RIP Ariel Sharon
Ariel Sharon has died at 85, but you may be forgiven if you’re surprised that he was still alive in the first place. He had been in a coma since a devastating stroke in 2006, and it is easy to … Continue reading →
Ariel Sharon has died at 85, but you may be forgiven if you’re surprised that he was still alive in the first place. He had been in a coma since a devastating stroke in 2006, and it is easy to … Continue reading →
No, the poet Robert Frost didn’t write anything about the believers versus the deniers of anthropogenic global warming. After all, he died in 1963. When I started this blog (lo about nine long years ago!), I had some idea of … Continue reading →
Anti-Christie forces have struck pay dirt with the revelations that some of his aides were engaged in some mighty nefarious and completely indefensible practices. The scandal involving aides who engineered George Washington Bridge lane closings as an act of political … Continue reading →
[NOTE: Last night when I took a few notes for this post, I was able to read the WSJ article on which it was based. Now, when I’m wanting to take another look in order to actually write my post, … Continue reading →
…which we were doing yesterday—there’s an article about her in yesterday’s WSJ. Paglia is a curious amalgam. She prides herself on being unique and iconoclastic, and she certainly defies categorization. She seems to ally with the right on Obamacare, global … Continue reading →
Sort of. But I’ll take it—I’ll take it. Close enough: RUSH: Now, I got a post here at Legal Insurrection. And the poster, the writer is somebody that calls themselves Neocon, but it’s actually just a post pointing to something … Continue reading →
Another Hollywood great is gone, this time at the age of 96. You may be reluctant to place Joan Fontaine among the “greats.” You may even have trouble distinguishing her from her perhaps-more-well-known-actress sister—from whom she was estranged for most … Continue reading →
The British actor Peter O’Toole has died at the age of 81. (Eighty-one is starting to seem very young to me.) O’Toole packed a heap of living—and carousing—into one life. He was an always-fascinating and unique actor. Eyes of startling … Continue reading →
By now Megyn Kelly of Fox has become so popular that, right on schedule, comes the inevitable flap—about a segment on Kelly’s show concerning whether Santa and Jesus were white. I’ll pass by the substantive [sic] issues and just say … Continue reading →
The number two man in North Korea, leader Kim Jong Un’s uncle Jang Song Thaek, has been executed, presumably on orders of his ungrateful nephew. North Korea is a cesspool and somewhat of an information black hole. The charges against … Continue reading →
Nelson Mandela has died at the age of 95, and the inevitable articles have appeared summarizing his life and accomplishments. Some laud him as a saint, or at the very least, saintly. Others use the occasion to make political points … Continue reading →
He tricked colleagues into sharing their passwords with him, saying that as systems administrator he needed to have them. In addition, NSA had failed to install the latest anti-leak software at the Hawaii facility where Snowden worked. Most other facilities … Continue reading →