Like a laser
A laser, I tell you.
Continue reading →A laser, I tell you.
Continue reading →When in doubt, Obama makes a speech about race and is hailed as magnificent. We’ve noticed this phenomenon before, most noticeably in his reaction to the Reverend Wright problem he faced during the 2008 election. That speech was vapid, but … Continue reading →
Either President Obama identifies pretty strongly with Trayvon Martin, or he’s pretending to do so for political purposes. First we had Obama’s statement that, if he’d had a son, he’d have looked like Martin. That was fairly early in the … Continue reading →
Another untruth in the selling of Obamacare emerges: “Depending on the plan you choose in the Marketplace, you may be able to keep your current doctor.” The bottom line is that Obamacare guarantees neither. Doctors may be only available through … Continue reading →
…it does. As usual, Thomas Sowell nails it. I fear the answer to his last question, “is this still America?” is “no.” [ADDENDUM: Here’s one of the best comments at Ace’s: I found mattress tags in Zimmerman’s trash. Signed by … Continue reading →
…it’s the honor system for Obamacare income subsidies. Oh, that’ll work just fine. Unbelievable. And yet at this point, ever so believable: The White House seems to regard laws as mere suggestions, including the laws it helped to write. On … Continue reading →
The brilliant Richard Fernandez totes up Obama’s blunders in the Middle East, in this article and in this one. He says, among other things, that, “The administration’s foreign policy is unwinding like a busted spring.” Or is it? Certainly, if … Continue reading →
Let’s see: Congress passes the health insurance law that comes to be known as “Obamacare.” Obama seems to have taken the name to heart: it’s his law and he can do what he wants with it. So by executive fiat, … Continue reading →
We in America have been pretty lucky for quite a long time. Despite the fact that our method of electing presidents hardly guarantees greatness or even competence, we’ve mostly had presidents who displayed at least the latter, competence. And we’ve … Continue reading →
…protests against the Morsi government rise to a new level. It’s always somewhat difficult to estimate the strength of demonstrators in terms of how much they can really undermine a government willing to play hardball with them: how tough that … Continue reading →
Pretty great interview with the brilliant Dr. Sowell:
Continue reading →Let’s race through another jumungous game-changing country-transforming bill before the public can turn on it and us! It worked so well for Obamacare. Now if I can stop being sarcastic for a moment (it’s difficult), let me observe that I … Continue reading →