Did she or didn’t she?
I can answer the question, even if she can’t: she did.
My title is a reference to one of the most famous ad campaigns in history:
I can answer the question, even if she can’t: she did.
My title is a reference to one of the most famous ad campaigns in history:
and she told two friends, and they told two friends, and and
Even if Grimes loses, the country is lost if so many voters in a culturally conservative like Kentucky are so clueless as to make her transparent an duplicity lies a viable election strategy.
In terms of political ads, people often point to the “Daisy Ad” as one of the most effective, but check out this contemporary anti-Mary Landreiu ad, which I feel is extraordinarily effective- (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEjqRLjP7Io) .
The first video you linked to has been removed.
Of course she did. If a registered Democrat voted for President in 2008, and DIDN’T vote for Obama, then this is a rare bird indeed.
More to the point, however — who cares?
It’s none of my business how my neighbor votes, and vice versa. Even when a politician votes, they do so as a private citizen, and it’s none of my business.
I do want to know how my Congresscritter votes, because she claims to do so in my name. But I couldn’t care less who she votes for in general elections… and I think it’s out of line to demand that she tell us.
Wolla Dalbo
Amen, brother. Right on!
London Trader:
Thanks. I substituted a different video.
Daniel in Brookline:
Of course she has every right to refuse to say. I absolutely support the privacy of the ballot.
But voters in her state or the media have a right to ask.
I didn’t put the video up there to say she had to answer. I just think it’s interesting how all the Democrats are running away from Obama, and how their ploy might even work, although it’s abundantly clear that she (and most of them) supported Obama and would still support his policies once elected.
I also wanted to put the Clairol video up there.
If the voters of Kentucky are fooled by her, they are stupid and/or gullible. But of course she doesn’t have to answer the question.
By the way, she was an Obama delegate to the Democratic Convention in 2012.
neo-neocon, 3:23 pm — Of course she has every right to refuse to say. I absolutely support the privacy of the ballot.”
A tad off-topic here, but about having a right to do or not to do this or that . . .
Twice in the past couple of weeks, when I have expressed my disagreement or displeasure with something or other, I have been gently reminded that it was that person’s *right* to express what s/he expressed.
Dagnabbit, I was nowhere disputing the person’s right to express what s/he expressed; I was disputing the *soundness* of the *content* of what s/he expressed.
I guess “it’s that person’s right” is what someone says as a sort of social filler, rather than get into a dispute over the actual *soundness* of the *content*. Whatever. I ain’t got good enough social skills anyway . . .
There. Got it off my chest. For now.
Until the voters and press in this country treat elected officials as their employees and act like their employers the Republic is doomed.
(hint: the Republic is doomed)
A vote for a Democrat is a vote for Harry Reid’s obstruction and Obama’s rule by decree. Grimes is being asked to repudiate Obama. If she supported him in 2008 and 2
does she support him still? If not, why not? I suspect even the LIV’s received the message.
Rush has something that Should put the last nail in her coffin:
>>I’ll tell you what I think nails Alison Lundergan Grimes. I don’t know how many people are gonna see it. It’s Internet video, and it just depends on how widely it gets distributed, but there’s this big fundraiser for her with a bunch of liberal New York fat cats, people like Harvey Weinstein and James Dolan of Cablevision or what have you, a bunch of ’em.
And somebody at Alison Lundergan Grimes’ campaign told these big donors (paraphrasing), “Don’t sweat it, she has say good things about the coal industry in order to get elected. But when she gets to the Senate, she’s gonna F-bomb ’em.” That’s what one of her aides said. It’s all over this video that she’s gonna screw the coal industry.
Now, that’s the kind of thing I think ought to disqualify her. And I don’t mean disqualify, but that’s the kind of thing you let the voters of Kentucky find out and she’s finished.
But why make a big deal? Okay, she won’t admit she voted for Obama. Okay, so she doesn’t have any courage. Okay, well, big deal. Speaks for itself.
I think that’s secondary compared to this other thing. I mean, here’s a woman who is lying to her constituents or her would-be constituents. She’s lying in her campaign.
She knows Kentucky’s a coal state. They depend on it. But she’s a big liberal Democrat and coal’s the enemy. Coal is climate change. Coal is pollution. Coal is global warming. Coal is capitalism. Coal is horrible.
She is gonna owe a lot of donors a lot of payback. A lot of her donors are global warming fruitcakes, and they’re gonna want payback. And the payback is gonna be her help in socking it to the coal industry. And these big donors are being assured that she will.
It’s like Obama telling Dmitry Medvedev (imitating Obama), “Look, tell Putin that I’ll have a lot more flexibility in getting rid of America’s nukes after the election. You tell Vlad not to pay attention to what I’m saying in the campaign.” He said that on an open mic.
The American low-information voter never heard about it. If the American low-information voter had heard about it, by definition, wouldn’t have known what he was talking about. “Tell Vlad I’ll have more flexibility after the election.”
You know, without George Clooney in the frame, they wouldn’t have had any idea what that was about. But this, when you tell donors, and it’s on tape, that the candidate’s gonna screw the coal industry if she wins, that, to me, is dynamite. <<
(This is in today's [10/10] archive on Limbaugh's website.)
Link here:
Neo: my apologies. You did not explicitly say that the voters had a right to know for whom she voted, nor did you imply it. (I was probably thinking of other conservative commentary on this issue I’ve seen, in which people argued vehemently that she should have answered the question.)
If President Obama’s popularity continues to slide, as I think it will — given that his policies don’t work and often harm the people he claimed to be helping — then it’ll be interesting to see how people respond. In 2009, it was difficult to find a Democrat anywhere who DIDN’T trumpet to the skies about a vote for Obama. Soon it may be difficult to find anyone who will ADMIT to having voted for Obama.
Interesting times…
They’re all guilty. Doesn’t matter what excuses they have. The blood on their hands will never, ever wash away.