If you’ve got attitude…
…you better be able to back it up. This guy had the real thing:
Continue reading →…you better be able to back it up. This guy had the real thing:
Continue reading →I’m not sure whether the question is rhetorical or not: The Obama administration apparently believes that only after a nuclear agreement is signed can the free world expect Iran to stop its attempts at regional domination, improve its human rights … Continue reading →
Wealthy financier and opinion writer Steven Rattner is a long-time mover and shaker in the Democratic Party, although he never held any political position in a Democratic administration until he became Obama’s auto czar for a while. How important have … Continue reading →
John Hinderaker at Powerline notes that Rubio isn’t just young, he’s culturally youthful: Not only is Rubio a knowledgeable sports fan, he actually listens to rap, hip-hop and similar abominations. Normally I wouldn’t think this sort of thing would impress … Continue reading →
Actually, it’s just one of the many reasons. But it’s a pretty big one, IMHO: Jeb Bush says that the Senate should confirm the nomination of Loretta Lynch, President Barack Obama’s choice for attorney general. A number of Senate Republicans … Continue reading →
This is a good interview with Tom Cotton on the Iran “deal.” In it, he suggests better alternatives, and speculates on the possible consequences of the deal as it’s currently being described by the administration. I suggest you read the … Continue reading →
…hat is in the ring: Rubio, however, is the original Tea Party candidate. His candidacy united the grassroots against the leadership and he won. The Washington crowd convinced themselves he could not win, but the grassroots proved they could pick … Continue reading →
Emily Phillips had a way with words, and she used it to write her own obituary, which has gone viral [hat tip: Althouse]. I bet we can get a good idea of Phillips’ personality by reading it: It pains me … Continue reading →
Expect an indictment as early as Wednesday: The FBI and the Justice Department have been investigating Menendez’s ties to Dr. Salomon Melgen, a close friend and financial backer of the New Jersey senator, for months. It’s not clear exactly what … Continue reading →
For a long time the right has been sounding the theme of the relative lack of experience of Obama’s advisors. Obama surrounds himself with sycophantic worshippers and/or neophytes, word-people whom he has elevated to positions of power. With all that … Continue reading →
Commenter “Mrs Whatsit” asks: Is anyone besides me wondering whether the reason that the Obama administration has been so quick to throw Hillary under the bus might be to make room for a new candidate who’d offer the trifecta of … Continue reading →
The news is shocking and yet not shocking at the same time, because by now everyone had figured it out: the Germanwings co-pilot deliberately crashed the plane and killed himself and 149 souls on board. His motive? Unknown. Islamic terrorism … Continue reading →