Trying to keep the lies straight
It ain’t easy. Although there’s hardly any need to do it when you’ve got the MSM is on your side.
Continue reading →It ain’t easy. Although there’s hardly any need to do it when you’ve got the MSM is on your side.
Continue reading →I’ve got a new article up at PJ, entitled “Romney’s daunting challenges.” My original title for the piece was the title I gave to this post, because I didn’t want it to be about Romney, but about what any Republican … Continue reading →
David Goldman takes a long, hard, and well-worth-reading look at anti-colonialist Obama: What’s the difference between growing up in the Third World, and taking an Ivy League course in neocolonial studies? It’s about the same as the difference between sex … Continue reading →
…my biggest failure is the Republicans’ fault. And it may also be that I work too hard. Although actually, that’s my biggest weakness. Or maybe it’s that I care too much. So, do I get the job?
Continue reading →I was searching for something or other, and I happened across an article on a different subject that caught my eye—this 1996 article by Jonathan Chait (he of BDS pride) about his fallen buddy Stephen Glass, the serial liar whose … Continue reading →
The Washington Examiner has a multi-part series of short articles called “The Obama You Don’t Know,” debunking some of the myths of Obama’s “narrative.” It punctures such tales as the one about how poor Obama’s family was when he was … Continue reading →
Barry Rubin has written a piece describing Obama as a new kind of leftist: Barack Obama is not a communist, a fascist, a Muslim, a Marxist, a Progressive (in the pre-1920s meaning of that word), or even a socialist. Obama … Continue reading →
…but I repeat myself. Via Breitbart: I’d actually rather he was bullsh**ting us than that he actually believed this sort of naive, arrogant claptrap.
Continue reading →[Hat tip: commenter “Teri Pittman.”] I have no idea whether the facts as related in this Reuter’s article are true. I’m a bit suspicious because (1) there have been so many different sources on the embassy story, each with a … Continue reading →
Ace writes about the deplorable lack of security at the Benghazi consulate. I can’t find a link in Ace’s post, but the information seems to come from this Politico article: The Benghazi consulate had “lock-and-key” security, not the same level … Continue reading →
Here’s the text of Obama’s statement on the murder of Ambassador Stevens. Some excerpts: The United States condemns in the strongest terms this outrageous and shocking attack. We’re working with the government of Libya to secure our diplomats. I’ve also … Continue reading →
Let me see if I’ve got this straight: A privately produced and amateurish anti-Islam film made by expat Coptic Christians in the US and distributed on YouTube is said to spark violent protests in Cairo. The US Embassy there apologies … Continue reading →