Obama’s Justice Department…
…strikes again.
Continue reading →…strikes again.
Continue reading →…who are these 12% of Republicans who still support Obama?
Continue reading →My new piece is up at Pajamas Media: “Obama and His Enemies.”
Continue reading →…is brilliant, as usual.
Continue reading →Obama would like to energize the people who were instrumental in putting him over the top in 2008, the youth vote. When a person is accustomed to having the magic touch, it’s hard for him to perceive that the gift … Continue reading →
…are apparently leaving for Chicago soon. Axelrod will be in charge of Obama’s re-election campaign from afar, and Emanuel plans to run for mayor of the city. Robert Gibbs is rumored to be Axelrod’s replacement as Senior Adviser. Axelrod and … Continue reading →
Today former Department of Justice voting rights section chief Christopher Coates testified before the Civil Rights Commission about the Black Panther voter intimidation case. This is what Scott at Powerline had to say on the matter: Coates’s testimony is a … Continue reading →
Woodward’s book on Obama’s Afghanistan policy-making process reveals that Obama didn’t speak of victory there: According to Woodward’s meeting-by-meeting, memo-by-memo account of the 2009 Afghan strategy review, the president avoided talk of victory as he described his objectives. “This needs … Continue reading →
I’ve got a new piece up at RightNetwork. Please take a look, and comment if you so desire. And while you’re there, this trailer looks interesting.
Continue reading →The White House has announced that economics adviser Larry Summers is leaving. I’ve been anticipating this move for quite some time (see this), and I’m certainly not the only one (see this). The real question is: why is Summers leaving? … Continue reading →
Back in June, Barack Obama was seen as much more qualified than Sarah Palin for the presidency, if this Rasmussen poll of likely voters is any guide. Fifty-one percent considered him qualified, but only twenty-six percent said the same of … Continue reading →
…does Obama most resemble: Hoover or FDR? Personally, I think Obama is sui generis.
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