More killings…
…at Virginia Tech. Is it a mere coincidence, or is there something about the place that seems to foster or attract violent types?
Continue reading →…at Virginia Tech. Is it a mere coincidence, or is there something about the place that seems to foster or attract violent types?
Continue reading →It’s hard to escape the grisly death photos and videos of Gaddafi. A flamboyant figure who was photographed often during his long and very public life, his well-earned enemies have made sure that his death has been especially well-documented, too. … Continue reading →
…says “off with their heads!” Or maybe it’s the Queen of Hearts Roseanne’s channeling. Which one you think it is may depend on whether you find Ms. Barr amusing or not. She certainly doesn’t seem to be making a joke … Continue reading →
Around the time of the tenth anniversary of 9/11 I wrote a post about the new 9/11 Memorial at the site. From the photos and the descriptions of the installation, it looked like a moving and profound tribute. Now I … Continue reading →
Is any of this surprising? It shouldn’t be: Among the other details now surfacing about the Utoya spree was the confirmation from police that Breivik, 32, called police several times over the course of the massacre to surrender. According to … Continue reading →
This piece by Seumas Milne in the Guardian is typical of the way the left looks at the riots and their causes: …[W]here exactly did the rioters get the idea that there is no higher value than acquiring individual wealth, … Continue reading →
Gerard Vanderleun offers some memories of London, then and now. I’ve got my own memories—although, unlike Vanderleun, I never lived in London. The only time I’ve ever been there was a one-week stay in 1978, accompanied by my then-husband. It … Continue reading →
The other day I was talking with friend, comparing the present feeling of unrest to the turmoil of the late 60s. We agreed that both times were tumultuous, but she thought things were worse now. I said I wasn’t sure; … Continue reading →
Apparently it ends when talking about the Tea Partiers. Joe Nocera of the NY Times writes: You know what they say: Never negotiate with terrorists. It only encourages them. Can’t really disagree with that. Except the next sentence is this: … Continue reading →
I’ve got a new piece up at PJ, entitled “‘Gentle Justice’ Meets Mass Murderer.” It discusses the Norwegian policies of unarmed police and short penal terms in light of Breivik’s attacks. That was one of those articles that could have … Continue reading →
Ever hear of Propaganda by the Deed? At the beginning of the 20th Century, anarchists were in the middle of what was known as the ”˜Propaganda by the Deed’ period. The idea was that by killing members of the ruling … Continue reading →
So, was J.D. Salinger to blame for the murder of John Lennon? It’s an absurd question, on the face of it: of course he wasn’t. But as Mark David Chapman, Lennon’s killer, stood waiting to fire the fatal bullets, he … Continue reading →