You can’t make this stuff up
Even Sabrina Rubin Erdely and Stephen Glass combined couldn’t make this stuff up.
Continue reading →Even Sabrina Rubin Erdely and Stephen Glass combined couldn’t make this stuff up.
Continue reading →In my earlier post about the release of the Senate’s Intelligence Committee’s report on harsh interrogation practices under the Bush administration, I characterized the report as a partisan attempt to return to the good old days of Bush-bashing, when Democrats … Continue reading →
Let’s not forget good old Obamacare. The administration hasn’t, and the lies keep coming: On Dec. 3, federal actuaries released data showing that health spending inched up only 3.6 percent in 2013. Marilyn Tavenner, the head of Medicare and Medicaid, … Continue reading →
If you’re going to buy the venerable liberal publication The New Republic only to turn it into a “digital media company,” why bother to buy it at all? Why not just start your own digital media company and leave TNR … Continue reading →
I used to be a basketball fan, but haven’t watched the sport in decades. I do remember Barkley quite vividly as a player, for his hulking (he was stocky rather than super-tall) aggressiveness that sometimes segued into combativeness. Odd that … Continue reading →
In all the articles I’ve read that try to figure out what’s up with the Hagel ousting, I’ve been impressed by how little is actually known about it. What does it signal? My opinion is that it signals nothing more … Continue reading →
A lot of people were up in arms—and rightly so, IMHO—when the NY Times published Darren Wilson’s address, thus facilitating those who would do him harm. So I was happy to see that, before it was ever published, the address … Continue reading →
Now the University of Massachusetts has decided to rid itself of its association with Bill Cosby which goes back decades: A university spokesman told the Boston Globe on Wednesday university officials had asked Cosby to step down as an honorary … Continue reading →
This is an extraordinary article urging more sweeping executive action from Obama on immigration. It’s extraordinary in that it completely ignores the constitutional questions involved in what Obama has done. It’s written by Robert Morganthau, a New York lawyer and … Continue reading →
I’m certainly no Hagel fan. Just do a search for “Hagel” on this blog and you’ll see what I think of his competence, intelligence, and fitness for the job of Secretary of Defense. Now Hagel has been fired—or rather, submitted … Continue reading →
Last night when I heard that Dr. Martin Salia, a Sierra Leone native who is married to a US citizen and who contacted ebola while treating patients in his native country, had been flown here for treatment and was in … Continue reading →
So many Gruber videos surfacing, so much Obamacare deception. So little MSM coverage. However, if Romney ever decides to run in 2016 (which I do not think he will, nor do I think he should), you better believe Gruber’s admission … Continue reading →