Home » Hawaii judge enjoins Trump from issuing executive orders


Hawaii judge enjoins Trump from issuing executive orders — 19 Comments

  1. This, if a April Fool’s post, is the work of a Master Craftswoman. It is all so credible. All Hail Neo-Neocon!

    If it isn’t God help us.

  2. If Congress and Trump ever do get together on lasting legislation, district court judges in the 9th Circuit are sure to go to court to get an injunction against Congress declaring it unconstitutional.

    I am not joking.

  3. I do assume that Neo is pulling our legs, but I view it as precognition rather than humor. As I have often written, The Onion isn’t satire, it a newspaper transmitted to us from the future.

  4. Here is another prediction that is contingent on the Senate going nuclear to confirm Gorsuch:

    Someone will file suit arguing that not allowing the filibuster to block Gorsuch is illegal, and a judge in the 9th circuit will issue an injunction preventing Gorsuch from taking his seat.

  5. I am saddened and oppressed that collectivists continue to make claims against the lives of real human beings.

    Therefore, collectivists are enjoined from continuing to exist.

  6. OM; SCOTTtheBADGER; carl in atlanta; and everyone else:

    After doing this all these years on April 1, sometimes I fear I’ll run out of ideas. My favorite April Fools post was this one, without a doubt. That got so much attention (something like 40K or 50K visitors, if I recall correctly) that I had to issue a disclaimer afterward in a vain attempt to try to stop people from taking it seriously.

    My other favorite was this one, which also fooled a LOT of people. Unlike the other, it didn’t get a lot of links to swell traffic, so most of the people it fooled were my regular readers. But people were so upset by it that I had to add the hint at the top of the post later, to try to head them off.

    In 1995 I was taken in by this one, and I was quite disappointed when I learned it wasn’t true.

  7. Yancey Ward Says:
    April 1st, 2017 at 4:18 pm
    I do assume that Neo is pulling our legs, but I view it as precognition rather than humor. As I have often written, The Onion isn’t satire, it a newspaper transmitted to us from the future.
    * * *

  8. From neo’s 2010 post, the addendum:
    “Unfortunately, too many people may have already gone away thinking I’m some sort of weirdo who spreads unsourced rumors on a daily basis. Nothing could be further from the way I usually operate (hey, did you hear about…?). Perhaps the problem is that the truths that actually did appear in this piece, (1) the video itself; (2) the fact that Willard had a role as consultant and actor in the movie “Top Gun;” and 3) the fact that Johnson is one of two Buddhists in Congress–were already sort of quirky. This was especially the case with the video, which should have been a joke but unfortunately was not (at least, not an intentional one).”
    * * *
    The structuring of a false story with a skeleton of true facts (alternative or otherwise) is exactly how the biased media presents their narratives, so it is not surprising that neo was reeling them in with this one: we are used to not being able to dis-entangle truth from fiction in the news.

  9. The terrible thing is that Neo’s April Fools trick is so very close to the bone.
    I don’t believe Gramsci targeted the judicial system in Italy as one of the categories to infiltrate.

    Wiki says this in “Judiciary of Italy”:
    “While Italian judges, in keeping with the civil law tradition, do not create law, and thus there is no case law properly said, the decisions of the higher courts are of great importance and may establish long-lasting doctrine. While there is no stare decisis rule forcing lower courts to decide according to precedent, they tend to do so in practice, because, should they not do that, the higher court might quash their judgements, in keeping with its jurisprudence.”

    Do not create law. Hmmm.

  10. I think I have been reading neo neocons blog 2006, but I am entering the stage of life where memory is questionable; but anyway, I detected this one by reading the headline. She (I hope this the preferred pronoun) is a wily jokester or perhaps jokecis.

    BTW, I have inside sources that tell me Ivanka is pregnant with Putin’s love child. I was also hacked by the Russians. Oh no, I hear a knock on the door, those guys out there have AK47s, the Russians are coming!

  11. I have just one question, Neo:

    Is “Distruct Judge” a purposeful error? if so, it is perfect!

  12. Despite knowing the post was datelined April first, and
    despite knowing that Neo LOOOOVES to tweak us with April Fool’s posts … I was totally convinced.

    Fool me twice, shame on me, etc, etc…

  13. Ha! I totally fell for this one!

    I figured that the Jello post, especially those deviled “chicks” was the April Fools post.

    And that’s because, as many others have said, it isn’t that far from the believable truth.

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