They must be gluttons for punishment…
…because those Guantanamo prisoners are petitioning to be allowed to stay there.
Continue reading →…because those Guantanamo prisoners are petitioning to be allowed to stay there.
Continue reading →Here’s another excellent piece from Andrew McCarthy on the legal issues involved in the Gitmo detainees’ release. McCarthy—the prosecutor in the first WTC case—speaks the voice of reason, although he may be crying in the wilderness at this point. McCarthy … Continue reading →
James Kirchik thinks we should waterboard him, because Abdulmutallab is a good example of the “ticking time bomb” scenario. I don’t even think waterboarding would be necessary—he’s hardly the hardened and veteran terrorist Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is. But I’m in … Continue reading →
Krauthammer gets it, Obama doesn’t: Obama reassured the nation that this [Knickerbomber] “suspect” had been charged. Reassurance? The president should be saying: We have captured an enemy combatant — an illegal combatant under the laws of war: no uniform, direct … Continue reading →
Obama was always a fluid if vapid speechmaker, although his off-the-cuff statements featured a lot of hemming and hawing. But I’ve noticed something that seems new: hesitancy even when he speaks from a prepared text. Obama now seems to go … Continue reading →
The NY Times readership is really really angry—at Janet Napolitano. Take a look at the comments section for this article; here’s a typical sentiment, one of the more moderate of the bunch: On Sunday—even as a supporter of President Obama, … Continue reading →
President Obama is vacationing in Hawaii, and hasn’t yet deigned to address the nation on the subject of the Flight 253 terrorist. Instead, he has left that task in the very unsteady hands of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who … Continue reading →
A few observations on the case of Abdul Farouk Abdulmutallab, the 23-year-old Nigerian Muslim who tried to blow up a Northwest Airlines jetliner on Christmas day, but ended up following in Richard Reid’s footsteps (pun intended): (1) It seems to … Continue reading →
Here’s a must-read piece on the decades-long war waged against the CIA by liberals: This war has also been enshrined in one disastrous liberal-led “reform” of the CIA after another. The wreckage reaches back to congressional hearings conducted in the … Continue reading →
The release of the Lockerbie bomber al Megrahi has become a story few follow any more. There are too many upsetting events these days, coming with ever-accelerating speed, to focus on any one for long—especially if it involves a single … Continue reading →
Ah, how time flies. It seems it was only yesterday that Lockerbie terrorist Al Megrahi was released by Scottish authorities on compassionate grounds and sent home to Libya to die. It may seem only yesterday, but in fact it’s been … Continue reading →
This is a very different Lindsey Graham from the one we’re used to. This Lindsey Graham is sharp and articulate, charged with righteous outrage at Eric Holder and Barack Obama’s unjustifiable decision to try KSM in a civilian criminal proceeding. … Continue reading →