Happy non-euphonious New Year!
There’s something about 2013 that doesn’t fall trippingly off the tongue.
A friend pointed out that it’s the first year since 1987 that doesn’t have a double digit in it. Perhaps that’s it. Or perhaps it’s that 13.
Whatever. Let’s hope it’s a very good year, and much better than the last one.
And 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, & 2019.
Hold on, They’re Coming!
It’s a Crappy Obama New Year!
Sam L., What happens when we get 2 sets in 2020?
If 2013 is anywhere near as good as 1987, when Reagan was President, I will be stunned. Even with the stock market crash (that we recovered from very quickly).
“. . . it’s the first year since 1987 that doesn’t have a double digit in it.”
Man, anything, just about anything to avoid blaming Obama and his supporters for the mess were are in.