HomeHistoryFlight 93: “It’s up to us now. I think we can do it.”


Flight 93: “It’s up to us now. I think we can do it.” — 7 Comments

  1. Yes, Neo, it did rip my heart out anyway. I remember walking into my office, where my secretary had a portable TV on, just as the 2nd plane hit the second tower, and I said the world will never be the same. Boy I was wrong, when Barack Hussein Obama did the Iran deal!

    It is a tribute to mankind that we do not, in fact, dither and become hysterical in the face of imminent demise, despite how Hollywood portrays human reactions to looming disasters.

    It is a black mark on all of us who do not understand or accept that zealous Islam is an evil ideology disguised as a monotheistic religion. Islam is an Abrahamic religion only because Mohamed says so, and elsewhere says “Kill the Christian, kill the Jew.”

  2. I cannot watch it. I still have not been able to watch “Flight 93.” It’s still just too awful. I watched the documentary that involved the footage from the French filmmakers who had been shooting in Manhattan that day. Somehow, I can bring myself to watch that. Maybe because so many people in it actually survived the day.

    I’ve watched a lot of horrible things. I have seen a lot of films about the Holocaust, both fictional portrayals and documentaries. But I just cannot watch about Flight 93.

  3. Lee Also:

    It’s understandable not to be able to watch it. It’s extremely heart-wrenching. The thing about this particular documentary, and the reason I put it up, is that it has extraordinary interviews with the family members. I’ve seen a lot of interviews with them, but the things they say here are very deep and very moving. Some of it is even inspirational and spiritual. Plus, the acting by the actors playing the people on the plane is quite extraordinary. Usually these things are done in a histrionic way that seems fake. This one has reactions that seem real.

  4. Here in Slovakia we saw the movie Flight 93, dubbed into Slovak.
    Still moving.
    It was about 3pm in Slovakia when we were watching the Towers burn, then fall.

    One issue on “polarization” is the idea that “America deserved it”. There are lots of Americans who want “America” to be punished. Sort of a “America is a Goliath, and all others are little Davids”. I like rooting for the underdog, but only when he’s good.
    Some seem to think that the fact that America is so big, so rich, so NOT the underdog, that Americans must be evil. The good don’t become so rich / powerful. They’re wrong tho. America’s strength comes from its goodness.

    America’s far from perfect. But it remains the greatest country in history.

  5. Neo, if you haven’t seen it, here’s a link to 9/11: Cleared for Chaos, a 2019 Canadian documentary about the small group of air traffic controllers at Gander, Newfoundland, who had to contact, monitor, and safely land several hundred aircraft after U.S. airspace was closed on 9/11. Their initial shock was followed by calm teamwork and professionalism. As terrible as 9/11 was, at least there were no aircraft collisions, runway accidents, or pilot freakouts that could have added to the tragedy. It’s a small chapter in the history of 9/11, but it deserves to be remembered. And I don’t think this film will be too painful for anyone to watch.


  6. “America’s far from perfect. But it remains the greatest country in history.”

    All my life I’ve been hearing from people who think Europeans are so superior to Americans. So cultured, so refined, not like us vulgar rednecks. Well in the 20th century they plunged themselves into two horribly bloody world wars. They tried to kill nearly all my people and almost got away with it. And Stalin murdered as many as Hitler, maybe more.

    Well they are white guys, right, what do you expect? So take a look at Asia. Rape of Nanking. Prisoners tortured in Japanese WWII POW camps. Cambodian genocide. Mao starving 10s of millions (now you’re talking *real* genocide!). The Indian caste system, and don’t forget that thingy where they burned the widow. Somehow those hip enlightened Eastern religions didn’t prevent all that. Africans and native Americans in NA and SA weren’t too genteel with each other either what with all the cannibalism, scalping and human sacrifice.

    So it’s like what Winston Churchill said, “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.” The US is the worst country. Except for all the others.

  7. A couple of years ago, I had just landed at a small airport with my instrument flying instructor. A beautiful old biplane landed, and a tall woman climbed out of the cockpit. We walked over to say hello. She introduced herself, and the name sounded familiar.

    “Are you famous for something?” I asked. She laughed, and said, not as far as she knew.

    When I got home, I looked her up. She was one of the two F-16 pilots who on 9/11 were detailed to bring down Flight 93…by ramming, since the fighters were unarmed.


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