After the fact? And how much did they know before? And how many people would try to protect a friend who was the Boston bomber?
Continue reading →After the fact? And how much did they know before? And how many people would try to protect a friend who was the Boston bomber?
Continue reading →Dzhohkar Tsarnaev didn’t just blow up hundreds of people in Boston. He also revived support for the death penalty (at least for himself), with 70% of Americans polling in favor of it in his particular case. Republicans are most in … Continue reading →
Ruslan Tsarni, the Tsarnaevs’ uncle, gives an interview: Unless the man is a consummate actor and dissembler, he seems to be just about the only member of the family who has some sort of conventional morality and sense of responsibility, … Continue reading →
Early reports that the Boston bombs were set off by cell phones turn out to have been mistaken, and they are now thought to have been triggered by “line of sight” controllers from remote control cars. Why might that be … Continue reading →
I’m in agreement with Ace on this [emphasis in original]; Meanwhile, Powerline asks if there’s a cover-up in the administration messaging on all this. It’s a question that immediately struck me — remember when Gozar was still in the hospital … Continue reading →
…this might have something to do with the fact that there’s not a whole lot of upset about the failure of the gun bill. Nothing concentrates the mind on the subject so much as a spectacle in which America watches … Continue reading →
See this. Commentary is almost superfluous.
Continue reading →…a war protestor. Dzhohkar Tsarnaev knows exactly how to appeal to the left. Get ready to watch him work quite a few variations on the theme.
Continue reading →Some interesting disclosures in the affidavit, including the fact that the bombers may have used cell phones to detonate their deadly cargo. For example, a little while after Bomber 2’s (Dzhohkar’s) backpack is placed on the ground, and about 30 … Continue reading →
It was a foregone conclusion that almost as soon as the bombing occurred and evidence began to churn out—and especially after the photos of the young and somewhat telegenic Dzhohkar were flashed around—a certain segment of people would begin (along … Continue reading →
I speculated some time ago that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev might kill himself before capture. And in fact, I was very surprised later to learn that he’d been taken alive. It turns out, though, that there’s a very good chance he made … Continue reading →
Boston bomber (I could say “alleged,” but I think it’s hardly in doubt that he’s the perp) Dzhokhar Tsarnaev blew up a bunch of people on Monday and went back to his college classes for the next couple of days … Continue reading →