Your dog…
…recognizes your face, not just your smell.
Continue reading →…recognizes your face, not just your smell.
Continue reading →Some research has been published indicating that the offspring of same-sex couples may not be doing quite as well as other kids, and it has met with a firestorm of politically-correct disapproval. This should come as no surprise; politics is … Continue reading →
I think I’m winning. For now. It all started with an event so ordinary as to be unremarkable: a couple of fruit flies (or their larva) came in with some purchase or other. After I spotted them, I was very … Continue reading →
It’ll be the egg that will become obsolete (perhaps even illegal some day, like old-fashioned lightbulbs?) if Hampton Creek Foods (founded by Bill Gates) has anything to say about it: In its food lab, biochemists grind up beans and peer … Continue reading →
…the destruction of the human race by artificial intelligence: In 267 brisk pages, Barrat lays out just how the artificial intelligence (AI) that companies like Google and governments like our own are racing to perfect could — indeed, likely will … Continue reading →
Well, duh. It’s the connectivity, stupid: Researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in women the connections are more likely … Continue reading →
Fantasy? Soon-to-be reality? Then again, you could just go to a nearby store if you need something that quickly. Will people be tempted to shoot them down? How will Amazon avoid landing a drone on someone’s head? What about apartment-dwellers? … Continue reading →
Yesterday on the “Gravity” thread we were discussing that trailblazing (and, IMHO, superior) movie, “2001: A Space Odyssey.” Who can forget that memorable moment when astronaut Dave was forced to dismantle the malfunctioning and paranoid (hey, you’re not crazy if … Continue reading →
…and all the way up, as well. If these dismal enrollment figures for Obamacare so far are correct, the situation would be bad enough. But even those low figures are probably inflated by some numbers shenanigans on the part of … Continue reading →
That is, they’re addicted to Oreos, and they like to eat the insides first. I kid you not. I wonder if, given the opportunity, they also would do what I used to do when I was a little girl: break … Continue reading →
Say it isn’t so, Flipper. If you could talk, that is.
Continue reading →Here’s an article entitled “Lobsters may hold the key to eternal life.” I don’t know that “eternal” is quite the right word for it. But certainly “very long” would seem to fit. Apparently it’s all in the telomeres: Although they … Continue reading →