Please remind me again…
…why it is that people seem to think an even more Democratic Congress will do better than this one? If it had been up to the Democrats the surge never would have happened. If it is up to the Democrats … Continue reading →
…why it is that people seem to think an even more Democratic Congress will do better than this one? If it had been up to the Democrats the surge never would have happened. If it is up to the Democrats … Continue reading →
Will John McCain end up regretting his challenge to Obama to finally visit Iraq for himself? Obama’s trip is starting to resemble that of a rock star, with an entourage and a press corps the likes of which even the … Continue reading →
Susan Estrich is worried that Obama’s lead in the polls isn’t what it should be at this point. Her opening gambit is pretty funny: July polls don’t tell you who’s going to win in November. Just ask President Dukakis or … Continue reading →
Obama’s angry reaction to the New Yorker cover has highlighted a fact that has been obvious for some time: the man has no sense of humor. Oh, I know, every now and then he tries a little quip. But his … Continue reading →
Since I became a blogger I don’t enter into political arguments too often in the real (as opposed to the virtual) world. One reason is that I’ve found such talks only rarely to be fruitful and civil, even though I … Continue reading →
Joe Conason thinks McCain doesn’t know much about history, in particular the Vietnam War and the lessons he should have learned from it. Conason, as the possessor of a 1975 degree in history from Brandeis where they no doubt taught … Continue reading →
The Unity NH love fest (unity, get it?) involving Hillary and Obama featured a sartorial demonstration of the bond between them. As though they were a couple at a prom, his tie matched her suit, which was in a color … Continue reading →
One of the points Obama supporters often make about McCain is that he must be dumb since he graduated 594th out of 599th in his class at the Naval Academy. McCain’s low ranking is true. It’s also is true that … Continue reading →
At first I thought this campaign season was going to be boring. Ho-hum. Hillary would be the Democratic nominee of course, and the Republicans would experience some jockeying for position but maybe Romney would win. Of course we know it … Continue reading →
The two nominees-to-be are in some ways diametric opposites. There’s policy: a conservative (despite the fact that many conservatives don’t think so) vs. a liberal. Stay the course vs. pull out. A Republican vs. a Democrat. The electorate is probably … Continue reading →
Maybe it’s come down to this: choosing a President is now mostly about style rather than substance. Obama is cool. That’s the real link with Kennedy, who was exceptionally cool but in a very sophisticated way. Bill Clinton was sort … Continue reading →
Obama won enough delegates yesterday to almost certainly become the 2008 Democratic Presidential nominee. A number of articles about that fact make use of the word “historic.” Indeed, it is. Of course, if Hillary Clinton had won the nomination instead, … Continue reading →