Home » Election mechanics in a post-COVID world


Election mechanics in a post-COVID world — 31 Comments

  1. The Dems have successfully cheated for years. See, e.g., Al Franken’s first win. And they cheated on a massive scale in 2020.

    It was political malpractice by the RNC not to fix this after 2020. And Trump should have been on the case during covid. It must be JOB ONE before the next election.

    We look like fools. No results in AZ and NV? Absurd.

  2. Jesse Waters on Fox News discussed the vote/ballot distinction last night.

    Something MUST be done.

  3. Good post neo. I recall just prior to the election commenters saying Republicans voting early are allowing the cheat and other various things to suggest the only purist thing to do was vote Election Day. Over at AoS, alias Buck Throckmorton noted how this played at in Harris County, TX. Democrats will just cheat with not enough ballots to vote with on Election Day. Or in Maricopa, AZ; not enough voting machines working on Election Day.

    I do think voting by mail is foolish, because we’ve seen the video of postal workers just dumping the ballots from heavy conservative districts. Otherwise, why limit GOP voting when the Democrats are running the field on the options available. You can rant about removing the options, but you cannot do it when your party is out office and doesn’t get to make the rules. Take them to court? Well, Republicans did in Harris County, and the conservative Texas Supreme Court (rightly I think) ruled not to give Harris County more time to vote to make up for the delays caused by lack of ballots.

    Fight with what you have, not with what you think should be used because it is a fair fight. The other side doesn’t care how it looks. They only care about who shows up to be sworn into office. When you defeat them; then you can set the rules.

  4. I read the Conservative Treehouse article and I was thinking of commenting on it but you beat me to it. I agree that Republicans are way behind in adjusting to the new world of voting and I think this, more than any other reason, is why the midterm results were so disappointing despite having an overall Republican turnout advantage.

    The RNC is close to useless in directing resources to where they need to go and implementing an effective strategy to deliver ballots. My daughter witnessed this first hand working for the Parrot campaign in Maryland’s 6th district, which unfortunately despite being close, is on the verge of being lost. The district boundaries in Maryland were recently redrawn making Maryland 6 a very winnable race for Republicans and yet the Parrot campaign depended on a handful of volunteers with no political experience. They were outspent and overmatched and yet still came within a few batches of suddenly discovered mail-in ballots to winning.

    I’m actually a little surprised Republicans did as well as they did given the incompetence of their leadership.

  5. meanwhile they dropped the charges against konnech’s eugene yu, after they put engelbrecht and phillips in jail to try to extract the name of the whistleblower in jail,

  6. The ballot vs voter emphasis leverages the very large proportion of uninformed ‘potential voters’ – i.e. people who wouldn’t vote if they had to make much effort. Younger people and women tend to dominate this population and are easy pickings for the Democrats. They’re far less likely to be competent voters and more likely to believe what they’re told by partisan media sources.

    I’ve lost count of how many college educated women I’ve spoken to who believe that abortion is no longer legal – and resent being corrected. They seem to relish the belief, in an almost masochistic way.

  7. its rather sad, how they visit misery upon themselves, the cohort who are hooked on lethe, (pot) are equally misdirected,

  8. I’m having a hard time understanding WHAT we need to do. In this election cycle, the RNC was very active in going to court before the election to stop illegal stunts by Dem-controlled cities, counties, and states. In NC, with a fairly secure system, I got lots of emails and phone calls urging Rs to vote early.

    How are Rs supposed to operate in states which allow mass ballot mailings? Any state where Rs control should be instituting Florida-like systems ASAP. If they win in Arizona, their first step should be to pass legislation outlawing anything other than paper ballots and optical scanners which are not internet-connected.

  9. All good stuff, but my complaint is one of emphasis. The Conservative Treehouse speaks of “ballot collection” and “ballot centric processes,” and then says that the result of this does not accurately reflect the old system where voters vote.

    So it’s fraud. It’s certainly not democracy. It’s also not shenanigans or a harvesting process or any other tame descriptor. If Republicans and conservatives don’t get out in the media and shout “criminal” and “fraud” and “the end of democracy” things will just get worse.

  10. “…the following 11 states have no laws on the books regarding “who can return an absentee or mail ballot on behalf of a voter” or “other restrictions on collecting absentee or mail ballots”: Hawaii, Idaho, Mississippi, New York, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Utah, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Many of the 26 states that allow third-parties to collect and deliver absentee ballots appear to have limited oversight or laws to prevent ballot harvesting.”

    It looks like ballots are the name of the game. In Washington state the limitation is any person can return a ballot, as long as they’ve not been paid to do so.
    Voter turnout in 2022 was 72%. Since every voter is mailed a ballot, that’s a lot of ballots out there. We need to be harvesting those ballots at every opportunity.

    It would only take one election cycle for the Democrats to be on board for better election protections.

  11. And yet, Brian E, from that list, Idaho, Mississippi, Tennessee, Utah, and Wyoming reliably vote conservative/R. Perhaps they’d better pass restrictions before Ds start gaining in their states.

  12. The local news here in New Jersey just reported that “lost” ballots have been found!

    Some how or other those in charge lost or misplaced thousand of votes in Mercer county. Today, they reported that they found them.

    Just where have the ballots been? The news didn’t report that detail, nor did they name the people who misplaced them, the people who found them, etc.

    While the number might or might not have any impact on the overall election it still brings into question how valid is the vote count? If I was in that county I would be pissed – as in was it MY vote that was misplaced? Was MY vote counted?

    Years ago, I knew people who worked as poll workers and they told me that they had a police escort to take the voting machines from their town to the county seat. There was a “chain of custody” that had to be accounted for. Today that seems to no longer be the case.

  13. The abortion issue is a strawman, but the Dems used it effectively here in WA. Patty Murray’s most effective ad was probably the one where she stated that it was wrong for the government to stand between a woman and her reproductive health care. To a low info voter, that sounds very reasonable and right. (Never mind that the government stood between doctors and patients in mandating an experimental vaccine.)

    The Democrats used abortion and Januiary6th to appeal to the under 35 voters. Student loan forgiveness’ (even though it’s probably not legal) was also attractive to the under 35 voters.

    Turns out that turnout in this age group appears to have been higher than usual.
    “Turnout in battleground states was even higher for this key demographic, at around 31 percent.
    In previous midterm elections, young voter turnout hovered around 20 percent.
    Data show young voters tend to support democratic candidates.”

    This could be one factor in why the “Red Wave” didn’t appear.

  14. Kate:

    The D’Souzas made some specific suggestions in the video. They’re not cure-alls, but they might help.

  15. Here’s an assessment of Gov. Kemp’s GOTV apparatus in Georgia, which ran separately from the Republican party because of its alleged favoritism for Perdue in the primary. The organization is now being put at the disposal of the campaign to get Walker over the line in the runoff.


    Republicans all over the country should be looking closely at the Kemp and DeSantis operations to see how it’s done.

  16. @ Gregory > “I’m actually a little surprised Republicans did as well as they did given the incompetence of their leadership.”

    Well – fools, or knaves?

    Two items to consider. (in separate comments)

    The first is a long, involved story, with lots of insider details, so I will skip to the bottom line.

    by Tracie Beanz
    In 2021, at the urging of President Trump, I ran to become a precinct committeewoman in the local GOP. After I won that election, I decided to step up to make more of a difference at the state level. I ran for State Executive Committeewoman and was also blessed to win that election. After almost two years of witnessing some of the dirtiest, backhanded, disgusting political tactics you can imagine, on Monday, I resigned.

    So did the rest of my county executive board. This is our story, and it’s a story all of you need to know and understand because the reality is that the GOP, even at the local level, is out to get you. Literally.

    In short, the South Carolina GOP broke every rule in the book and did whatever they wanted to get their way because they didn’t like what we stand for. These are the tactics of the left. They don’t like that we question the results of the 2020 election. They don’t like that we have stepped up to clean up Main Street so that we can clean up Washington. They don’t like that we finally said, “enough is enough!” and got involved.

    They’ve weaponized the “rules” against their “enemies,” all while they don’t follow the rules themselves. The SCGOP doesn’t like the America First agenda. They are happy to fundraise on that platform, and they are happy to use Donald Trump to get what they want, but fundamentally, the leadership and its minions are the left wearing elephant costumes over the donkey ones. Problem? Their asses are showing.

    The establishment, the uniparty, the globalist machine (call it what you will) made sure that MAGA has no place in the Republican party in South Carolina.

    They hate you, and they are coming for you next.

    This may seem to you like a local issue, but it has much greater implications for the country than just Horry County, SC. The country is burning down around us, and the state GOP is more concerned with how many Facebook “likes” they have on their page than doing the work necessary to save it. They are clearly more concerned with officially “condemning” their most passionate activists than actually focusing on winning elections and fighting the left. But it isn’t only a misplaced sense of urgency, whether intentional or not; it’s the fact that they really despise everyday Americans. They don’t like you, and they are happy to allow the country to go to hell as long as they maintain their power.

    Understand the operation. They target the strongest among us with lawfare, humiliation, and lies. Then, they use people from within to go after the others who may support them. They use fear and intimidation tactics. They scare them and spread lies about their main target in an attempt to remove their influence. Most people cower because they are too afraid to upset the apple cart. Eventually, due to the psychological operation, the people who stood up to take the slings and arrows are left standing alone, with the weak having retreated back to their living rooms, now afraid to be involved. They do all of this to maintain their power over the system they fear is slipping away from them. If they can make an example out of us and get away with it, what is stopping them elsewhere?

  17. Number 2: Direct eye-witness report. Adds some details to the now-common boiler-plate news articles.


    Election judge Michele Swinick has come forward to report what she experienced in Maricopa County on Election Day. She worked Election Day as a judge at the Islamic Voting Center in Scottsdale, AZ. She reports that the center is heavily Republican, with “no party” designated voters as the second most populous demographic, followed by very few democrat voters, evidenced by the fact that she checked in very few of them on Election Day. She reports she spent the entire day checking in voters.

    Swinick says that the tabulators all worked “perfectly” during the test the night before the election. The problem with scanning began immediately with the first ballots. Voters scanned their ballots between 4 and 12 times with very minimal success. Poll workers estimated about 1 in 10 ballots were being read for the first three hours of voting.

    Voters were given options to either spoil their ballots and try again or drop them into a different section called “Door 3.” As per Swinick, their inspector had to empty the ballots from “Door 3” three times throughout the early afternoon because of the volume of ballots. Typically, ballots aren’t supposed to be removed from that box until polls close, but they made an exception because the box was jamming and became too full.

    Swinick reports that the technician came to the center between 3:30 pm and 4:00 pm MT and rebooted the machines. After this, there were no further issues with ballots being run through tabulators. She reported that one of the poll workers told her, “Everything is now going smoothly with the tabulators.”

    Per Swinick’s inspector, an offsite supervisor had advised “Because of the situation” to put all “door 3” ballots that had not been scanned through a tabulator into a separate black bag and to label them “misreads.” As a judge, Michele told UncoverDC that she personally signed the sticker placed over the bag’s zipper, and then these bags were sent to the tabulation center to be counted. Michele informed us that the normal process for a ballot that is “unread” is for poll workers to run the ballots through the tabulators one more time before sending them to the center. As per Swinick, this was not done.

    The County had set up a website to give voters the ability to check that their vote was counted. The problem is Michele has proven that the website isn’t correct and seems to be using a voter’s “check in” as evidence their vote was tabulated rather than the actual tabulation of the vote. Michele offered her first-hand proof of this.

    “My roommate ran his ballot through the tabulators 15 times as one of the 1st voters at the Islamic Center. It did not read the ballot. He was forced to drop it in door #3.

    About an hour after I arrived home at 9 pm MT, my roommate checked the website to see if his vote had been counted. The website reported it was. It is mathematically impossible for his vote to have been counted by then since only an hour before, I left the center, and the ballots had not been taken from the center to the meeting point where the ballots are hand exchanged to another transport team, which takes them to the tabulation center. For his ballot to have been counted, it would have also needed to be sorted and hand-counted by a team at that center and reported into the website —all within that hour.

    In the case of In Person/Day of Voting, this proves the reporting of his ballot being received & counted is actually based on his being checked into the Voting Center and him receiving a ballot to be cast—NOT his ballot being scanned and read through the tabulator or hand counted at the tabulation center.”

    “In my opinion, the machines were programmed to do this, and it was all planned. The process and narrative, both machines and people. It was brilliantly done. They isolated the ballots to replace or not count them in 223 bags. The hard part for them in 2020 and during the primary was getting the ballots to match their manufactured machine count. This way, they have everything isolated in the bags.”

    Nothing Trump did or didn’t do affected what happened here or in the previous story.

  18. Whomever dedicates him or herself to prosecuting Democrat electoral fraud in the previous and upcoming elections has my vote. Democrats must be stopped before they completely destroy our elections. Nothing else matters.

  19. Chases Eagles: “JJ, how many of those are make believe voters that don’t really exist?”

    The sixty-four-dollar question. Here in WA, I believe the California model is now operative. IMO, the Dems harvest ballots in the usual places – low-income areas, nursing homes, obituaries, colleges, government offices, teachers’ unions, etc. The GOP can win only on the eastside of the mountains, but Joe Kent lost over there this time.

    The issues don’t seem to matter. How the elections are run seem to matter the moist difference.

    Unless we get rid of this system, WA is now, and will remain, a one-party state

  20. From my perspective in rural Pennsylvanian, I observe the following. Our idiot republican-dominated legislature twice amended our Voting Law; once to allow extended voting period and no-excuse mail-in ballots and the other time to eliminate straight party voting. The former was allegedly to accommodate Covid lock-downs and the latter was simply their too-clever-by-half way of allowing republicans to vote for down-ticket candidates without also voting for Trump (although never admitted to be the reason). This allowed democrat machines in Philadelphia, Harrisburg and Pittsburgh to cheat and resulted in the 2020 electoral steal and the more recent fiasco, whereby we got Shapiro as governor and Fetterman as Senator. My original position was that these legislative changes should be reversed and a return to one day voting, in person, with adequate ID should be the goal. That has now been eliminated as a possibility,, so it is clear that the republicans must, if they wish to assume majority status again, adopt democrat methods and means by targeting voters, giving them the widest possible latitude in voting and essentially playing the democrats’ game until control can be retaken. I am not sure that is possible, however, given the utter idiocy of the 18-39 voting cohort, which overwhelmingly went democrat. Clearly, these spoiled children of privilege do not know what is best for them; it is the tiktok voting cohort, which goes along with the urgings of their idiot “influencers.” Since we know beyond any doubt that tiktok is a Chinese propaganda scheme, it should be banned immediately, although I am sure another similar malignity will spring up to replace it. I have deluged my state and local representatives with emails providing them with incentives to start playing the game smarter, but I fear that the republican party here is dominated by Mitch McConnell types whose only goal is to retain their sinecure with all its perks. At most they might pay lip service to some reforms, but they have no interest in actually reforming anything. They prefer to be the leaders of the losers rather than chancing their positions.

  21. Debbie D’Souza said if voting is concentrated on one day and there are problems you may not be able to get to vote; true enough, but if everyone has to vote on that one day whatever problems occur affect all parties equally. That is also the incentive for those supervising elections to do their jobs correctly; can anyone name an Elections Supervisor who has been fired for incompetence or “voting irregularities”? That job seems to be a quite comfortable, and very secure, sinecure.

    Is voting a responsibility or a convenience? Republicans, I sense, view it as a “responsibility,” Democrats view it as a “tool,” something that can be wielded to gain what they want. To that end, they have learned, quite well, how to use that “tool,” beginning with debasing the process of “voting” by emphasizing “convenience” over “responsibility.”

    Republicans are, as usual, way behind the curve in Learning How Things Actually Work.

    Way back when, voting was established to occur on one day, both as an organizational requirement – there was no reliable mechanism in place to deliver ballots in a timely manner – and to perform as a “marker in time.” Voters had to travel, on foot, by horseback, by carriage, to the polling place and arrange to be there on the day of voting. It was not uncommon for voters to arrange their schedules around voting day, sometimes arriving early and staying overnight so as to be at the polling place on voting day.

    The “vote versus ballots” discussion is prescient; Republicans and Conservatives view “voting” as a definitive act; Democrats and Liberals view “ballots” as a process. It’s obvious Democrats are much, much better at “ballots” than Republicans are at “voting.”

    There is, in my mind, certainly a need for change: First, “voting” must be a definitive act, not a “process;” Second, 12 hours may not be enough, it should, at the very least, be conducted over a 24-hour period, and perhaps 48 contiguous hours is justified; Third, absolutely airtight record keeping must be the standard, even if it requires voters to re-register every 4 years; Fourth, any and all electronics beyond the tallying of paper ballots must be banished from any association with voting – a verificable and permanent record must be created by the voter at the moment of voting to allow for review (this may require separating “voting” activities, i.e., having one paper ballot for persons competing for offices and a separate ballot for “all the other measures.” Can scanners be manipulated? Certainly, because they use software, and the defense against that is pulling random samples to confirm that the vote total corresponds with the statistical valid analysis of the samples. Perfect? No; better than what we’re doing now? Absolutely).

    If Republicans cannot return voting to an “event” but instead allow it to continue as a “process” they might as well turn off the lights at the RNC and go home – the Democrats will never allow them to win another “election.”

  22. Actually, we have early voting in NC, and no-excuses absentee ballots by mail. But there are controls. Even though the Dems have so far managed to prevent voter ID, when appearing in person at early voting, one has to state complete name and address. Our ballots and tabulators are voter-controlled, reliable, and auditable. To get a ballot by mail, a registered voter must send an application by mail, and that application has to contain the last four digits of either the drivers’ license or SS #. Without that, no ballot can be mailed.

    Reliable paper ballots marked by voters by hand and tabulators seem to be key. Any ballot-marking device which either counts votes or produces a ballot with a bar code for counting should be outlawed. Our tabulators are simply optical scanners, scanning the marks that voters made.

  23. Another problem is that all of these new voting techniques call the secrecy of the ballot into question.

    With the business world so around-the-bend woke, I suspect that there are a lot of closeted conservative voters who would not be thrilled if their employers or customers knew how they vote. Voting by mail or drop box increases the number of potential SJW bureaucrats who could could find out how a person votes and leak that information. This isn’t an unreasonble fear. From lone wolfs (Reality Winner) to the highest-level officials (Kamala Harris and the IRS) leaking confidential government information is a go-to tactic for the left.

    As destructive as they new voting novelties are, I agree that D’Souza is right and I agree that the right needs to figure out how to play them as the left does. Maintaining the secrecy of the ballot is going to be a big issue, though.

  24. On the Treehouse’s comment about ballots vs. votes: Look at how Trump has approached elections since he first announced in 2015. He runs terrific rallies and energizes voters. He won doing this in 2016 in great part because the Dems never thought he could possibly win. In 2018, 2020, and now 2022, the Dems fired up their vote fraud schemes and effectively countered voter enthusiasm. Based on how he operates, Trump is the last guy we should expect to overcome the fraud machine in 2024. I regret that this is so.

  25. Kate – You may recall that the Romney team was very optimistic about their chances in 2012 because of the energy at their rallies in October of that year.

    It may just be that voter enthusiasm doesn’t matter as much when significant numbers of people vote early or by mail. We’re not excited about paying bills that come in the mail, but we do it. I wonder if people approach mail-in voting the same way.

    I think there’s an argument that Trump’s style is uniquely ill-suited to this environment. Suppose there’s a group of voters who don’t love Democrats, but find Trump off-putting. Before the new voting novelties, they probably just stayed home. Now a ballot shows up in their mailboxes (or they receive 10 texts a day from a Democrat-controlled PAC telling them to request a ballot until they finally do). Now when the ballot arrives, they see Trump or a Trumpy candidate and some Democrat that they don’t know as much about. (Remember that Democrats have been peppering the airwaves with ads tying the Republican to Trump since before the primaries.) I suspect that there are a lot of folks like this and that most of them fill out the ballot for the Democrat and mail it in.

    FWIW – I think that scenario is a much more plausible explanation of 2020 and 2022 than massive out-and-out fraud.

  26. Yep, our concerned conservative™ has the answer, OMB. All those voting day “glitches,” drop boxes, ballot harvesters, Zuckerbucks, or even to go back into the olden days, hanging chad’s, aren’t a sign of election fraud. Nope, nothing to see but orange. Nothing goes with orange.

  27. Michael “Ozzie” Myers, the disgraced former Philadelphia Congressman was indicted and convicted recently for years of voter fraud. Usually in lesser, down ballot races. More votes were recorded than voters had physically been at the polling place. Mail-in voting makes that kind of easy detection impossible.

    Both parties believe that they represent the Will of the People. Democrats believe that they speak for large numbers of people who don’t actually vote. Getting the ballots of nonvoters to the vote counters is “fortifying” democracy and “rectifying” the results. For Democrats, it’s giving the silent sufferers a voice in how the country is run and, consciously or unconsciously, they more or less approve of their party stuffing the ballot boxes. When we heard that elections were not about winning over swing voters but about “bringing out the base” maybe we should have expected all this.

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