Home » How did Kamala and the Democrats raise so much money?


How did Kamala and the Democrats raise so much money? — 13 Comments

  1. “ letting a flood of money into the political system with no verification of its source is an invitation to fraud “

    Duh, that is the entire purpose.

  2. I checked the scam out in 2012. I tried to donated $5 to both campaigns without using the CVV code. Obama took the money but Romney rejected it.

  3. While somebody, anybody, investigates illegal political donations to the demonkrats, perhaps somebody, anybody can also determine which NGOs were actively supporting illegal immigration into the USA and perhaps have them indicted for aiding and abetting the violation of US immigration laws.

    OK, just venting.

    We all know nothing will happen to anybody or any organization that supported (s) policies supported / initiated by the demonkrat party.

    Anyway, when the president of the USA issues an executive order that, for all intents and purposes, violates established US immigration laws, there is no recourse to hold anybody accountable; if there was, joe Bidet and Mayorkas – for starters – would be in prison.

    In effect, via the executive order ability, a president can overturn existing laws and unilaterally make new laws that have not been voted upon by the US Congress.

    How this is not unconstitutional truly escapes me.

  4. As SHIREHOME mentions above, there was quite a big deal about the Democrats taking money from China during the Clinton administration. There were Investigations which I think were successfully stonewalled.

  5. Please note that Clinton and Obama got away with taking money from foreigners. Meanwhile, federal prosecutors threw the book at Dinesh d’Souza for making use of a straw donor and add to that the bogus ’34 felonies’ conviction of Donald Trump. A critical mass of Democrats in prosecutors and on the bench are malevolent swine.

  6. Malevolent swine, indeed.
    The fish rots from the head down.
    All Democrats, in my modest opinion.

  7. I’m not sure I understand blockchain transactions, but the key to the scheme appears to be a sort of ironclad traceabilty and rigorous matters of record. How hard would it be to legislate that all political donations above a certain amount – say, $100 – are required to use blockchain, and that records are to be kept live and available to the FEC? This is something that could easily be measured.

  8. As I understand it, most of Kamala’s big money was from Silicon Valley, Hollywood and other elite redoubts.

    Those Big Folks were told that the election was razor-thin close and their bucks could make the difference.

    After the 2024 Trump landslide those Big Folks want to know where their money went.

    And So Say All of Us.

  9. “Big Folks” seem to lack elementary common sense. Are they run by reflexes?
    Reflexes, like jerking away from a painful stimulus, do not usually reach the brain at first. They are located and activated in the spinal cord.

  10. @Cicero:Are they run by reflexes?

    I’d say “hunches” and “life experience”, since none of them can possibly be expert in everything, they have minions for that. They use those hunches and life experience to gauge which minions they should listen to when, since they can’t of their own knowledge evaluate what they are being told.

    Daniel Kahneman’s Thinking Fast and Slow is a good primer on this, I think.

  11. Mark Halperin on 2 Way Tonight recently had a Democrat bundler on the show, Lindy Li, and her take on Harris campaign is instructive. According to Li, she raised millions of dollars for Harris and was told in July that they were winning– something she now acknowledges was a lie.

    She focuses on the campaign for the first 20 minutes.

    She blames the Obama staff for many of the lies/errors the Harris campaign made.

    2WAY TONIGHT | What’s Next for the Democrats? with Mark Halperin | Trump Transition News | 12/13/24

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