Cain’s popularity with Tea Partiers doesn’t show they’re not racists…
…because Cain hates black people, too. You can’t make this stuff up, unless you’re the Onion. But unfortunately, Clarence Page doesn’t work for the Onion.
Continue reading →…because Cain hates black people, too. You can’t make this stuff up, unless you’re the Onion. But unfortunately, Clarence Page doesn’t work for the Onion.
Continue reading →There is the obvious reason, which is that he threatens the allegiance of blacks to candidate Obama. That’s why Harry Belafonte is trying to discredit him: For example, singer and activist Harry Belafonte called Cain a “bad apple” and insinuated … Continue reading →
The CNN headline screams “Cain: Racism not holding anyone back.” Inflammatory words, although Cain—as a black man himself—is probably one of the few people who wouldn’t be immediately disqualified from office for saying them. But did he say them? Nope: … Continue reading →
—finds nothing, and refuses to throw it back. And quite a few of its commenters don’t seem to notice that there’s no “there” there, because one thing they do know is that southern Republicans are racist SOBs.
Continue reading →Could it be black voters? Actually, I distrust the results of the poll, which I think must be over-exaggerated. What could have happened in the last week to cause black voters to migrate in such great numbers away from Obama? … Continue reading →
James and Daniel Kelly are fraternal twins, two handsome young men who live in England. Unlike identical twins, fraternal twins are genetically no more similar than any two siblings of the same parents; they just happen to be the result … Continue reading →
This. But my question is: why would anyone be surprised? Hasn’t it always been obvious that reverse discrimination is an inevitable effect of the whole affirmative action enterprise? And I’m not at all sure it matters anymore whether affirmative action … Continue reading →
Yesterday I commented on a letter that president Obama wrote back in his days as Harvard Law Review president at Harvard. My post was mostly about Obama’s grammar, but the subject matter of his letter was affirmative action. Here’s what … Continue reading →
Andre Carson, Representative (D) from Indiana and member of the Congressional Black Caucus, must think that the call for less incendiary rhetoric was for ye and not for he: [Carson] said at a CBC event in Miami that some in … Continue reading →
…that when people write articles critical of Obama these days, no one even bothers to call them racists?
Continue reading →The other day I was talking with friend, comparing the present feeling of unrest to the turmoil of the late 60s. We agreed that both times were tumultuous, but she thought things were worse now. I said I wasn’t sure; … Continue reading →
The idea of putting the cheating Atlanta educators in prison is racist, say a group of black clergy in Atlanta. Just what’s racist about it they don’t bother to explain. Do they mean that, if the offenders had been white, … Continue reading →