Very very…
…disturbing. But hardly surprising.
Continue reading →…disturbing. But hardly surprising.
Continue reading →No surprise whatsoever here: Egypt’s president on Thursday issued constitutional amendments that placed him above judicial oversight and ordered the retrial of Hosni Mubarak for the killing of protesters in last year’s uprising. Mohammed Morsi also decreed immunity for the … Continue reading →
…for “black” in the eyes of Democrats, what does that say about what they actually think of black people? And what words are left that are PC enough to pass codeword muster when criticizing a black person (or a woman, … Continue reading →
…the MSM should have been asking about Benghazi, but won’t. And don’t sit on a hot stove waiting for Obama’s answer. Many of us have said it before, but it bears repeating: this administration poses a great danger because it … Continue reading →
CBS reports that a source says that the Benghazi talking points were changed by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, without the knowledge of the White House. Let me stipulate a few things. The first is that I … Continue reading →
…let’s encourage new immigrants to apply for welfare. And then let’s refuse to comply with a Senate oversight request about it. Because we can. One would almost think that this administration would like to turn the whole country into California: … Continue reading →
I know quite a few people who don’t think all that highly of President Obama but don’t think he’s all that unusual. They see him instead as a typical politician doing typical political things. Now and then I’ve tried to … Continue reading →
Reports are that Petraeus has testified that yes, the CIA knew quite early on that the Benghazi attack was probably terrorism, and no, the CIA wasn’t responsible for Susan Rice’s final talking points, the ones from which that information had … Continue reading →
…behind closed doors. How nice for us all.
Continue reading →…what an awful lot of people have been thinking: Of course [government knowledge of the affair] was being held over Petraeus’s head, and the sword was lowered on Election Day. You don’t have to be a cynic to see that … Continue reading →
Rumor has it that John Kerry is being considered for the post of Secretary of Defense. If true, this would be another example of what a keen sense of humor Obama has. For what better way to enrage the majority … Continue reading →
Drudge’s headline for this story reads, “Despite Benghazi bungle, Susan Rice favored for Secy of State.” My response is: what Bengahzi bungle? Rice did exactly what she was told and what the administration intended. That was no bungle, that was … Continue reading →