You might want to tune into this event given at 7 PM tonight by Legal Insurrection.
Critical Race Training in K-12 — 9 Comments
…. 7 PM Eastern time?
Matt Walsh, one of the best writers at The Daily Wire, recently tweeted that “white kids are taught to hate their whiteness, boys are taught to hate their masculinity, and children of all races and both sexes are taught to hate their country.” This is the result of the failure by the GOP, over many years, to address the corruption in public education, run dishonestly for their own benefit and for the benefit of the DNC by the worthless and pernicious teachers’ unions, and now the destruction of K-12 by BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda (often in the guise of teaching “civics” or “ethnic studies”) from coast to coast is perhaps unstoppable.
I didn’t see Christopher Rufo on the list, but he does a lot of research on this issue and is worth paying attention to, as well:
I sent that link to my grand daughter typical lefty teacher. I’ll be interested if she checks it out and what she thinks. Doubt if she will though.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Destroy the family, you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Anyone who doesn’t see that the left’s cultural influence has and is destroying the family as an institution is either not paying attention or willfully blind to it.
We’re now at the point where Christianity itself can be attacked without consequence and in the US, Chistianity is the foremost defender of the family.
Taxation upon the middle class is about to start climbing. As, the poor have little to tax and the wealthy will shelter their income and assets from excessive taxation. Regulations, a form of taxation will skyrocket as extreme measures are necessary to save the planet.
The massive amount of manufacturing of money out of thin air will, in the not too distant future… create runaway inflation.
Fiscal collapse followed by Sovereign Bankruptcy has long been unavoidable. Democrat policies will greatly hasten that reckoning.
The tyranny of an oligarchic dictatorship will follow.
Everything that is happening is right out of the Marxist playbook.
Given the left’s control of every branch of the Federal government and control of who counts the votes, nothing less than rebellion and civil war will stop it and then, only if the US Military stays out of it.
Geoffrey, and the blame will be put on the Right for making these changes necessary, confirmed by the university academics, and validated by the MSM.
OMG your 3 month old baby is racist! Why?
His latest discovery is that the Arizona Department of Education has released a new ‘equity’ toolkit intended to help families and teachers tackle racism among children. It advises that even babies as young as three months old can show racial prejudice. The evidence? They ‘look more at faces which match the race of their caregivers’.
Now if a black child did the same would they be racist? Doubt it.
There may be no purer racism than to accuse babies of being racist. That’s a special kind of evil that should never be allowed to be forgotten. Arizona’s State Board of Education consists of;
JILL BROUSSARD County School Superintendent
CALVIN BAKER High School District Superintendent
DR. ROBERT C ROBBINS University President
JANICE MAK Classroom ‘Teacher’
ARMANDO RUIZ Public Member
I don’t know if every member of that Board voted for this obscenity but unless they voted against it and publicly denounced it, they offered tacit support for it.
More leftists courting a terrible reckoning.
Geoff Britain, to your first comment, you are , of course, describing The Great Reset.
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…. 7 PM Eastern time?
Matt Walsh, one of the best writers at The Daily Wire, recently tweeted that “white kids are taught to hate their whiteness, boys are taught to hate their masculinity, and children of all races and both sexes are taught to hate their country.” This is the result of the failure by the GOP, over many years, to address the corruption in public education, run dishonestly for their own benefit and for the benefit of the DNC by the worthless and pernicious teachers’ unions, and now the destruction of K-12 by BLM/CRT/1619 propaganda (often in the guise of teaching “civics” or “ethnic studies”) from coast to coast is perhaps unstoppable.
I didn’t see Christopher Rufo on the list, but he does a lot of research on this issue and is worth paying attention to, as well:
I sent that link to my grand daughter typical lefty teacher. I’ll be interested if she checks it out and what she thinks. Doubt if she will though.
“The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next.” Abraham Lincoln
“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
“Destroy the family, you destroy the country. The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation”. —Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Anyone who doesn’t see that the left’s cultural influence has and is destroying the family as an institution is either not paying attention or willfully blind to it.
We’re now at the point where Christianity itself can be attacked without consequence and in the US, Chistianity is the foremost defender of the family.
Taxation upon the middle class is about to start climbing. As, the poor have little to tax and the wealthy will shelter their income and assets from excessive taxation. Regulations, a form of taxation will skyrocket as extreme measures are necessary to save the planet.
The massive amount of manufacturing of money out of thin air will, in the not too distant future… create runaway inflation.
Fiscal collapse followed by Sovereign Bankruptcy has long been unavoidable. Democrat policies will greatly hasten that reckoning.
The tyranny of an oligarchic dictatorship will follow.
Everything that is happening is right out of the Marxist playbook.
Given the left’s control of every branch of the Federal government and control of who counts the votes, nothing less than rebellion and civil war will stop it and then, only if the US Military stays out of it.
Geoffrey, and the blame will be put on the Right for making these changes necessary, confirmed by the university academics, and validated by the MSM.
OMG your 3 month old baby is racist! Why?
Now if a black child did the same would they be racist? Doubt it.
There may be no purer racism than to accuse babies of being racist. That’s a special kind of evil that should never be allowed to be forgotten. Arizona’s State Board of Education consists of;
JILL BROUSSARD County School Superintendent
CALVIN BAKER High School District Superintendent
DR. ROBERT C ROBBINS University President
JANICE MAK Classroom ‘Teacher’
ARMANDO RUIZ Public Member
I don’t know if every member of that Board voted for this obscenity but unless they voted against it and publicly denounced it, they offered tacit support for it.
More leftists courting a terrible reckoning.
Geoff Britain, to your first comment, you are , of course, describing The Great Reset.