Follow the leader
A while back I received an e-mail from a reader who made the following request: I am writing to ask if you could use your insight to explore a subject that fascinates me, and that is leadership, and why, I … Continue reading →
A while back I received an e-mail from a reader who made the following request: I am writing to ask if you could use your insight to explore a subject that fascinates me, and that is leadership, and why, I … Continue reading →
Do you think this public apology thing may have gotten just a wee bit out of hand as redress for every possible error, including those not made by the one asked to do the apologizing? I do. But Senate Democratic … Continue reading →
Methinks I hear the fat lady singing for Ms. Miers, and it’s an ugly sound–a cross between a squawk, a whine, a groan, and a croak. I don’t believe we have any real way of knowing whether Ms. Miers is … Continue reading →
Lately, there’s been a lot of rage going around at RINOs. (For those who aren’t familiar with the appellation, it stands for “Republicans in Name Only”–or what used to be known as “Rockefeller Republicans” in a somewhat less acronym-mad era). … Continue reading →
Some time ago–long before I became a blogger, or even a neocon–I noticed a certain phenomenon and gave it what I thought was a unique name: the “Law of Thirds.” Well, it turns out the phrase also refers to a … Continue reading →
Let’s see now, we’ve got the Freedom Trifecta of Howard, Bush, and Blair (in chronological order), all somehow re-elected and returned to power despite the incessant carping of the left. Then of course there’s Afghanistan, in its second largely peaceful … Continue reading →
There’s a world of difference between skepticism and cynicism. Skeptics doubt and question in an attempt to get at the truth. Cynics doubt because they think that, by definition, every player has bad (or at least selfish) motives. What happens … Continue reading →
The Kathe Kollwitz thread seems to have engendered a heated discussion, sparked by another “anonymous,” once again (or perhaps the same “anonymous” once again), who said that those who are for the Iraq war and consider it so “noble” would … Continue reading →
It’s simple–Karl Rove just needs an editor. Democrats and liberals are in an uproar about some statements Rove made Wednesday at a Manhattan fund-raiser. In case you were on planet Xenon and missed them, here they are: Conservatives saw the … Continue reading →
Hold the presses, I got a scoop from Pancho, who happens to hail from Midland, Texas, the home town of one George W. Bush. (Okay, maybe it’s not exactly a scoop, since all this information is in the public domain–but … Continue reading →
I recently received an e-mail expressing some thoughts about Bush that seem fairly representative of those who detest the man, and offering up a theory as to why: Isn’t his shallow narcissism obvious every time he opens his mouth? After … Continue reading →
Here’s a guy I’d love to have known. Everything I’ve ever read about Isaiah Berlin indicates that he was one of the most fascinating people ever; a giant mind, a great heart, and a tremendous sense of joy. One of … Continue reading →