Speaking of Obama and Jews…
…(and we were, at least sort of) did you know that some of his best friends are? And that he thinks he knows more about Judaism than any past president, because he read about it? By the way, at the … Continue reading →
…(and we were, at least sort of) did you know that some of his best friends are? And that he thinks he knows more about Judaism than any past president, because he read about it? By the way, at the … Continue reading →
By now you probably know that Obama has committed another huge boo-boo: he has managed to outrage the Poles by referring to a Nazi death camp in Poland as a “Polish death camp.” The occasion was some scripted remarks during … Continue reading →
That is, Daughters. Obama’s slip of the tongue—saying “my sons” when he has daughters—seems very odd indeed. Does he have sons we don’t know about? Or perhaps he always wanted sons, and this is in the nature of a Freudian … Continue reading →
This Politico piece about how Obama’s campaign has been flatfooted and awkward contains the following rather amusing observation: Some key Democrats say they have been dismayed watching Obama become a divider not a uniter, trying to incite anger among women, … Continue reading →
So all right already—Obama was a stoner in high school. Didn’t we already know that? And although the photos are rather interesting in a retro-70s way, do we really care? Not all that much, although it certainly tells us some … Continue reading →
I wonder what Obama meant by this—other than just a new way to attack Romney: There was a woman in Iowa who shared her story of financial struggles, and he gave her an answer right out of an economic textbook. … Continue reading →
During the Republican primaries, Romney was attacked mightily for his tenure at Bain. Gingrich was the main—although hardly the only—source of the criticism. His supporters said that, far from harming Romney if Mitt ended up being the nominee, this would … Continue reading →
The latest tiresome, minor, conjured-up brouhaha is that a Romney-supporting PAC sort of thought for a while about doing a clip talking about Obama and Reverend Wright. The memo features a description of Obama that has many on the left—including … Continue reading →
[NOTE: I actually wrote the draft of this post a couple of days ago, before the news that forms the subject matter of this came out. But it has interesting resonances with it.] An absurd question, you might say. And … Continue reading →
Now there’s a bit of a furor about a blurb from Obama’s literary agent in 1991 that listed him as Kenyan-born, as well as a 2004 AP article from the days of his Senate race against Jack Ryan that does … Continue reading →
…for his gay marriage stand. As he of course knew they would. It’s interesting, though, what some of the interviewees in the article said. They seem to think he’s just being pragmatic now in his support of gay marriage: i.e. … Continue reading →
In the lastest New Yorker, John Cassidy writes: In my neck of artisanal, hormone-free Brooklyn, the latest CBS News/New York Times poll, which shows Mitt Scissorhands leading “The First Gay President” by three points, landed with a nasty thud. “I … Continue reading →