Hamstring pull
You’d think I was a basketball player or something.
I’m not. But yesterday, while I was doing nothing more strenuous than walking fast – which I often do – I felt a pop! in the middle of the back of my left thigh, and could hardly walk for a moment. The only unusual thing that had happened at that moment is that someone had slightly startled me. And I mean very slightly.
Why would I pull my hamstring because of that? I wasn’t even aware of my gait changing. Did I pull up short a bit?
I don’t know, but I’m highly annoyed with myself. A hamstring pull makes everything more difficult: walking, standing, sitting, bending, getting dressed, putting shoes on. It’s far from the worst thing in the world, but it’s painful. The proper approach is to apply a cold pack, elevate, and wrap it with an ace bandage (or some sort of special tape I don’t have), according to several websites.
Anyone got any other ideas? Those same websites say that standing is bad for a pulled hamstring, sitting is bad for a pulled hamstring, walking is bad for a pulled hamstring, stretching is bad for a pulled hamstring. What’s left, lying in bed? No, that’s not good for it, either.
I’m not complaining. Well, actually I am, but I think you know what I mean. I know so many people with so many very serious ailments that I’m trying not to complain much.
So, forget everything I just said. But let me know if you have any good remedies.
Ouch! Been there, done that. In addition to cold, or alternating heat and cold, if you are able to take ibuprofen, do that. I actually think walking helps — not the fast walk you like, but just enough to keep moving. I stretch it by behind over and touching my toes. Hold for a few seconds, and come up slowly.
RICE – Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation for the first 48 hours. Following that you can apply heat. I played competitive soccer into my late 50’s, the doctor’s advice for sprains and strains, aka muscle pulls, was to get back to light activity after the first 2 days. Apparently the light activity keeps the muscle from atrophying and helps with the healing. Ibuprofen for the pain. Note: if there is bruising you have a tear and should see a doctor.
Also, I have an electric massage thing, but for the hamstring pull, if you have a foam roller or other hand-operated massage tool with which to gently massage the area that might help.
That’s bending over, of course, not whatever autocorrect thought I meant.
Hamstring is a big muscle, id rest it as much as you can for a week. Let it calm down. Easier said than done I know, but it is the thing to do. At least 3 days maybe. And then some. Ive had the hamstring thing, usually from not warming up or exerting too much too quickly. But I have never had a pop. At least one I heard.
Chicago area, its easy to rest today, actual is -2, feels like -14
I’m just imagining elevating a hamstring. Good luck with that one.
Not sure it’s identical to your hamstring issue, but I’ve had a lot of sudden “tweaks” in my hamstrings resulting in days of annoying pain. “Pops” tend to happen more in my gastrrocnemii.
Don’t listen to my advice, but stretching helps with my hamstring issues. I’ll often face a kitchen or dining room style chair, bend forward and put my hands on the seat, slowly bending at the elbows until I feel a stretch and then holding for awhile. Then repeat a few times. I don’t bounce. It usually helps the pain go away for awhile. For more severe ones I’ll do a hurdlers stretch, holding and not bouncing. I also find sitting “Indian style” and stretching my head and torso directly forward, towards the ground helps, but I’ve never heard of that as an official stretch and sort-of stumbled into it myself. It feels like a good stretch in my glutes and hamstrings, but not sure if it’s good for one?
I also agree with those who say light exercise (walking) helps. I find “warming it up” and keeping it warm through simple movement keeps pain away (even standing) and when sitting still the pain returns.
Whatever muscle or joint is giving trouble, Bob and Brad usually have at least two or three videos that will help with it.
Anyone remember the woman who went viral with the phrase, “Ain’t nobody got time for that.”? Well, that perfectly captures my feelings on illness and injury.
You’re probably going to have to go on the Injured List for at least a couple of weeks.
Hopefully, you’ll be back for the playoffs.
Along with the great advice above, let’s not forget the obvious. Pain meds. Particularly this little secret:
I pulled a hamstring during a period I was jogging 18-20 miles a week and competing in long distance events (10k-1/2 marathons) around age 65. Yes RICE, yes pain medication, yes stretching. After it “healed” the hamstring remained tight for a year. I could still jog after stretching before a run, but I could definitely feel it.
Neo, sorry that happened to you. Maybe visit an Immediate Care Center (or do a virtual or phone visit)? Hopefully not too expensive with whatever insurance you have.
@Mike Plaiss, Truer words ! I often take this combination proactively when I have an unusually heavy physical work day. One Extra-strength Tylenol, one regular-strength ibuprofen. Sleep like a baby, no muscle pain the next day. Dentists commonly suggest this combination.
Get well soon Neo, I hope it abates quickly !
A pop sounds bad. I’d probably stay away from anything other than gingerly walking around the house for a few days and take ibuprofen. Cold and warm and hand massage. Especially, avoid stretching for a few days or more, IMO. Later, stretching can be great.
My nurse friend emphasizes that the OTC dosage of 200mg pills is low, about half the prescription, and that anti-inflammation with ibuprofen only happens with larger accumulated dosage in your system. Take 400mg at a time, and again 6 hours later. But don’t overdo activities when you’ve got a bunch of ibu in you. Save the exercise and stretching for when you don’t have pain killers in your body.
Several months ago I had dropped something behind the couch, bent over the couch back to get it, and came up slightly short. I pushed a little harder and got it, but I heard a little pop. A twinge of pain in the ribs in my upper chest. But it seemed to pass quickly and I forgot about.
Then a day later, I’m out partying, and dancing with a band at a club at night and I start getting chest pains. Oh f__k! My heart? No! It was that damn rib. Aging sucks.
I can only urge care, because my plantar fasciitis struck, hard to enough to make it very hard for me to walk, while I was half-way up a flight of stairs, so I had to walk half a flight, up or down, to get to an elevator.
And I couldn’t expect someone else to happen by in a reasonable time frame.
In addition to the other sage advice passed on here, you should make it a habit of daily stretching exercises to minimize the potential for future problems. When I get to the gym, the first 10 minutes are devoted to stretching, including the hamstrings.
Try Voltaren cream rub it has NSAID in the cream. Apply directly to the painful area. Minimizes the need for pills. Pain relief lasts about 3 hours. The best Volraren is from Canada has more NSAID then US brand.
Plenty of good advice on treating the injury here.
However, the important thing is prevention, particularly for us older folks. I eschewed stretching when I was a young competitive runner and never had a tear, but in my mid-40’s it was a different story as I hurt my Achilles and hams on several occasions.
After several such episodes, I put my pride in a locker and started stretching daily. The result: more tears or strains in my legs even though I remain a very active 73 year old.
If you can easily touch your toes before you work out and every day, the hams won’t spontaneously tear like that. Same applies to the Achilles.
@ Dan > “The result: more tears or strains in my legs”
I think you probably meant “fewer tears” – thanks to you and to stu for the advice, ; it’s something I’ve heard all my life, but it’s always good to have a reminder, even though I am a not-very-active 72.
Stretching is a great suggestion. I began a stretching routine about a year ago. I am more flexible and feel better.
I’ve been told to warm up before stretching.
I pulled a hammy many, many moons ago and do remember it was painful, not quite sciatic nerve painful, but close enough that all the previous easily done activities now became a test of will.
3 weeks on injured reserve. Back to playing tight end for The Browns.