Did she or didn’t she?
I can answer the question, even if she can’t: she did. My title is a reference to one of the most famous ad campaigns in history:
Continue reading →I can answer the question, even if she can’t: she did. My title is a reference to one of the most famous ad campaigns in history:
Continue reading →…and when did they known it?: As nearly two dozen Secret Service agents and members of the military were punished or fired following a 2012 prostitution scandal in Colombia, Obama administration officials repeatedly denied that anyone from the White House … Continue reading →
Dana Milbank writes an article parsing the recent spate of books by former Obama advisors (Gates, H. Clinton, and now Panetta) critical of his policies, especially his foreign policies. But in the entire piece he treats their motives as merely … Continue reading →
Now, why ever would we do that?: For now, the administration is rejecting calls for a visa ban for West Africans. “I don’t believe that’s something we’re considering,” a State Department spokeswoman told reporters. Health officials have described the Texas … Continue reading →
Those of you who follow this blog know that I don’t ordinarily make too many predictions about who will win an election. I didn’t do it in 2012 either, although unlike many other pundits I felt very pessimistic about Romney’s … Continue reading →
Lately, Democrats have become much less happy with Obama. But don’t get too excited. They appear to be turning on him because he’s not liberal enough and/or competent enough in carrying out the liberal agenda. As the article so delicately … Continue reading →
…who is resigning. That makes sense. But Mr. Salmond seemed to suggest that the campaign for a sovereign Scotland was far from over. “The position is this: We lost the referendum vote, but can still carry the political initiative,” he … Continue reading →
…for Scotland and Great Britain. The financial markets, which don’t like chaos and change, are happy. David Cameron, who agreed two years ago to the vote and then watched the gap close ominously, is relieved. The crucial factor was turnout: … Continue reading →
The fact that 16-year-olds are voting in today’s Scotland referendum was news to me, and I think of sufficient interest to warrant a post of its own. I was surprised, but shouldn’t have been. It’s a logical extension of trends … Continue reading →
…in or out? Today’s the day. Reading a couple of articles on the referendum, I can’t find any that discuss an issue that particularly concerns me: is this a simple majority vote? Although no article I’ve found directly says so, … Continue reading →
…are screwed: Over one-third of Likely U.S. Voters remain unaware which political party controls the House of Representatives and which has a majority in the Senate – less than two months before an election that may put one party in … Continue reading →
…not especially important. We keep reading about how Obama’s approval ratings are “hovering near all-time lows.” Only 43% now consider him a strong leader. Only? That 43% figure apparently represents the number of Americans who don’t read the news and/or … Continue reading →