Spilling the beans on Obama
Now it can be told. It seems that Obama isn’t quite as politically savvy—even within his own party—as he was once thought to be.
Continue reading →Now it can be told. It seems that Obama isn’t quite as politically savvy—even within his own party—as he was once thought to be.
Continue reading →Commenter “expat” points us to this article about Obama’s constant references to and reverence for Gandhi, expressed during his Indian visit, and the fact that this isn’t exactly reassuring to the present-day Indian government and business leaders. Obama is many … Continue reading →
By his own admission, Obama is poised for a mid-course correction. I don’t recall whether Clinton announced a mid-course correction, but I know he performed one. What’s more, he actually had a previous track record of working with Republicans rather … Continue reading →
A helpful reader sent me a link to this 2008 Obama quote. Another one that ought to send tingles up your spine—and I don’t mean the kind that Chris Matthews got down his leg: A 2008 New Yorker article quoted … Continue reading →
It’s for thee and not for me. In other news: Obama’s no Clinton, and Boehner’s no Gingrich.
Continue reading →Even the left appears to have fallen out of love with Obama, and wonders how and why it all went wrong. Read as Tom Junod tries to puzzle it out in Esquire: Though many Americans didn’t know very much about … Continue reading →
Remember those Arthur Frommer travel guides that promised the reader a way to tour Europe and spend only $5 a day? I know inflation has made that a thing of my youth. But still, I find this figure hard to … Continue reading →
To those who haven’t done their homework, it sounds like just another crackpot conspiracy theory. But Stanley Kurtz has done his, and his new book Radical-in-Chief: Barack Obama and the Untold Story of American Socialism is the result. Kurst is … Continue reading →
Sometimes Charles Krauthammer is just so very succinct: In a radio interview that aired Monday on Univision, President Obama chided Latinos who “sit out the election instead of saying, ‘We’re gonna punish our enemies and we’re gonna reward our friends … Continue reading →
President Obama decided to appear on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show, the better to fire up his youthful but enervated base. Almost immediately, Obama displayed a well-known characteristic of his—or rather, two—complaining and historical ignorance: “We’ve gone through the two toughest … Continue reading →
…with the narrative. And in other news, Mr. Bipartisan Lovefest speaks out: [Obama] said Republicans had driven the economy into a ditch and then stood by and criticized while Democrats pulled it out. Now that progress has been made, he … Continue reading →
Obama’s words come back to haunt him—and Harry Reid:
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