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German election results … — 8 Comments

  1. I wouldn’t excuse anti-semitism on the German right, but really, the German left has done a bang-up job of ignoring Muslim immigrant anti-semitism and suppressing people opposed to all the “asylum seekers” and the crime they bring.

  2. Yep, what Kate said. The establishment doesn’t like the ‘extreme’ AfD but will fight to the end for the Muslim extremists they have invited in.

  3. Alice Weidel’s remark was that the Christian Democrats had copied AfD’s platform, then declared they would only coalesce with leftist parties (who would refuse to consent to its implementation). Bait and switch.

  4. To my mind – and even bearing in mind the insistence for months on Merz’ part that the Union would never have anything to do with the AfD – the fact that the CDU is choosing to grasp at what not so long ago would have been referred to as the “Grand Coalition” option is a sign of desperation rather than of strength. I draw this conclusion due to the fact that the SPD lost about a third of its strength in the parliament this time around, in one fell swoop, which is really quite an achievement.

    SPD als Volkspartei? Ganz und gar vorbei! (I exaggerate, perhaps, but not by a great deal, methinks.)

    What really saved Merz’ bacon this time around, I think, and the only reason that he has this option available at all, is the fact that the FDP got body-slammed and the BSW seems to be not quite so impressive after all, so there will be only five parties in the parliament rather than six or seven. Had either of those reached 5%, the Union would have had a more difficult series of decisions to make.

    I generally concur that this will probably lead to more of the same from Berlin, but I also consider it possible that something amazing could happen while this particular government in Berlin endures.

    The DW article to which neo linked in the post is fun to play around with a bit. The graphic showing plurality winners by district is very interesting for one reason in particular: the AfD was getting numbers well into the 40+% range, and actually beating the CSU’s percentages in the core Bavarian districts!

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