All of these people are celebrity impersonators, but they’re pretty darn good ones, I think. The first didn’t really fool me, but the rest of them did: What an odd thing to do for a living.
Continue reading →All of these people are celebrity impersonators, but they’re pretty darn good ones, I think. The first didn’t really fool me, but the rest of them did: What an odd thing to do for a living.
Continue reading →…to the future, with a Mustang rather than a DeLorean:
Continue reading →Those of you who have followed my war with the powers-that-be at Yahoo, who had changed virtually every aspect of their email service for the worse, will probably be happy to learn that Yahoo has brought tabs back due to … Continue reading →
I loved the Everly Brothers. Their sound was so perfectly blended, with wistful heartache that was nevertheless upbeat rather than gloomy. How did they do it? Being brothers helped; siblings have a special harmony. They fought at one point and … Continue reading →
…and it’s not pretty. But some of it is pretty funny: …In a shocking interview, Lance Armstrong, after years of denial, admits to Oprah Winfrey that he took illegal drugs in all seven of his Tour de France victories, as … Continue reading →
Today in the wee hours of the morning I saw an ad for this on TV (warning: autoplay video at the link). It is being marketed as the perfect pet—no upkeep and no bother, and yet reactive to your presence: … Continue reading →
…is so obviously Jewish, according to the Forward, that mockery of him is clearly anti-Semitism? Nope, I didn’t either. But I do know that the Forward has officially jumped the shark on this one. For what it’s worth, I hadn’t … Continue reading →
…that maybe this was what they were going for in the now-famous Obamacare ad with the nerdy guy in the onesie that was supposed to appeal to the sought-after millenials: The first is Obamacare’s Pajama Boy. The second is Johnny … Continue reading →
The sign language interpreter at Mandela’s service was an imposter. A solemn imposter. Also—fortunately—a safe one, although no one seems to know who he is or how he got there. He was so close to Obama and other world leaders … Continue reading →
I present to you Exhibit A, actor Jake Hoffman (aka Dustin Hoffman’s son): A little more handsome than his dad, though, don’t you think?
Continue reading →Not just a face in the crowd anymore, Obamacaregirl speaks (you can click on the link to see the video, but since it’s one of those awful autoplay things I didn’t put it on the blog). She’s still careful to … Continue reading →
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