What is Romney up to?
And do we care? Those of you who couldn’t stand him in 2012 probably just wish he’d go away. The most important thing is this: he’s not running again. The only way he would run, IMHO, is if no other … Continue reading →
And do we care? Those of you who couldn’t stand him in 2012 probably just wish he’d go away. The most important thing is this: he’s not running again. The only way he would run, IMHO, is if no other … Continue reading →
…that Obama’s approval ratings remain so high: Among Democrats, a few have turned on him, but most still approve. The big change since 2009 is that many have gone from strong to mild disapproval. BFD, as Joe Biden would say: … Continue reading →
The Democrats have a plan, according to Marc Ambinder: Go big on immigration [through Obama’s executive action]. Wait for the GOP counter-reaction. Quietly pray for the government to get shut down. Use it like a cattle prod to wake voters … Continue reading →
…that Sean Trende is right, and that Scott Brown now has a good chance of beating Jeanne Shaheen in New Hampshire. And for those of you who say he’s a RINO, it’s not ideal but so what? His Republican opponents … Continue reading →
I usually agree with Victor Davis Hanson, and admire his writing. But this time I think he’s somewhat off base. His article is about how America went slightly mad in 2008 when it believed in hope and change and voted … Continue reading →
Here’s a solution. It’ll never happen. But I like it.
Continue reading →…grants audiences to his supplicants: The go-it-alone approach has left the [Obama] administration ”” which claims to be the most transparent in United States history ”” essentially making policy from the White House, replacing congressional hearings and floor debates with … Continue reading →
This seems like an exceptionally worthy cause: The UP Project, which stands for “Unlocking Potential,” will seek to help Republicans win back the Senate by directly confronting Democrats and their “war on women” narrative. But unlike other super PACs, the … Continue reading →
Take a look at the history of red/blue politics in California, and you’ll see very graphically (in a literal sense) why Obama and company are willing to do just about anything to get more Hispanic people into the country and … Continue reading →
Hear, hear! Sessions actually seems to know something about political tactics and strategy (and what commenter “eric” would call “the activist game”). Which is more than I can say for most of the GOP. And although I’m not all that … Continue reading →
…this, then you’re better at understanding the arcane twistings and turnings of Congress than I am. But I do know one thing, which is that Jeff Sessions is one of the few members of Congress I respect on the subject … Continue reading →
How long has Congress been mulling over some sort of amnesty plan for illegal immigrants? A long time, certainly under several presidents, whether it’s called “amnesty” or whether euphemisms are used to substitute for the word. But there’s a reason … Continue reading →