Is this guy telling the truth?
Or are we seeing some form of taqiyya?
The man being interrogated in the following video is named Yousef al-Mansi, and he is a former minister in the Hamas government in Gaza. How did he fall into Israeli hands? Was he captured? Did he surrender?:
He was the Minister of Communications and Information Technology in the Second Haniyeh Government under Ismail Haniyeh from 17 March to 14 June 2007. Al-Mansi was appointed by Hamas as the Minister of Public Works in Gaza by January 2011.
Al-Mansi was among [those] arrested during the 2023 Israeli invasion of the Gaza Strip on 5 December 2023 and was questioned by Israeli authorities beginning on 7 December. He is considered the highest-ranking Hamas government figure whose capture has been announced.
Related: Netanyahu says “it’s the beginning of the end” for Hamas:
“I say to the Hamas terrorists: It’s over. Don’t die for Sinwar. Surrender – now!”
“In the past few days, dozens of Hamas terrorists have surrendered to our forces. They are laying down their weapons and turning themselves in to our heroic soldiers.” Netanyahu said.
Of course, jihadi extremism is much bigger and more widespread than Hamas. But getting rid of Hamas would be a start.
probably, he’s Al Azhar trained which is the Cambridge of those parts, he was an architect in the Saudi Religious ministry, odd he ended up in Communications, the kind of professional a state might need if they wanted to go beyond butchery,
WRT to Hamas fighters surrendering, I should think that they would be a serious problem for Israel. There is no clear path to rehabilitation.
What do you do with them? Are they to be treated as criminals or POWs?
Old man shakes fist at clouds, drools out words . . .
hes trying to stay cool with the interns, sigh and academia and think tanks
you do pose a problem, yassin the founder was detained in 1985*, released the next year in one of the first big prisoner exchanges started the intifada, in gaza,
same for sinyar, al beiri, and too many other to name,
*this was back in the Shamir/Perez coalition government,
The sheep’s clothing is being brought out of the storehouse.
Damnit neo – he’s telling HIS truth. Get with the times!
Indiscriminate bombing you say? Thanks for bringing it to our attention. We’ll stop that right away.
There. Done.
By the way, you’re not confusing us with Hamas are you?
Islam’s embrace of Taqiyya and Muruna means that anything any Muslim says can never be taken at face value. President Reagan’s meme “trust but verify” is reversed when dealing with Muslims. Verify before trusting and if verification is the least bit uncertain… trust can never be fully extended.
“O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.” Qur’an, Verse 5:51
How less shall Islam ‘trust’ the atheist, the agnostic & those who ‘identify’ as LGBTQ+…
If his information proves useful and factual, then at least some of what he says is of value. They’ll have to test it.
At first a month ago thought why not surrender, a few more hostages and they would be released soon enough.
Now can only think to fight another day as seems they are getting a severe loss.
I read this post this morning and thought “hmmm — I wonder if the Gazans are turning against Hamas? That would be good news.”
Then this afternoon I drove my daughter’s truck to get a Christmas tree. She has the radio tuned to NPR, which I never listen to any more. Three different segments in the 45 minutes it took me to get the tree were by NPR reporters reporting on how much the people of Gaza only want peace; want their own land, want an end to Israeli settlers moving into the West Bank.
In sum, the perspective of the NPR “news” was 180 degrees off what I hear regularly on Fox.
Which leads me to ask Neo’s commenters: have you listened to NPR recently? You know, the radio service that is partly funded by our tax dollars? Do you know what they are saying? You really must tune in occasionally and hear what they are pushing with your dollars.
Oh, and final thought: the local NPR service comes from the local University (Ohio University). That institution also gets a fair amount of your tax money. I think it’s time for tax payers to fund a conservative public broadcasting service.
Like our drone attacks in afghanistan and yemen right
Almanser is smart enough to know hamas ultimate goal yet he made it respectable (an albert speer a hanstaegl) in international circles
We dont need lectures from china or russia or syria or any of these places
I listen to NPR in the truck all the time. Usually have to switch away at anything political due to low tolerance for their crap though. My favorite segment is ‘Bird Notes’.
This is what indiscriminate bombing looks like just in case anyone is unsure.
I read a lot of military history. The bombing of Hamburg is in the running for the most horrific thing I’ve ever read. We did that. Our side anyway.
Raqqa had about 500,000 at its peak
Oldflyer I have been thinking about the same. Big problem. Check out how Basil ll, Bulgaroctonus, Byzantine emperor solved his prisoner problem. The solution was so terrible that the Bulgar king, Samuel, died a broken man shortly after. After decades of bulgar terrorism never to return. They had a way of fixing things back then.
I stopped listening to NPR about 20 years ago for that reason. Its bias was extreme.
I can’t trust him to support the war in Gaza. If other nations pressure Biden to abandon Israel in this war, will he abandon Israel?:
Recently, Biden gave his position in the war as, a position like- [We, the US, support Israel fully in this war, but if they keep doing their indiscriminate bombing of Gaza, then that might have to end].
No, Mr. Biden.
Firstly- fighting a war is like two men, [or 2 other adults], fighting over a sharp, deadly spear- you have to [do whatever you can] to make the man let go first,…or give up and leave the fight.
[There’s quite a lot of unpleasant things that a nation or nation(s) does, in a war, to make the other side give up on a war.
Some of those nations abandon ALL morals to [get the other nation to give up in a war. I don’t approve of people giving up all morals…or almost all morals, to stop a war. I don’t like that, but it [does] happen.]
Biden also said, in talking about the war in Gaza +/or Israel that- the US was in many wars + conflicts, since WW2, + not all of them were needed,…and that, [in his words], that: “The War in Afghanistan was not a war that the US needed to be in.”
You’re acting very horribly, when you say that.
You, Mr. Biden…while Vice President, + your big friend, Mr. Obama, [SUPPORTED the war in Afghanistan], while you were the Vice President.
You even said it was the “morally better war to be in, than the 2003 war in Iraq”, and that “the war in Afghanistan was the more practical war to be in, than the war in Iraq”.
Here’s the thing about wars- when you’re a world leader, like a vice president, or [a US President], you [can’t] first- support a war an ally is in…and the abandon it when you don’t like the war anymore- and you can’t abandon your support of a war…after it has ended…to get political support, or for whatever reason that you find.
I have friends who have, pre-2022, fought in the wars in-Afghanistan and Iraq.
Are you telling me, [and them, and any other Military people in that war, and any other people in that war, and the KIAs], that [their sacrifices were for nothing?…or their efforts + sacrifices were useless?]
I really hope that you are not.
In my view- you cannot abandon a war for your own gains.
You have to support a war, in most cases…no matter what unpleasant things are in it, until the war ends.
A motto from an unknown author, echos that view:
It is foolish to enter a war, without the will to win it.
Xylourgos, I was thinking of that same episode a couple of weeks ago, in connection with Gaza.
Tokyo was far worse than Hamburg. Hamburg was an accidental firestorm, caused by a temperature inversion. Tokyo was on purpose.
Neo, we don’t need a fancy Arabic word for this. It’s just straight up lying. At the end of the day that’s allowed.
Muhammad is the second highest source of Sharia after Allah. Both are required sources, and Muhammad’s rulings, teachings, and sayings are found in the Hadith collections. Sahih al Bukhari is, next to the Quran itself, the most authoritative source (of the six canonical collections).
Sahih al Bukhari-Book 56: Fighting for the Cause of Allah (Jihad)-Chapter 157: War is Deceit-hadith #3030:
“Narrated Jabir bin Abdullah:
The Prophet said, “War is Deceit.”