Movies: the Dunkirk din
I thought “Dunkirk” was the sort of movie that would be good to see in one of those RPX movie theaters. But I took the precaution of taking some earplugs along with me to protect my sensitive ears. I was … Continue reading →
I thought “Dunkirk” was the sort of movie that would be good to see in one of those RPX movie theaters. But I took the precaution of taking some earplugs along with me to protect my sensitive ears. I was … Continue reading →
First, the good news: the war on ISIS has been going well lately: ISIS in Iraq and Syria has been “dismantled,” with tens of thousands of its jihadist fighters dead… The bad news? Thanks to our media, which continues to … Continue reading →
Commenter “Frog” has a question about what makes a hero: What makes a military hero? What defines heroism? Was McCain in ”˜Nam a Sgt. York equivalent? York risked life and limb many times in accomplishing victories in combat and saving … Continue reading →
North Korea claims to have launched its first ICBM: North Korea claimed on Tuesday morning to have launched its first intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM), according to media reports, the regime’s 11th missile test so far this year. Japan, Russia, South … Continue reading →
It occurred in Iraq, killed an ISIS fighter, was by a Canadian sniper, and was fired from two miles away (11,319 feet.). That’s pretty extraordinary. The sniper and the exact location have not been identified, but we do know this: … Continue reading →
The headlines have been uniformly negative on Trump’s speech about NATO. It’s as though the MSM is relieved, after Trump’s successful Saudi speech, to have really bad things to say about him (not that they didn’t have bad things to … Continue reading →
When the news report that Trump had shared some intelligence information with the Russians first broke, I wondered whether other presidents had done much the same thing with other countries, or whether this action was unprecedented. My guess was that … Continue reading →
…be turned into East Germany?: The difference between Germany and Korea is that while East Germany wanted only to be left alone, North Korea keeps threatening to conquer South Korea and reunify the country under its control, and to fire … Continue reading →
I’m surprised to see Politico publishing an investigative report that’s critical of Obama’s Iran deal (see also this). After all, Politico has usually been Obama- and Democrat-friendly. But I suppose that article is in the nature of a “now it … Continue reading →
The NY Times writes: What is playing out, said Robert Litwak of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, who tracks this potentially deadly interplay, is “the Cuban missile crisis in slow motion.” But the slow-motion part appears to be … Continue reading →
Rings (2017) Duration 102 mins Genre Horror. In Cinemas February 1, 2017 Language English. Country United States of America. Plot For Rings ‘Rings’ is a movie genre Horror, was released in February 1, 2017. F. Javier Gutiérrez was directed this … Continue reading →
…but no tests, despite widespread apprehension that a nuclear test would mark the big 105th birthday celebration in North Korea. That’s—interesting. Some of the missiles appeared to be new types for North Korea: Analysts were working to identify all the … Continue reading →