Home » Dave Barry looks back at the year 2013…


Dave Barry looks back at the year 2013… — 16 Comments

  1. Barry’s long piece is wonderful, and I emailed it to friends and family. Nothing about Benghazi or Fast and Furious or Eric the Red Holder in it though.

  2. My favorite bit was Pope Schwartz taking all the worshipers to a Chinese restaurant on Christmas Day. Getting back to his roots…

  3. }}} within hours capturing Delaware and most of New Jersey.

    This ACTUALLY HAPPENED, but no one noticed.

    Or no one cared. One of those two.

    Either way, the Bermudan army took one look at the place, said, “WTF?” and went home.

    }}} President Obama clarifies this by stating that “the United States military doesn’t do pinpricks.”

    Indeed. The DNC clarified this statement further still by asking, “What’s the point of doing anything less than a major prick?”

  4. I, for one, and damned disappointed the Bermudan Army did not take those parts of Delaware and Nu Joisy back home with them.

    This is why I have the inclination to actually read Dave once a year, when he lets his mind out for a walk on the wild side.

  5. So you know someone is a Jew because of what he looks like…?

    How… interesting.

  6. It’s a sort of background joke in Texas that we definitely do not know what a Jew looks like. We have a goodly number of Lebanese and Syrian immigrants, more than the rest of the South, which has no shortage. So, a faintly Mediterranean look is fairly ubiquitous. OTOH, the “Woody Allen” look is much like other Eastern European physiognomy, with which we are also blessed in abundance.

    Evangelicals are the largest group in Texas, and we do get rather testy about antisemitism. As further evidence, if any were needed, that I am not very nice, when I have heard some nasty antijewish remark from a recent arrival, of the Northern persuasion, I bait them, as in “How do you know he is Jewish?” “Well, he looks Jewish.” “Oh, how can you tell?” S/he will cite several characteristics, until they get to one or two that is also prominent in the speaker. So then I ask whether the speaker is Jewish. It just makes them crazy, and I should not do it, I guess, and I will stop, really soon, really, really soon. Maybe. Heh!

  7. And how do we know that Igotbupkis is a liberal troll (and not just someone noticing that neoneocon took a PC risk by making her comment)?

    Neonecon’s statement was based on the total behavior of people who were observed in a family situation. Bupkis mischaracterized neoneocon’s statement in order to set up the bigot-bait.

    Typical liberal behavior.

    Now Bupkis can reply to me: “So you know someone is a liberal because of what he lies about?

  8. notherbob2:

    I think IGotBupkis was making a joke. He’s a regular commenter here.

  9. Sorry Igotbupkis. I get it now. You were mischaracterizing for the purpose of humor.

    Does this mean that one can tell a libertarian by the mis-placed shots he takes at those he believes are liberal trolls?

  10. So you know someone is a Jew because of what he looks like…?

    How… interesting.

    I just took that as a normal lead up to a potential future joke. Nothing came out of it, though, because it wasn’t responded to. No tsukomi.

    If someone’s a Leftist infiltrator or agent here, usually I should be the one that first detects them. Or blows up. Whichever comes first.

  11. One joke I read in a book on the Third Reich…

    Person #1: “You look Jewish to me”…

    Person #2: “I’m not Jewish; I just look intelligent”.

  12. Good Ole Charlie:

    The joke I know is a version of #940 here.

    Only mine was set on a plane. And the nosy old lady asks the question (and the man denies it) many many more times before the punchline (of which the last word is “it” in my version, rather than “Jewish.” I think “it” works better.)

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