HomeElection 2020I have deciphered Bidenspeak


I have deciphered Bidenspeak — 37 Comments

  1. How will this clearly senile old man be able to hold up in debate with the far more vigorous Trump less than two weeks from now? It is hard to believe that Biden’s handlers are not in the process of formulating some plausible reason for him to decline to participate while somehow obscuring the issue of his obvious cognitive impairment.

  2. Heh, Quartermasters, who are the tail of the “tooth to tail” that allow a victory by doing their job….
    Can supply ladies’ underwear?
    Of course, only those who cannot “learn to code”

    Trump didn’t say it, but Biden implied they are “losers and suckers”

  3. j e:

    There are two possible scenarios, I think.

    They may somehow cancel his participation. Or they will figure out a way to game the debates by either getting the questions ahead of time and writing the answers out for him and then projecting them on some screen (or feeding them into a hidden earpiece), or doing the same in real time as the questions come. He may not be in the studio. If he’s at home, they’ll have a lot more freedom to do this. They are counting on the cooperation of the MSM to not challenge him with hard questions, to challenge Trump a lot and “fact-check” Trump a la Candy Crowley in 2012, and to allow whatever clandestine aids the Biden campaign comes up with.

  4. I’m ten years older than Joe. I am now at the stage where I often cannot recall the word that I want to use. I identify with what’s happening to him. No way could I do the job, which requires a nimble mind and a body that can operate well for many hours a day. To keep him in the race is a form of chicanery and deception that boggles the mind. But then the RussiaGate, Ukrainegate, and Covid19gate capers also boggle the mind. So, I guess this is just SOP for the Dems at this point. 🙁

  5. Neo- I agree with your two possible scenarios. Also, no matter how Biden performs in the debate there will be a lot of gaslighting in the media’s analysis. In the aftermath we will be told that Biden did surprisingly well, and that everything Trump said was a lie.

  6. So, they’ll ask Joe some softball question and he’ll fumble and stumble through an answer (either rehearsed for hours or supplied by some surreptitious means) . . . after which Trump could say “Joe, that was an interesting response. I’ll yield my time so you can expound at length upon what you just said. . .”

    The “moderator” would have to jump in, saying “No! No! You can’t ask Joe any questions!”

  7. Chris B:

    Actually, since Biden has always been muddle-headed even when he was at his best, the press covered up for him in exactly that way after his debate against Palin in 2008. < a href="https://www.latimes.com/la-oe-goldberg7-2008oct07-column.html">See this.

  8. In addition to all of the above predictions: no matter what Trump says, whether directed specifically to Biden or not, will be construed as “being vicious and mean” (they can’t say specifically “beating up on an old man” of course), just as they did when he debated Hillary.

    For anyone who missed it, BTW, this experiment is a must-see.
    It was run by a couple of leftists who intended to show that Hillary’s advantages were not due just to her being female but were part of her superior experience and character. To do that, they had two actors memorize and deliver the debate transcript, including inflections and gestures, but with a man playing Hillary and a woman playing Trump.
    To their great surprise and consternation, Trump looked even better than he had on the stage! I give the sponsors credit for their honesty in posting it instead of burning the video. Of course, it was watched live by an audience in order to assess how the gender-swap affected the public’s perceptions of the candidates, and live-streamed as well.


    Erratum: The NYU post came up first on both DuckDuckGo and Google, but it was followed by a mix of left and right sites on DDG, and almost exclusively left sites on G. Bing led with the Daily Wire rewrite of the NYU piece (which was second on DDG and unmentioned on G’s page 1).

    It is much shorter but covers the essential points.

  9. Surely no one is going to tell me to “Keep on the sunny side, always on the sunny side, the sunny side of life” (a very old song).
    What sunny side?
    After two generations of Gramsci’s communist march through the institutions of America, I have abandoned hope.
    I am not sorry to be among the elderly, who will not have to live long with the oppression and thought control about to descend on us all.

  10. If there are debates, of whatever format, this post makes some important points.

    I understand it’s mesmerizing to watch clip after clip of befuddled old Biden stammering his way through a teleprompter during a staged event for five people. I get it.

    But, don’t let that trick you into lowering the bar of expectation to the point where all Biden has to do is not duck the debate and he’s suddenly declared the winner.

    We should expect more from a president than to merely show up and honor us with their presence at a national debate. We should expect more from a president than to not screw up, right?

    Say it with me: Biden should not only do well at the debate, but he should also defeat President Trump, easily. We should expect nothing less and we should be saying nothing else until the debates are completed.

    If he fails miserably, let him fail miserably within the context of exactly who he is: A professional, life-long politician with decades of experience debating politics and policy at the highest levels of the national discourse. His performance should be measured against that.

    Those are the expectations. Anything less is a failure.

  11. If there is a debate, I fully expect old Joe to challenge Trump to a push-up contest. It’s all he’s got. Come on man!

  12. Cicero (4:27 pm) said:

    “After two generations of Gramsci’s communist march through the institutions of America, I have abandoned hope. I am not sorry to be among the elderly, who will not have to live long with the oppression and thought control about to descend on us all.”

    Cicero, you and I disagreed a few days back, but that is ancient history. I concur fully with your above sentiment (I so wish I did not).

    And I have this added advantage: I am blessed with three children, but none of them (unless something truly revolutionary comes to pass) will have children, so I won’t have to worry about the perverted, dystopian world in which my grandchildren will grow up.

    My children [now adults], be strong, persevere, and be *very* careful what you say and do. You’ll be needing that latter skill.

    Cicero, see ya ‘roun’ . . .

  13. Here in the state of WA our idiot governor refused to debate his Republican opponent in person if he refused to wear a mask which Culp was doing. So instead they are debating in two different locations.

    Surprised they haven’t tried this yet on the presidential debates.

    Sidebar: those horrific ads for Harris/Biden where they are all masked up are truly disgusting. I am not the kind of person that feels this about people I don’t know but I truly despise these people.

  14. MJR:
    What’s a little disagreement among friends?

    My children do not really see the gravity of what’s probably coming. My grandkids surely do not, though happily some are being-home-schooled.

  15. Neo said, “they will figure out a way to game the debates by either getting the questions ahead of time and writing the answers out for him and then projecting them on some screen (or feeding them into a hidden earpiece)”

    “The King’s Speech” comes to mind.

  16. Neo, I sent you an email in August where I suggested that Biden might “catch” Covid—a “mild” case, of course, like a really bad cold—and therefore, sadly, he’ll not be able to debate. He’ll be heartbroken of course.

    It can “last” as long as “needed” and that will be that.

    I read a similar suggestion recently, at American Digest, I believe.

    They’ll figure something out.

  17. Minta Marie Morze:

    Very interesting idea, but my guess is that they won’t do that. I think they reason that it would make Biden seem even more frail than he already seems, and that’s not a selling point. If they can feed him lines and have him answer with even marginal coherence, they might think that’s a win because expectations are so low.

  18. The Debate:

    “President Trump, what are the implications of cod-fishing disputes in the North Sea on NATO participation in anti-piracy operations in the Horn of Africa area?”

    “Vice-President Biden, what’s your favorite flavor ice cream?”

  19. Which moderator is going to bring the transcripts, and which one is slipping Joe the questions under the table?

  20. Feeding Biden the questions isn’t going to help. At this point, he’s incapable of even reading coherently off a teleprompter.

  21. I find it difficult to believe Joe could follow a voice in his ear. He just can’t do it. They wold have started the training by now and he isn’t any more lucid.

  22. Since it’s now apparently the “Harris-Biden” Ticket, somehow Kamala will “switch” places with Hidin Biden and demand that Trump debate her instead of Joe !!

  23. Trump should offer to debate Harris “since she is the real leader of the Democrat ticket.” If Biden acquiesces, he is exposed as weak and not up to the job. If Biden disagrees and debates, he will perform poorly. Trump wins either way.

  24. The Quartermaster’s Song
    There are snakes, snakes, snakes
    Big as garden rakes,
    At the store! At the store!
    There are snakes, snakes, snakes,
    Big as garden rakes, at the Quartermaster’s store.

    My eyes are dim I can-not see.
    I have not got my specs with me.
    I have HEY! Not HO! got my specs with me.

    There are mice, mice, mice
    Running though the rice,
    At the store! At the store!
    There are mice, mice, mice,
    Running through the rice, at the Quartermaster’s store.

    Continue with each of the following:
    3. lice – living on the mice.
    4. rats – big as alley cats.
    5. roaches – big as football coaches
    6. watches – big as sasquaches
    7. snakes – big as garden rakes
    8. bears – but no one really cares
    9. beavers – with little meat cleavers
    10. foxes – stuffed in little boxes

  25. I watched most of that round table discussion on veterans’ benefits via a facebook live stream from a local Florida news station and I stuck with it through Slow Joe’s ramblings and digressions (he is intensely boring, and full of it) because I was so enjoying the live comments of other watchers here in our purple state. “Can you believe this? it’s painful to watch!” we were saying to each other, with many pointed comments and opportunities to verbally joust with the (outnumbered) Biden supporters. Every one of the six people in the roundtable stuck to their written questions, and Biden had notes with answers to those prepared questions. Biden’s mask sometimes slipped below his nose and he kept messing with it and pulling it back up. “Touch your mask again, Joe!” Even with notes, a few times he couldn’t find the answer and he promised he would check with his staff and get back to them later. “He doesn’t know his own position!” The whole focus of the event was on programs for helping veterans (“Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what Joe Biden can do for you!”), but with nothing new and specific proposed, and with no time spent on the potentially most helpful things for future veterans… having a Commander in Chief who won’t send them to stupid wars we don’t intend to win. In Biden’s wrap up speech, which seemed to be read off a teleprompter, he plagiarized Reagan again with his lines about America being about one word, “possibilities.” (https://spectator.org/reagan-speechwriter-biden-just-plagiarized-from-reagan/) He also referenced the losers/ suckers hoax, though it has been well debunked now… but at least it gave us hecklers a chance to educate the commenters who still believed it. Biden is clearly awful but I fear many will vote for him because they think Trump is worse, thanks to the power and bias of the mainstream media and Big Tech. But maybe there will be a few minds changed if more people watch him in action, unfiltered through the narrative. I was most interested in the reactions of a few young people who stumbled onto the live stream and were clearly shocked at how out of it and unpresidential Biden was. “He sounds like he belongs in a nursing home.”

  26. They’ve been going to Harris and saying, “Kamala, we may need to up the timetable for putting you on top of the ticket. It may need to come before the election.”

    That’s why she said “Harris Administration” recently. Open secret.

    But, they don’t want Kamala to debate Trump because he might be able to make her look as unlikable as she actually is. They’re hoping they can sneak her past one debate with Mike Pence because, after all, he’s a gentleman and won’t go out of his way to make her fall apart.

    So they’ll keep Biden in the race until the threat to Harris has been minimized, then swap Harris in to win the election.

    It’s the biggest rope-a-dope move in the history of American politics: Make your opponent tire himself out attacking the wrong target, then yank that target out of the race, making his attacks suddenly irrelevant to the race.

    There is nothing that delights a leftist more than the cries of their political opponents saying, “Hey, that’s not fair!”

    By the way, I do hope the Trump team is thinking about this possibility. It could work. Perhaps the reason that Biden’s doing so little campaigning is that, when the Harris swap happens, they’ll deluge the airwaves with advertising for how she’ll deliver a brighter future, and they want Biden to be forgettable enough that nobody disappointedly clings to him after the switch.

    In fact, perhaps Trump should be openly campaigning against Harris and largely ignoring Biden. That would powerfully make the point that Biden’s already past the threshold of incompetence. Calling it out might anger Biden to the point of further incoherence. And it would allow Trump to focus on defining Harris before she can define herself.

  27. Used to sing The Quartermaster’s Store song frequently when I was a wee (Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!) lad in England.

  28. As someone in his eighties, I agree with Cicero. I am thankful I will not be around to see the erection of Gramsci statues everywhere there used to those of Frederick Douglas, Columbus, Washington, Grant. Perhaps even MLK?

  29. So this is based in a certain type of reality. Fascinating. All we need to do with Old Joe is send him back in time. Calling HG Wells!

  30. Daniel on September 17, 2020 at 12:39 pm said:
    The Quartermaster’s Song
    * * *
    Thanks for posting the lyrics.
    Our boys sang that often at scout camp with varying verses, but it seems to me that things like “ice cream” figured more prominently than in the original.
    (Yes, we did have a freezer full in the commissary; it was very popular in the afternoons, and an excellent fund-raiser.)

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