will work on all or a section of the whole, they put out, and hope that enough subsections are swayed that together they add up to enough to change the outcome to what they want.
The budget appeal, the technical info appeal, the i did the best i can appeal, etc…
but pay attention and you will see that the decisions begin made were by those people who toute their superior judgments and things (you know, the way sotomayor did). and how having them on the team makes everything better, like Adobo does for salads and soups, and so on.
make sure to sort out who is giving opinions and excuses and who is doing that but was also part of the chain of decisions… Jay Carney don’t matter, he is noise, Lamb matters she was changing protocols put forth by men (care to check? ask Eric Nordstrom, Lt. Col. Andrew Wood, ).
part of the one big happy tribe thing…
the idea was to prove they knew better and that they could use the foreign troops to do the work (you know spread the wealth)… ignoring that they have been the most recent reason for higher death rates in afghanistan… (and dont forget the question that they are NOT asking Lamb… how were you to figure out which local libyan and army men were loyal and not false flag? what was your process to at least attempt to vet these men and their willingness to shoot their own countrymen in the event of a problem)
Hillary Clinton
Susan Rice
Charlene R. Lamb
and here is the statement that really should get a lot of people fired if people actually realize what it implies and what it tells you they were thinking.
remember this is a “a four-decade veteran of the Foreign Service” saying this…
if i can give the docs the mengele award for interventions in family and childhood for making a better future without permission (and knowing the future)…
i will now give the Maginot Line award, for guardians and security people who think their job is to prevent the past from happening twice, and ignore the potential of anything else happening that is different or new as the worlds abilities change moving into the future
the first award goes to Patrick Kennedy, for claiming that we only need to defend against the past. he gets a bonus award for actually selectively deciding what past to defend against, and ignoring all prior history of actions as would happen (care to read a litany of trusted betrayals leading to bad outcomes for heads of state, and so on? from et tu brutus to afghanistan the past month)
basically this was two things…
one was a test of equality of decision making, would the superior women’s choices be better? and refusal to bend from that, was evidence of riding that test out to the end result to see if their idea would work (even if it did there, that meant nothing for the future – even the day after)
anyone ever hear this before?
“If women ruled the world, there would be no wars.”
how bout this one?
“If mothers ruled the world, there wouldn’t be any God-damned wars in the first place!” Sally Field 2007 Emmy Award speech…
the problem is not that women cant do the job, its that ideology doesn’t make women that can do the job… you get people trying to live or make myths and prophecies real
Emily White – “Fast Girls: Teenage Tribes And The Myth Of The Slut”
2008 study by the US based Pew Research centre
[for some of what we believe]
the point is that when you do this, the person in the position feels they have to make different choices than the man, or else how can they be superior?
logically speaking here, there are only three options… do the same, and not be superior..
or choose between doing more, or doing less
and that’s the end of that…
As long as superiority replaced equality which falsely replaces inferiority (constructed by changing butter knifes into screwdrivers and rating them on how well they turn screws), the ladies are forced to pick outside any answer men give.
ie. if men are inferior, then they always have inferior answers… so if i dont do what they say or think is good, i am superior by default.
who knew being superior was so easy!
oh, this problem doenst happen when you have
E. Pluribus Unem
the reason why, is that the distribution of smarts is allowed to mix along the full range and find their actual place without regard to other disconnected fashionable self serving attributes
having to be the anti-thesis does not allow such natural distribution, and does not make for a superior one…
Are you saying that you think these four American men were murdered at the consulate in Benghazi because feministas are now running the show at State?