Obama the PACman
This should come as no surprise whatsoever, if you remember this, which was far worse.
Continue reading →This should come as no surprise whatsoever, if you remember this, which was far worse.
Continue reading →Today there’s lots of news about the fact that a new Obama poll shows Obama up somewhat. No surprise, really. Lately the focus has been away from Obama, which almost always raises his standing in the eyes of the public. … Continue reading →
In a move that should hardly surprise anyone, Obama has circumvented the power of Republicans in Congress by appointing Richard Cordray as head of the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. It’s been clear for a long time that the fight … Continue reading →
Commenter “foxmarks” writes: Barry can’t really be a -100. He has studiously continued many of GWB’s policies (cf: FICA tax holiday, GITMO, drone strikes). Barry’s rhetoric is a -100, but as the Progs fairly argue, he has governed as a … Continue reading →
I’ve never thought of Sarkozy and Obama as being similar. But an article about the former in the December 12 New Yorker contained a paragraph that, although about Sarkozy, could just as easily apply to the present attitude of a … Continue reading →
I wonder what important things Obama thinks he’s doing for the people at this point, and what important things he plans to do for them/us in a second term: I also wonder why he and Michelle are so down on … Continue reading →
In the thread about the drone captured by Iran, “Mr. Frank” made the following comment: The military wanted to destroy the drone on the ground. Obama turned down their request. Why? I was curious to see whether this was the … Continue reading →
…they’re all Republicans. Somehow I don’t think that’s a good approach for Obama to take in his re-election campaign. After all, most polls indicate that a generic Republican does better against Obama than any of the individual candidates we actually … Continue reading →
My article about the theme of societal and economic “fairness” in Obama’s Kansas speech is up at PJ. Join the comments either there or here. Or both, if you’re feeling especially talkative.
Continue reading →Michael Kinsley dissects Obama’s Kansas speech—otherwise known as his attempt-to-channel-Teddy-Roosevelt speech—and finds it wanting in several telling ways: …[I]n addition to being unfair, [Obama’s] conflating actual crooks and the innocent affluent makes it hard to claim that raising their taxes … Continue reading →
It’s often noted that incumbents have an advantage over their opponents. It’s usually assumed that’s because incumbents have an inherent gravitas, familiarity, and seeming inevitability. But it’s also because incumbents ordinarily don’t have to duke it out anymore with anyone … Continue reading →
The evidence mounts (hat tip: Ace) that Obama’s name may have been placed on the Indiana Democratic primary ballot due to petitions with some forged signatures: The prospect that [Jeff and Charity Rorie’s] are two of an estimated 150 signatures … Continue reading →