Scary times
Quite a few people have recommended this Victor Davis Hanson article about some of the problems we’re likely to be dealing with in the coming year. One of the points Hanson makes is that the true face of the left … Continue reading →
Quite a few people have recommended this Victor Davis Hanson article about some of the problems we’re likely to be dealing with in the coming year. One of the points Hanson makes is that the true face of the left … Continue reading →
This is how deep the rot goes. I won’t bother to excerpt any quotes, because I think you should read the whole thing. And once you’ve read it, note that I disagree with the author’s penultimate sentence. She writes that … Continue reading →
The incomparable Hanson points out the rise of what he calls “racial tribalism” on the part of a growing number of affluent and successful black people. It’s not just identification with blacks as a group, either. It’s this: Here is … Continue reading →
Recently commenter “Christopher” recommended this 2004 article by the Claremont Institute. It’s about allegations that the GOP purposely appeals to racism, and that racism is somehow inherent in conservatism. Well worth reading.
Continue reading →…when it’s perpetrated by Republicans (or pretend Republicans). Or when it consists solely of (quelle horreur!) criticism of Obama or Susan Rice. When it’s at the hands of union thugs—well then, it’s crickets chirping.
Continue reading →First read this by the inimitable Mark Steyn. And then take a look at this. I think you’ll see the similarities.
Continue reading →…for “black” in the eyes of Democrats, what does that say about what they actually think of black people? And what words are left that are PC enough to pass codeword muster when criticizing a black person (or a woman, … Continue reading →
…did not make the difference in this election, although they may have mattered in a few states such as New Mexico, Florida, Nevada and Colorado. Nor do Hispanic voters adhere to conservative values, fiscal or social. The article doesn’t say … Continue reading →
Some have said the solution for the Republican Party is to nominate fewer old white guys. So let’s have some Hispanics, blacks, women, what-have-you. Just one problem—have you noticed that any members of those groups who have an “R” after … Continue reading →
Frank Bruni’s latest column is sort of interesting. Bruni can’t stand Romney, and spends at least half of his piece making that fact crystal clear, just so his readers won’t get the wrong impression. But he’s also disappointed in Obama, … Continue reading →
This is in some sense a companion piece to the post below it, continuing the theme of “how could they have ever thought this?” Ann Althouse writes about a Camille Paglia interview in which Paglia says she’s not voting for … Continue reading →
…is that it shows Obama misrepresenting facts to a black audience in order to stir up racial resentment. But like so many other things that Obama has said and done that belie the image he has carefully cultivated of “we’re … Continue reading →