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Not having read the research, I can’t say. But my strong hunch is that it’s garbage in, garbage out. It is notoriously difficult to design unbiased research on such a subject.
Continue reading →Not having read the research, I can’t say. But my strong hunch is that it’s garbage in, garbage out. It is notoriously difficult to design unbiased research on such a subject.
Continue reading →One would think so, after these startling admissions from Climategate player Phil Jones. Let’s see: the dog ate his hockey-stick data in 1988. His record-keeping in general is “not as good as it should be.” There has been no statistically … Continue reading →
We now have some convincing evidence that abstinence-only sexual education programs for teens, long derided as a counterproductive waste of time, actually work. This is news. This particular study has drawn attention because it is especially well-designed and includes longer … Continue reading →
Climategate continues to get richer, as much of the world continues to ignore the growing storm. Now the Russians appear to have confirmed that a great deal of the temperature data from their part of the world has been ignored … Continue reading →
Remember this satisfying scene from “Annie Hall?” Woody Allen calls on Marshall McLuhan to silence an obnoxious blowhard spouting off while waiting in a movie line: “Boy, if life were only like this,” Allen muses at the end of the … Continue reading →
I don’t think you can find any better demonstration of the profoundly anti-science mentality of the Climategate “researchers” than the following, which appeared in today’s WSJ: In 2004, retired businessman Stephen McIntyre asked the National Science Foundation for information on … Continue reading →
It is interesting to me that people who doubt AGW are often referred to as skeptics—and that’s one of the nicer things they’re called. What is the definition of a skeptic? Let’s see: 1. One who instinctively or habitually doubts, … Continue reading →
Read his cri de coeur here: I find it rings flat with me to have to face people asking where the scientists were when we were overcoming so many many obstacles to get a rare fair hearing. The scientists have … Continue reading →
The blog Wattsupwiththat makes an excellent point (hat tip: commeter “huxley”)—one that the press might have pointed out as well, had its members been the least bit interested in doing their jobs: if the raw data was actually destroyed back … Continue reading →
Commenter “BumperStickerist” at Ace’s makes the following observation about Climategate: What the CRU is doing is identical to what Bernie Madoff did. Bernie asserted that his investment scheme was legit. Bernie didn’t share his raw data. There were skeptics who … Continue reading →
If you haven’t read these three pieces on Climategate yet, I suggest you do: this, this, and this.
Continue reading →Climategate is endlessly fascinating; I could write and read about it all day if I let myself. It has many of the most suspenseful elements of fiction (Michael Crichton fiction, to be exact), but truth tends to be stranger—and to … Continue reading →