Home » Happy New Year!


Happy New Year! — 7 Comments

  1. Happy New Year, Neo, good soup starter – just substitute split peas for the kraut. Or black beans. Mmmm, good, even if you can’t cure a hangover.

  2. Politics, punditry, jello molds, and recipes…. such a diverse menu. Neoneocon is like a box of chocolates – you never know quite what you’ll get. But it’s all worth reading.

    For some strange reason I have always loved cabbage and sauerkraut. Never heard of it as a hangover cure, however. Sounds delicious though. Will definitely be adding this to the family recipe book.

  3. Actually, the cabbage thing is a (generally regional) New Year’s day superstition- on New Year’s, you have to eat either cabbabe, or collards or other greens- they’re supposed to represent money and invite prosperity for the new year. Black-eyed peas and collards with pork were extra lucky to my deep South family- collards for “green money”, pork as a symbol of prosperity, and I have no idea how the black-eyed peas got involved, but there they are.

  4. Dear Lab,
    In NOLA (New Orleans) the cabbage was for money, the black-eyed peas for luck, and the fat because you caint cook vegetables in de sout without a bit of fat.

  5. Oh! Right. The hangover recipe. Boil water in a saucepan and throw in a bunch of garlic cloves and a sliced or chopped jalapeno or habanero pepper. Pour in some vinegar (wine, white, malt) and simmer 5 min. Throw in a raw egg and chivvy around with a fork or chopsticks. Down the hatch. Tastes like hot & sour soup and works every time. Good for colds, too.

  6. My sure-fire hangover remedy: only drink good stuff. Nobody ever got hung over on Moet-Chandon or premier cru Bordeaux.

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