HomeBaseball and sportsCrazy acrobatic gymnasts


Crazy acrobatic gymnasts — 22 Comments

  1. Yeah, it’s creepy, but still the taller ones didn’t do that much gymnastics. And how much does the little one weigh? It’d be like throwing a stuffed animal in the air.

  2. Nick:

    Sure Nick, sure—try doing a 200-degree split and balancing her on the end of your foot and see what that feels like.

    This is a category of gymnastics known as acrobatic gymnastics, more like a circus act.

  3. Yikes. I just posted that after talking about how we shouldn’t be sarcastic online? No, of course it’s impressive. It’s just if you watch the amount of work done by the two taller gymnasts, it seems almost ordinary during this Olympic year. It’s really the little one who amazes.

  4. Nick:

    I assume that’s some sort of joke? Most people on earth can’t do a split at all, even a 180-degree one, but these gymnasts go further than 180.

    Here’s some information on what makes for a successful contortionist, which is what these taller gymnasts are.

  5. Nick:

    Of course I figured it was a joke.

    But you can never be too careful online. Never. I just about always express something like that as a question. People’s feathers get ruffled very very easily.

    Even names can be misleading. Sometimes people assume someone is of a certain gender and find out they’re mistaken about that, too.

    See “on the Internet, nobody knows you’re a dog.”

  6. If some little girls fall while as children in Russia, and are quadriplegics as a result of breaking their necks, would we (or anyone outside the involved Russians) ever know?

  7. Got to be a hospital full of wannabes. Not to mention retirees–at maybe age thirty-five.

  8. They have such acrobats in China. We went to a show in Shanghai where a troupe of young Chinese women did similar astounding things.

    Amazing to find such flexibility and strength combined. I wonder how they go about finding these women.

  9. J.J. Says:
    September 6th, 2016 at 6:55 pm
    They have such acrobats in China. We went to a show in Shanghai where a troupe of young Chinese women did similar astounding things.

    Amazing to find such flexibility and strength combined. I wonder how they go about finding these women.
    * * *
    They give their families money, subject them to training from infancy, and probably threats if they don’t make the grade. The Soviet system was much the same; I suspect the Russian one is no greta improvement.



    The results, however, are truly astonishing.
    Neo, I would be very surprised if you haven’t already seen the Chinese Swan Lake.

  10. This degree of flexibility certainly is not a medical norm or result of extensive training. Actually, this is an inborn trait, a displasy of joint bones and cartilage. But in Russia such 4-5 years old children often are enlisted into gymnastics or choreography groups to exploit this abnormally to full extent. I know for sure because my own granddaughter was diagnosed with this abnormality, and doctor warned us not to enlist her in gymnastics, acrobatics and like activities because of her heart condition, which often accompany such displasy.

  11. Cartilage displasy is a systemic abnormally often resulting in an opening between left and right cardiac atrium which needs surgical correction. But it often ignored and left undiagnosed. My daughter and her husband spent a fortune to provide an operation in Germany for their daughter, which is off reach for most Russian children with this condition. But sporting activities are free with government paying all expenses for this, but not for costly heart surgery.

  12. miklos000rosza: This is exactly what happened to Yelena Mukhina once famous for impossible salto 540 degrees on uneven beams. She broke her neck at training session and became completely paralyzed, but hardly anybody heard about it from the news.

  13. “try doing a 200-degree split and balancing her on the end of your foot and see what that feels like.”

    I thought my knee was going to break just watching that move.

  14. I was terrified. By the end, I half-expected the little one to stand on her head and lift each of the bigger girls on one of her big toes while rotating on her pinkies.

  15. This is no doubt going to constitute TMI. But every so often I think about what it would be like to have sex with a Russian gymnast. And then I realize I’d be dead inside of two minutes.

    A Chinese gymnast, 90 seconds, max.

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